In a stunningly boring vote -- the dim Bruno Barreiro, Natacha Seijas's handpicked candidate, is now the Chair of the Miami Dade County Commission with a vote of 7 to 6 (Moss). Too bad. How he is going to string two sentences together is going to be his challenge. He won't be forced to think: Natacha will do that for him. Oh, well. We get what we deserve. Another two years of a really rotten chair. Ick. The good news: we don't have to listen to Martinez pontificating anymore and Bruno is handsome in a Eddie Munster kinda way.
He might be more handsome than Eddie - but Eddie is much smarter.
It is frightening how many people are not aware who their county commissioner is, or how much power the collective body wields. The easiest thing is for people to complain about the state of affairs in Miami-Dade, but they need to be engaged if they want actual change. Whether it's traffic, developer give-aways, you name it, it all leads back to county hall. What other elected positions (which pays something like $6000 per year) sees campaigning to the tune of several hundred (think $300,000 PLUS) thousand dollars, just to keep this job of "community service"? What is wrong with this picture? The commissioners are writing their own rules on ethics, further inhibiting new candidates from running by making minimum fundraising standards in election years. Thank GOD (Genius of Dispair) and the others chiming in here on Eye on Miami. This blog is just getting warmed up it seems and I think it will be the exact antedote this county needs. The Herald is snoozing through too much.
We scawf at dictatorships, unchecked power, but the junta in Dade clings to it's own power and resulting mismanagement like any troupe of despots the world over.
I look forward to Eye on Miami's sharp watch- lord knows this place needs it!
The lobbyists and Natacha got what they wanted in Bruno the Dim.
Bruno the Dim will need to wear one of those cheat-sheets like football quarterbacks wear on their wrists to remember the plays.
Expect Bruno the Dim to wear out his telephone on the dais, taking instructions from the sky-boxes.
Bruno the Dim!!! I love it!!! Reminds me of medieval times.
So what's the real scoop on making Bruno the chair? Is he going to be a sacrificial lamb somehow?
Who voted for that guy anyway?
I'm happy that I am not the only person who has noticed that his elevator doesn't go to the top floor-but I didn't realize that it was Ms Nasty that pulled his marionette strings.
Now I know he is a total boob AND a loser.
On the other hand, I am glad that Moss was not made chair. His rude and rough treatment of the citizen speakers is secoond only to Ms Nasty.
Watch your handsome new puppet leader closely now and you will see a lot of strings being pulled. Of note, he will soon emerge as the champion to "update" the county's manatee protection plan.
Look for committee appointments to guide this process and observe the attempt to undo the modest protections currently in place to protect manatees.
It is payback time particularly for his friends and development interests along the Miami River and downtown.
He may be a dim bulb, but the bright light he follows comes from all his behind-the-scenes buddies.
How can anyone following this commission have any realistic hope for better county government when a commissioner with brains, demonstrated leadership qualities and sincere concerns for true reform (such as Gimenez or Sorenson) simply can't become the chair due to all the backroom dealings that many of the others engage in to gain and maintain power?
REALLY LIKE THESE COMMENTS! Especially the nice things said by Anonymous 2:
Thank GOD (Genius of Dispair) and the others chiming in here on Eye on Miami. This blog is just getting warmed up it seems and I think it will be the exact antedote this county needs. The Herald is snoozing through too much.
I and Gimleteye need to get feedback so we know what you want us to write about. Email me anytime:
geniusofdespair@yahoo.com if you want to identify yourself.
It amazing that Martinez said aloud that the commissioners could speak among themselves as long as they weren't speaking about soemthing they are going to vote on...... I wonder how often they do dinner together?
I believe that he also mentioned that we had a tough 2 years.... without a Mayor. Where has Martinez been?
Now the fun and games really begins.
Why are they allowed to use tax payer $$$ to fight a tax payer driven change in government?
The most ridiculous part of the election of the Commission Chair is that all the negotiation for votes occus out of the sunshine with lobbyists as messengers. It seems to me that true transparency needs to be part of this process in electing the chair and vice-chair of the commission.
I am told that Bruno Barreiro is a great reader of scripts, the question to Miami-Dade Countians ought to be, who is writing the scripts?
One might wonder, who is paying to oppose the strong mayor as well? Look at the campaign PACs that will certainly form to oppose the strong mayor and you might see who is writing the scripts for Comm. Barreiro as well.
What a pity that the chair position seems to be one earned by ethnicity and not by merit. When will this community get the government it deserves? When it decides to run better candidates, elect better commissioners and pay them a decent wage.
Come on Miami-Dade Countians, lets get it together.
Truly Blue
Let's hope the Strong Mayor ballot initiative will pass. That should put the County out of its misery and then Bruno won't have to string so many words together during his term as Chair.
UNBELIEVABLE - how did THAT GUY win????
My gosh. Well, I love this blog. I will continue to be a regular reader.
What is with Audrey Edmonson? I am afraid of that gal. She has consistenly been a bad voter. She votes with Natacha. That should tell you something. I think Barbara Carey Schuler thought she had some control over her, but it is not happening. I can't believe she didn't support Moss in the vote.
Look at these commissioners as the situation faced by the LA Supervisors in the 1970s and 1980s. There are many differeences, however there are also alot of similarities. Very powerful officials, in control of fiefdoms that cannot be toppled. Little real name recognition in their districts, however there opponents have even less name recognition and no funds to fight a real election because of complete corporate dominance. Take the lessons from the nimby activists in LA and change the public perception of the commission, build on the UDB issue, it is the only way to make progress.
Why are you all surprised Bruno was elected. Among his many qualifications the most important is that he has a "rubber neck" that only nods affirmatively when commanded by Natacha "Lucrecia Borgia" Seijas.
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