Here is the most important story because it is my absolute favorite topic, and it is on page 5 of the B section. Herald think about placement when you complain about readership going down (American Idol news was better placed). Spouse pointed it out or I would have missed it and this is a MUST READ. Commission blasts PAC, approves new loan. The thing that I am focused on with this article is: The absolute rudeness of these commissioners, their sense of entitlement is mind-boggling (read my previous post: March 09, 2007, The County Commission is all about POWER!).
Rabin quotes Commissioners talking (including the Vile Natacha) about opening night of the Performing Arts Center:
'Everybody and their brother was in the front row, and they sent us to the back, the audacity, the lack of respect,'' bellowed Commissioner Natacha Seijas. ``How dare they. . . . When it comes to giving us the respect, we're second-class citizens, third-class, fourth-class citizens.''
Chimed in Commissioner Audrey Edmonson: ``When we went to eat, we were in a corner somewhere. I want that message to get back because I'm sure there will be a day when they have to come back to us.''
They are more concerned about where they are seated in the Center then they are about all our money going down the drain. And note that Edmonson promises retribution. Making threats? My God! And yet another threat in the article:
...Commissioner Dennis Moss, who harked back to opening night... ''From now on when you have to think about coming back to the board, think about the County Commission first,'' Moss said.
Are these the worst people you have ever heard, drunk with their own power? How dare they, now do you believe me that it all about power?
This gets my worst assessment: ICK. (hit "read more")
Ana Menendez Column

"The great newspaper crisis, then, may be more a product of accountant anxiety than any actual repudiation of what newspapers do, day in, day out, seven days a week, 365 days a year without a break and with very few errors, a record of earnestness that any other industry would rejoice to achieve."
Let me tell you Ana, I don’t think we web bloggers can ever replace you or your newspaper. We don’t think we can. We don’t have the money for the research as you point out. A short blog sometimes takes me 4 or 5 hours of research on the web. I can’t boss around Chuck Rabin and tell him to attend a meeting for me. Gosh, I can’t even stomach to watch the County Commission meetings on TV. Ana, as we point out, we are trying to supplement the Herald: what I like to call “The Anemic Coverage of the Herald.” I don’t know how to diagram a sentence – I don’t want to be a reporter. I do this because I am frustrated with what I see, and, of course, unlike you I don’t get paid.
You might check out Dave Barry’s analysis of the Herald’s falling readership (It is in my post of January 31, 2007). Also read: My post of February 23, 2007, "Miami Herald: Is it the buggy whip of this century?" Which is my analysis of the Herald's future.
Performing Arts Center
According to the Miami Herald: They are $3,000,000 in the red. Another boondoggle? Too early to tell.
Now I can go read what Gimleteye wrote.
I see that RHRC comments in Gimleteye's astute post - just read it.- beat me to the Rabin quotes. Those quotes are so typical i guess it is not bad if you get to read them twice readers.
Look who is in charge of the arts committee overseeing the PAC a fundamentalist christian Comm. Javier Souto! Great just wait till the PAC needs something approved by the BCC watch how they are gong to use this to divide our community even more. Watch the BCC spend 500M to build something and then destroy it to maintain their own egos and positions.
As it has been said many times "the voters get what they deserve". If you vote for someone just because they are a member of your group and they turn out to be rotten, as our present County Commission is, you deserve it. There are plenty of fine, honest members of your group who can be elected to office if they thought the rest of the officials would also be honest. Search for good candidates and convince them to run by working to see that many others do the same thing. Then you will not have to be so ashamed of your commission.
Exactly Mensa! Hispanics and whites/Anglos have the commission they deserve so shut up about it already. Maybe its time to study logic again MENSA. Can't you see that the same hurdles are faced by candidates regardless of color or ethnicity. Have you been reading this blog. Just because a few elites are making noise it may not be how most of "those" people feel about corruption. Isn't that called "error of sample."
That being said the silence on this blog is deafening over Roosevelt's Bradley's termination and it is not a good sign. Moreover, Mayor Alvarez being unable to call him Mr. Bradley but rather Mr. Roosevelt on Jim Defede's morning show are more proof that he is tone-deaf when it comes to color. Moreover since Alvarez is soo very concerned with corruption at transit its time he takes a look into his friend over at the Parker Family welfare society in the Police Department. What's up with that?
What we really need is a black candidate who stands for good government and integrity. I nominate Angela Giddions for mayor. Remember her, fired for standing up for what she believed in and to the BCC over issues at MIA. HRH Angela Giddions although short in stature, righteous, outspoken, and at times distant like a confident royal was always open to listening to different perspectives, respectfully to regular citizens even overly polite, well-informed, and personally incorruptible. What more can you ask for in a administrator? She was also quite popular amongst those who read the Herald white, black, or hispanic which shows why they got rid of her so quickly, now is there any question as to why black/white/hispanic leadership is so bad because the people in charge want it that way.
Last Anonymous:
first it is Angela Gittens not Giddions. I Like and respect her very much and would support her as a candidate for any post. Get her to run..
Second, this blog WAS NOT silent on the Roossevelt Bradley firing -- March 17th post with 12 comments.
How is that silence?
Third: Mensa is talking about a perfect world. just like TRULY BLUE always says: Find good candidates and all will be right. We don't have a perfect world in Miami Mensa and Truly blue. Yes, you need good candidates but the way the county is set up it is impossible for a non incumbent to win. Even a great candidate can't raise the $400,000 needed to run a campaign. Nor do the candidates have the yearly discretionery funds ($300,000) the commissioners get to throw around in their district to buy votes. Sitting commissioners can hold funds over during an election year, and spend two years in one year - the election year -- that could bring it to a million dollar campaign for a $6,000 a year job. And you get to sit in the back of the auditorium at the Carnival Center (yuk).
We need term limits of the county commission because of that. Also, Miami Dade people, no matter how you try to drum it into their heads, do not understand the county layer of government.
Fourth: This is not the commission I deserve, I have worked for 3 candidates for County Commission in the last election cycle. I gave money, and more money, I held signs, I did research, I manned the phones, I did everything I could. I don't deserve this Commission. No human being deserves Natacha Seijas. But the unions love her and stand by her...
You might all deserve what we have but I don't. I put effort into change. I walk the walk.
I can't figure out who you are mad it....and why you are picking at this blog.
"A cultural center is nothing without us and you had better not forget it". Miami-Dade County Commissioners
That is the reality, $300M over budget, so they put private philanthropy types front and center.
The commissioner's need those same dollars for re-election, the real reason for the outcry was the fact that they had to mingle with each other. I would be outraged also.
Did the commisioners PAY for their seats at the opening performance?
Or was this a BRIBE?
If so Moss' comment about retribution fits right in.
GAWD, the BCC is shameless.
I sure hope they do not give away the taxpayers money for the two useless museums who covet the taxpayer owned property on Bicentennial Park.
More people attend a typical Starbucks in one hour then attend the Miami Art Museum in a week. What a waste.
To one of the anonymous: They didn't pay for their seats. However, anyone who knows the commission would know enough to give them the best seats. What is really going on? Were they snubbed on purpose by the performing arts center? A reader tells me they weren't even acknowledged when they were thanking people. Maybe the PAC people didn't enjoy having to kiss the feet of the commission. I wonder what they are going to do now to run the place. I just got tickets for a show: all the seats were $10 each.
Anyone watch the name-clearing session?
Jordan introduces her former campaign manager Wade Jones who as it happens is employed by the county. This County Commission is speaking with a forked tongue.
That might have been better left unsaid at the next name clearing festival.
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