I am not going to reinvent the wheel, so here is a reprint of what Citizens for Positive Change came up with on that awful Natacha Seijas. The group is trying to get her out of office but Natacha has seniors so scared they will lose their services, I doubt that citizens can prevail. It would be a happy day if they could. I want to say personally, the boxy, vile Natacha has always been rude to me. I will not appear in front of her any longer as she is so abusive to the public. Here are some of the reasons her District should recall her according to the Citizen's group:
• Opposes Miami-Dade County citizen’s rights to vote on the Strong Mayor, spending our tax dollars in hiring expensive attorneys friends of hers
• Voted in favor of moving the Urban Development Boundary to further enrich big developers, instead of protecting the wellbeing of taxpayers
• Voted in favor and defended the powerful rock mining owners so they can obtain permits to blast and dig without going to public hearings
• Voted in favor and defended the additional “mitigation” fee imposed on the City of Miami Lakes, in order to discourage incorporation, and these taxes benefits other areas in the County instead of the City of Miami Lakes
• Under her watch, the Miami Dade Water and Sewer department has allowed developers to not pay millions in water usage, the scandal with the cell phone abuses, and our County was sanctioned by the state for not complying with the 2005 Growth Management law
• Verbally attacks and is disrespectful to citizens and public officials who differ from her opinion and speak in public hearings of the Miami-Dade County Commission
The problem with your assessment is that the issues you mention are not issues of primary interest to Commissioner Natacha Seijas' District. I find that many organizers have difficulty organizing opposition because they are not organizing on the right issues nor toward the right constituency.
Your issues are not the issues that inspire the voters of Natacha's district. Unfortunately for your movement, Natacha has delivered to HER district of working class, mostly hispanics and seniors. Her staff responds to their constituent needs.
She doesn't much care how she is viewed outside her district because people outside her district don't vote for her re-election, thus you have faced the many faces of Natacha, and that sometimes means she is MEAN and condescending.
We witnessed this when she crushed her opposition last time she was up for election. Again, she had formidable opposition with plenty of funding, but she campaigned longer and harder than any of her opponents did. Natacha is a political animal. Do not underestimate her nor the troops that will be called to her defense, like the unions she has helped get contracts, including Firefighters--who have been her friends since her days on the Hialeah City Council and the SEIU Nurses. Don't forget about the high powered lobbyists who will be raising dollars to campaign for her retention.
When proponents of "Holding the (Uban Development Boundary) Line" decided to collect signatures to recall Natacha Seijas, I knew they would face an uphill battle. The exercise may prove to be an exercise in futility.
Sorry that I cannot offer words of true encouragement, but I applaud your commitment to Justice and to better more civilized government.
Truly Blue
Truly blue you are truly right when you said:
"Natacha has delivered to HER district of working class, mostly Hispanics and seniors. Her staff responds to their constituent needs."
I fear that there will be no way to dump the vile Seijas anytime soon. Maybe she will get arrested or something. That would be good news.
I do want to correct you "Blue":
The hold the line group had NOTHING to do with the effort to recall Natacha. Yes, some members of HTL group participated in both but it was not - I repeat - not a sanctioned effort of Hold the Line.
Speaking of the proposed "tacky" airport shirts... "My MAID wears better clothes than that."
Tell us how you really feel about the low-life working people out here, Natacha!
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