Well the issue has not gone unnoticed by Sunpost Reporter, Rebecca Wakefield. Towards the bottom of her column Critical State she says of the African American leadership's response (150 activists showed up at County Hall to protest the removal of Bradley, an African American):
"And some of the protesters are also the ones who stood by while the county’s housing agency became a fetid cesspool benefiting a handful of contractors, connected employees, and the politicians and community leaders who kept turning a blind eye while people from a different social class (but from the same bottomless well of rhetorical angst) were not served by their government."
"Where were the sit-ins from local notables when it was revealed thousands of poor people weren't being housed while a handful of contractors got rich? Now that’s an injustice worth bruising your keister for."

"Choking back tears, Seijas pledged her support."
Natacha choking back tears; give me a break. Ick.
Thank goodness some journalists got it right. Beth Reinhard of the Herald isn't one of them. She feels the Mayor should have given the "black commissioners a heads up or a postmortem." I disagree. The black commissioners didn't deserve any special attention due to Bradley's termination any more than the male commissioners, or for that matter, commissioners whose first names begin with the letter R, or those who wear glasses. Enough of this pandering to the "black community" - it's an insult to all of us. This wasn't a black thang, period.
Agree with the comment above. Wakefield is virtually alone in the published weeklies/daily media who asks the question: (which your blog also asked!) where were all these prominent black leaders when the shtf with the Housing Agency? Nowhere.
The black elite close to power are as corrupt as the latin builders. We need to build a coalition with the poverity advocates and others who really care for the community.
At some point this may turn out to be about Mr. Bradley, right now it is about the strong mayor. In reality, if the majority ruled we would have a stronger ethics panel, no housing or any other financial scandals and a Performing Arts Center where the county was not outwitted by lawyers for contractor cost overruns.
The majority is incompetence and favoritism, the minority is logic and financial restraint. Good luck.
Quite right. Those people staging the sit-in were mostly lobbyists and people dependent on getting at the taxpayer's money for accomplishing next to nothing. They were upset the gravy train was going to provide less gravy.
And where were those well dressed black people when thousands of black people were not getting any affordable housing from County "leaders"? Where were they when millions of dollars were getting disappeared?
Give me a break, if Seijas shed a tear it was because she will miss Bradley's favors and it's an opportunity to smack the Mayor. Seijas was the commissioner who demanded removal of the banner condeming the genocide in Darfur in the lobby of county hall. She said Cubans in Cuba should be first in line for empathy. Seijas was the commissioner who yelled at a group of black people who left the chambers in protest, "You people, come back here".
She may wish Bradley had not been fired, but it ain't because he is black.
Last Anon:
It was Victor Curry whom she yelled at and he walked out in disgust. He is now the NAACP head in Miami Dade.
And Victor Curry was protesting Roosevelt Bradleys firing. Where was Victor Curry when Teele was stealing money from the Overtown CRA? Wasn't Victor Curry Teele's protege?
Why isn't Victor Curry protesting the Overtown CRA giving $1.4 Mil per year to the PAC Center. See any blacks paying for tickets to PAC events? Who is complaining about the PAC cost overruns?
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