On the local front, a Task Force put together by Mayor Carlos Gimenez ( to advise the County Commission) is winding down and about to vote on the movement of the Urban Development Boundary. The group's composition* is strongly weighted towards expansion. At the last meeting the Environmental side was in the majority near the end of the meeting (miracle) and a motion was made. The Rock Mining Queen, must have realized her side was under-represented, and said she had to go. The Planning Dept. said please don't go, we will lose the quorum. She sat down but another wise guy jumped up and left - quorum gone. Her signal to her side worked.
Twenty minutes later the wise guy was seen outside in the hall on his cell phone. He had no pressing matter as to why he had to leave, he just was afraid of the motion put forth by the minority side. What this man did was illegal. You cannot avoid a vote. But who is going to do anything about it? There is no penalty, so even though it is against the law, they can't do anything to the guy, he is just a real creep and you can see how very serious they are about manipulating the outcome.
They meet today at 1 pm. They usually meet way South -- so most people can't attend unless they are willing to fight massive traffic jams. Today they are meeting West, different traffic jams.
The Urban Expansion Area Task Force Agenda:
I might go just to hear Michael Pizzi. The presentations are meaningless, they all already know how they are going to vote. |

Meanwhile, there is another push going on by MDX out West for the expansion of the Dolphin Expressway 836. We are doing all this as the REAL threat of sea level rise engulfs us from the West as well as the East. Makes no sense.
*This is a list of membership for the Task Force:
1000 Friends of Florida
Tropical Audubon Society
Urban Environment League
Nova Southeastern Shepard Broad Law Center
Sierra Club
Agricultural Practices Advisory Board
Redland Citizens Association
Rock mining representative
Builders Association of South Florida
Latin Builders Association
Florida East Coast Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.
Florida Home Builders Association
Homestead Air Reserve Base Representative
Property Owners’ Representative – Eastern Urban Expansion Area
Property Owners’ Representative – Western Urban Expansion Area
Community Council 11
Community Council 14
Community Council 15
Florida Nursery Growers & Landscape Association
Tropical Fruit Growers of South Florida
Dade County Farm Bureau
Latin American Business Association
Biscayne National Park
Everglades National Park
Urban Land Institute (Southeast Florida/Caribbean Chapter)
Friends of the Everglades
Miccosukee Tribe of Florida
ZERO reason to expand the boundary. We don't need more sh*tty, overpriced townhouses in Doral and Kendall. If you haven't been lately, visit Doral and check out the massive sprawl next to Trump's golf course.
Why aren't the county Planners telling us about the existing amount of
residential development that is already on the books that hasn't been built inside the UDB? Again, Why aren't the Planners not telling us the amount of INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES inside the UDB that hasn't been developed? There is an abundance of both that HASN'T been developed WHY THEN IS THERE A NEED TO EVEN DRAW A NEW UEA lINE???
Shouldn't the Planners and County Leaders be working to IN-FILL WITH AFFORDABLE --WORK-FORCE HOUSING in areas blighted and stagnant inside the County where the infrastructure is in place? (Industrial areas like between Flagler to Opa Locka--between LeJune and Miami Ave. Roads, Water, Sewage are already in place!
No need to be thinking of UDB expansion!
So much corruption, so little time.
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