Sunday, May 20, 2018

SNL grabs Donald Trump by the Pussy ... by gimleteye

SNL writers are quick, but even they couldn't react fast enough to catch Trump's capitulation to North Korea demands that the US stop its planned joint training exercise with South Korea.

In the show's season finale they did pin the tail on another donkey: Sarah Palin on Twitter. Palin is paid big bucks to put her stamp of spite, bigotry, and outright nastiness in defense of Trump. Tina Fey reprised her Palin caricature last night and voila.

In real life Palin cried tears when, recently, Senator John McCain expressed his regret for elevating Palin to the national stage. All she's done, since, is use her "celebrity" to poison the well of civic discourse. As SNL suggests, Palin has plenty of company:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Republican Party is as guilty as AIPAC, Fox news and now Saudi lobby to spread the seeds of fear, ignorance and hatred, it takes a village to raise Sarahs.