Also read this one:
From the Sub-Prime to the Ridiculous.
A sample:
“Think of the U.S. economy as an unstable dam. The first leaks will be seen in the dam’s most vulnerable spot. But there will be many more leaks to follow. Before long the entire dam will collapse. It would be a fatal mistake for those living downstream to assume a leak is an isolated event, unrelated to the integrity of the dam itself. But that is exactly what those on Wall Street are doing with respect the horrific data emanating from the sub-prime market.”
P.S. In my search of properties down South of Miami, in sprawland, I ran across more than a few purchases in the $300,000 range with only 5% down. That couldn't be good.
For more on this, check out the "Mortgage Lender Implode-o-meter." Seriously:
I actually just made a post describing what subprime loans are:
What is a Subprime Loan?
The previous post from the real estate agent suggests filing suit against your homes' previous owner if he/she fails to disclose defects or the house does not live up to expectations. Next up in SO FL real estate - real estate agents, buyers and sellers turn on each other. Just imagine the blood in the water in Florida, drugs, gun cluture and a sour real estate market. Here comes the 1980s all over again just now its about a real esate depression.
thanks Micheal Emiilio:
I looked at your link.
Also Ms. Lush gave us an interesting link. See above.
Now I know it is not just God supplying me with Time Magazines at the moment I need them. I can turn to my blog friends too!
You gamble for the big money, sometimes you lose. Those in the sub prime market are in there for very large profits. Often they win big, but it is the law of nature, for big profit you take a big chance. I have no feelings of sorrow for those who lose now.
However, we will get left holding the bag. Do you remember The Savings and Loan fiasco During the Teflon Presidential years?
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