With all this presidential nonsense we have totally ignored our most favorite Municipality in Miami Dade County: Hudstead.
I have to admit I have never knowingly been to Keys Gate (although I did a tour of foreclosed homes years ago and I think many were in Keys Gate), the Development of Regional Impact that Michael Latterner (now deceased) and Wayne Rosen got permission to build so long ago I just don't remember. However they both made a fortune on this DRI. A fortune!! They built so many homes. A DRI is a windfall for a developer.
They had a golf course as part of the Development and people liking that socked their savings into a house in Homestead. No accounting for taste. The glossy must have been nice.
The golf course after years of neglect became a weed field. The Clubhouse was closed. Amenities be damned. So, what does a developer do? Try to get the Government to pay for it. Rosen tried to get Department of Housing and Urban Development money, to rehab the course. He said it would create jobs. After a firestorm of bad press, he said he was going to abandon the course and let it turn brown. Pretty nasty stuff to hear for the buyers of their dream home in Homestead. I would suppose they would be very, very angry.
Rethinking his harsh proposal, Wayne held a closed meeting and a new scheme surfaced. Lets build more homes and in exchange fix up the course and make it smaller. A meeting was held at Keys Gate and a golf course expert described what every golfer wants, a smaller course with more homes.
![]() |
The Closed Keys Gate Meeting |
The people of Hudstead's Keys Gate were caught between a rock and hard place. Tolerate more homes and get the Council to let Rosen change the zoning or they would have brown over-grown grass behind their homes.
So, somewhere out of the blue a petition was developed and the Keys Gate community NIMBY members were signing it in droves:
With hopes of pressuring council members, residents of Keys Gate subdivisions are backing Rosen by way of an online petition.
On the table? Having the council overturn a decision made by Homestead’s planning and zoning board and allow him to go forward on rezonings to build single-family homes near a beer warehouse, speedway and airbase. In exchange, Rosen would pledge to renovate the rundown Keys Gate Golf and Country Club.
The petition has 489 names on it. Rosen want's 1,000.
And the question we are all left with is -- is Wayne Rosen a greedy developer? I don't know.
An altruistic developer might have bitten the bullet and fixed up the Course for the people who trusted him way back when, when they bought their dream home with their savings.
So the moral of this story is:
When you look at that glossy offering brochure when you buy a new home, watch out. Aside: What happened to the "A" school promised? Now a "C." (another blog but here is the KEYS GATE SCHOOL AUDIT)
Wayne Rosen and Patrick Gleber are extorting residents by using a crappy and cheaply done promise of a golf course renovation to pressure the council. Talk about a quid pro quo, give us housing options in the industrial Park of Commerce and I will reopen the golf course I bought and closed.
What a couple of nice guys!
The council would not exist without the financial support of Rosen so rezoning industrial areas to residential is likely.
Having a council member play golf at the exclusive Ocean Reef Club back in September without having to disclose it is just a bonus for Rosen.
That would not be the first time that council received perks from Wayne and they were not filed with the clerk.
Hudstead remains a cesspool.
This seems to be the typical developer smoke and mirrors game that promises the world and delivers little or nothing of what was originally promised. Sleazy shenanigans seem to be the norm with Wayne Rosen.
Stop Calling Us Hudstead.
The sleazeball is given immunity by the SAO. On February 26, Eve Rosen hosted an event for the State Attorney under the umbrella of domestic violence legal aid. Think there is a connection? DUH!
So what's wrong with a little extortion of homeowners turning them into unpaid lobbyists?
It's the Miami way.
The petition started out of the Key Largo Chamber of Commerce where a couple of Gleber's shills are located. So Gleber is clearly colluding with Rosen who is his partner. The delegates always try to make Gleber out to be on the homeowners side. Truth be told he is out for himself.
The entire Keys Gate delegate system and HOA should be shut down and run independently. Nobody has a voice except Rosen and when he does not want to speak directly because of how it would make him look, he now has Patrick use the delegates to do his dirty work by promising a championship golf course. They all look bad in this process.
Just fix the course and clubhouse without conditions of rezoning which is now proposed to be 120 acres down from the promised 150. Less greenspace equals more homes.
Read the audit. Putting the asking of the school board to sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to our telling you who we paid off is worth the read alone.
Then we get the nuts and bolts of the financial scheme. Conclusion, charter schools are a front for money laundering. H-U-D STEAD deals and steals.
Rosen was the undisclosed recipient.
Shortly after he went into the school business. He was paid for helping put together the most self serving city council in the history of Homestead.
Rosen gives hope to the hopeless. The petition only says that the signer agrees to Wayne Rosen holding the golf course renovations, golfers, area residents as hostage until such time as the (ransom is paid) which is the rezoning of commercial.
All of the signers agree with Wayne's blackmail plan. They want their home values to rise and when Wayne builds the thousand houses he has left to build those values will surely accelerate. It's proven that flooding the market with cheap housing and high density projects drives prices higher. Especially in Homestead which was ground zero for the housing bust in 2008.
The blueprint is to eliminate all commercial property so jobs can't be a part of eliminating two hour commutes, replace the commercial with more residential for even longer commutes. Brilliant.
The Miami Dade County Schools Audit Department is quite competent. The School Board Department has checks and balances that even charter schools must follow. I read the Keys Gate School response and they do not plan on changing a thing, If I were them I would reconsider the recommendations made by the Miami Dade Schools Auditors.
The land is already zoned for Mixed Usage...look it up, the land is NOT COMMERCIAL.
It is in a Park of Commerce, it is not in residential.
Actually, zoning was changed years ago...Look it up! It is now mixed usage both commercial and residential. They just want to build single family homes and not the hundreds of town homes planned. Even the city has land that is zoned for residential...Look it up, it is all public record.
It was changed to allow the school in there. When that school did not draw what Rosen thought it would he wants to change it again. The Homestead City Council is not in the business of providing income opportunities for Rosen whenever he sees fit to change course. It remains a Park of Commerce, just because nobody wants to do business with Rosen except Lennar don't blame the city council and hold Keys Gate Golf Course for ransom.
He wants to build single family houses the SW of Homestead could use some sprucing up. Then again he would not have to give freebies away to the council so it would be a win-lose instead of the usual win-win between him and them. Look that up.
After reading the comments I'm not surprised by the rhetoric which always seems to be the same by a few close minded people in regards to Homestead . The facts are simple and clear in 2012 the city Council voted and it was unanimous in favor of Mr. Rosens request to build 189 Multi-family Homes . One finds it hard to believe that the Councilman who represents The residents of Keys Gate is not supporting the Fazio Golf Couse that's being proposed and funded by Mr. Rosen. My question is why the Councilman that represents Keysgate is flip-flopping on his Vote from 2012 when he voted yes and why he's not supportting his own Community that he lives in ? Which brings me to my next point in 2012 there was no problem with the race track and today it's a problem because certain people from the track have a personal vendetta against Mr. Rosen I don't see anyone else willing to invest 12 million to facilitate a state of the art Fazio Golf Couse. Those on the Council that understand what this means for Homestead ,Miami Dade,Fl Keys and visitors from around the country not mention creating jobs I commend you for you vision and support. The effort that went into downtown homestead over the past five is extraordinary with a New City Hall, Semole Theater, Police Station one can only hope the same Energy and effort will be focused on the East Side of Town and Build this destination golf facility. We look forward to the March 16th City Council meeting to be held in our New City Hall located at 100 Civic Ct The meeting will take place in The Council Chambers. Charter buses will be available to transport folks from Keys Gate Golf Course to the New City Hall at 5pm. What's funny is how all these comments are anonymous stand behind what you say and don't Hide.
Larry Meno
That vacant land owned by the applicant is temporarily zoned for agriculture with zero plants. They should retroactively charge him county and city taxes on residential since the rezoning is just another lie. The biggest lie was fixing the golf course. Should of had this miserable excuse of a person put it in writing. He lied, he tried using homeowner funding that failed. He tried stealing HUD money that failed. Now he is using extortion to pressure the council. The man is on a mission to not pay for anything having to do with the golf course. Too bad Keys Gate is clueless. Being a liar and being cheap is now worthy of idolization in Hudstead. No wonder why you have so many government issues and scams. Circulating a petition for a known and repetitive liar.
Larry weren't you a Keys Gate golf course manager and called as a witness when your buddy hid all of the golf equipment and reported it stolen?
Buses? If the clubhouse meeting held in February is indicative of how Rosen treats the Keys Gate community you might want to wear boots and mosquito repellent when boarding one of his buses.
If your going to sit at the big boy table and be Anonymous please have all your facts in order.
Larry Meno
Case #100825-0005 10/2/2012 Larry Meno responded to the HPD and provided a written statement.
FBI, FBI, FBI extortion is a crime even in Hudstead.
This is a test of government and of rules and procedures.
Did anyone force Rosen to buy the golf course? No.
But he finds it acceptable to force officials to provide him with guarantees on his investment. It is apparent something has run off of the rails.
Just did a quick search of the park of commerce, all these properties are mixed usage Primary Zone 9300 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT and Primary Land Use is 0081 VACANT RESIDENTIAL : VACANT LAND. I suppose they can build houses, town houses, condos and so on...
Folio: 10-7921-011-0040
Folio: 10-7921-011-0020
Folio: 10-7922-002-0010
Folio: 10-7921-011-0030
Folio: 10-7921-011-0035
Who in their right mind would want to establish any business in Homestead's Park of Commerce among residential housing? Throw everyone in there out, rezone the whole thing to residential and hope Larry Ventura and the Pentagon are asleep when the building starts.
One has to wonder if the issue is even about the golfing community anymore.
Hey, Lynda-it's Hud-stead, Get over it.
People do not have to leave their names. It doesn't make their response less meaningful.
Larry you sound like a shill for Rosen. Homestead voters are not very smart, but the best thing they did was to reject you for city council. It appears you and Wayne had a little plan all along. You have no one's interest in mind except your own, you lapdog.
You got that right about Larry and Wayne. Remember also that Patricia was funded by Rosen in a PAC and she never had an opponent. She is doing all the cheerleading for Rosen. Note her comments in the Herald.
I just don't understand what the golf course has to do with the Park of Commerce. To tie then together is a mistake. Those parcels are not congruent and on that reason alone Rosen's application should fail.
The petition has people from Boynton Beach signing as well as Chicago good job Boomer and Ted.lol
What Bill Tibolt et. al. are not telling you is that the approval for housing in the park of commerce was already done in 2012 for higher density. The NOPC (Notice of Proposed Change) being discussed now actually reduces the number of houses THEY ALREADY HAVE APPROVAL FOR! it also shifts density to better serve the golf course and QUALITY DEVELOPMENT that is necessary for long term survival of the course. Look at Redland Golf & Country Club if you can call it that. There isn't enough development around it to continue to operate it properly and support it financially. Wayne Rosen may be an ass but that shouldn't let a handful of folks like Pamela Gray (anti-development everything) who doesn't even live in the city blind you all. Listen to the facts. Weigh your decision wisely and understand this very carefully. Development is going to happen with or without us so lets influence it in a positive way and stop the crap. Progress is happening everywhere, its time for it to happen in our own back yard.
BRAVO ........
March 08, 2016 - I get it! Thanks for putting it into words... What this blog should be seeking is why Bill's self-appointed board that he sits on are realtors, property managers, commercial real-estate advisor and a guy from P&Z (who fully is aware they can build more) would all be against less housing. Hmmm
What Rosen and Gleber are not telling anyone is while they are reducing some density they are moving it around the DRI. That is the reason for the NOPC. They are playing 1,000 card monty and the delegates fell for it.
Speaking of delegates why isn't Gleber who owns Doug, LLC with Rosen and sits on the KGCA master board conflicted while pushing the delegates on the petition effort? He gains from all of the efforts of the delegates. Some of whom either work for him or have family employed.
The city needs to get some real oversight and legal opinions on this. It remains to be seen if it fails what happens to the golf course.
Based upon the Miami Herald reporting about the tritium leaking into Biscayne Bay and Card Sound from Turkey Point, by all means please build more homes. Let's not have any hearings from FPL on what this means to the Biscayne Aquifer where many South Dade and Keys residents get their "potable" water. In Homestead and Florida City they refer to Turkey Point as a great neighbor. Thanks neighbor.
Page 15 of the audit is revealing.
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