Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Grove Bay Residence at Mercy Hospital by Genius of Despair

In a new twist on the Condos at Mercy, County Commissioner Carlos Gimenez has requested by Resolution File No. 070290, that the County Attorney shall consult with appropriate County staff to ascertain the impact, in terms including, but not limited to, size, scale, height, density, traffic and viewshed, that this proposed development of 3 staggered residential towers - the highest of which consists of 37 stories - will have on the County's Vizcaya Museum and Gardens.

The County Attorney is directed to determine the County's legal position with regard to the development or any aspects that may impact Vizcaya Museum and Gardens.

The plot thickens...

According to the website Miami Condo Lifestyle these condo's will be quite affordable: Price Range: $2,500,000 - $10,000,000. A reader alluded to my wealth: sign me up for 2. Unfortunately, I am much closer to Umoja village than Grove Bay. I don’t know anyone personally that could afford these.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful development! Now, I wonder how they will try to sell the units once it is out that the medical waste gets dumped right next door. I guess the salty air will take care of any contamination when you open your balcony. Lovely...

Anonymous said...

Anyone care to comment on why Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones fell all over herself trying to find reasons to justify her vote to approve the rezoning which would allow these massive $3 Mil plus condos to destroy the quality of life in someone else's District? Given that Spence-Jones is commissioner of Overtown and Liberty City she seemed quite keen to solve the housing crisis for the centimillionaire set.

Anonymous said...

Comm. Spence-Jones decision was made very easy by Comm. Sarnoff in his vote against the Crosswind's project (in District 5/Now called Sawyer's Walk) a month before the Mercey hearing. She said so, by thanking Sarnoff (early last City Commission meeting when they were discussing a completely different application) for teaching her that while it is proper to support the decision of the District Commissioner in these matters, some times, issues present themselves that require going against the District Commissioner. Once I heard that comment, I knew that Mercy was in the bag for Related. She was the only potential swing vote, and she telegraphed her vote before Mercy came before the Commission.

Anonymous said...

Spence-Jones has so many conflicts. She reminds me of the character in the Exorcist.

Anonymous said...

The media says Jorge Perez bought many opponents. Why not buy a Dist 5 Commissioner? Has Spence-Jones upgraged her vehicle?