Saturday, March 31, 2007

Carnival Center for the Performing Arts (PAC) is beginning to Crack. By Geniusofdespair

I went to see the Gilberto Gil concert last night. The Miami Herald said about him:
“One of the most important singers, guitarists, and songwriters in the world, Gilberto Gil has been at the forefront of Brazilian music for decades, from the frothy Bossa nova wave of the 60's right through today's Afro-Latin music explosion.”

It was a good concert, HOWEVER...
can someone tell me why scores of people, in just my section, arrived up to 45 minutes late and some entered the auditorium in the middle of songs? I would say at least 75 people arrived late. The woman behind me, with bangle bracelets clanging, came a half hour into the concert and proceeded to have a conversation with the friend who had gotten there before her. This was in the middle of a Gil number. Miami audiences are rude, rude and more rude. People started leaving about 20 minutes before the concert ended and there was a mad dash of people out during the encore applause. And, although they say no photography, you can see dozens of cell phones taking photos (screens lit up) all over the concert hall throughout the concert.

If any of you are interested, we found a crack (see photo) in the Knight Concert Hall flooring, this crack is a symbol of trouble brewing.

If this facility has to go in front of that nasty commission for more money, and it appears they will have to, they can expect the most excessive tongue lashing in the history of the County Commission (see previous column There was actually a lot of news in the Miami Herald today! ). If I were them, I would not be able to go back to the Commission with my tail between my legs. I could not stomach standing there during those obnoxious thrashings without saying what I really thought of the commission. They make you stand there a very long time and they make you say things by asking loaded questions designed to humilate the speaker and what you represent. It takes all your restraint not to say "F--k you." I once had this happen to me - by Natacha - but former County Commissioner Jimmy Morales rescued me before I had to utter the words in my head and heart. Thanks Jimmy.


Anonymous said...

The idea that anyone would waste the taxpayers money on such a huge white elephant is another testament to the power of lobbyists over the good of the people.

Now we have the lobbyists and insiders at the "no-collection" Miami Art Museum trying to con the City of Miami Commissioners into giving them $300 Mil to $400 Mil and read carefully...they are not planning to fund (or plan?) any parking. And of course, they want $150 Mil to $250 Mil in free waterfront land. If you do the math, it will cost the taxpayers almost $10,000 per visitor, the first year. After the first year, it might cost $1,000 per visitor.

If you disagree, speak up. Or you will end up with another PAC Center and its back-up plan to close down.

Anonymous said...

The Performing Arts Center is new to Miami, and apparently, many in Miami are new to performing arts. Perhaps the Performing Arts Center should do more to educate the public. They could post a note on their website that concerts will start on time and no one will be admitted late. All new endeavors take training, and this is no exception.