Public Enemy Number 1 |
The Miami Herald's Doug Hanks says flushable butt wipes cause
"Epic Clogs." The Sewer Department calls them the "Growing Wipes Threat". It is Countrywide, the photo below is from Portland. The Miami Herald has a barfable photo of their own of OUR sewer clog -- way more disgusting than mine.
Sewer Pipe: Let that breakfast soar through you.... |
Don't use the sewer cloggers please. It is costing money.
The Water and Sewer Department says:
These products (baby wipes, tampons, etc. included) do not breakdown within the sewer system and can result in costly clogs, as well as sewer backups in your home. Please be mindful of what is flushed down the toilet, the unseen damage can result in millions of dollars in repair work or replacement, not to mention possibly affecting service delivery.
In a related story covered in the story posting below this topic, the Homestead CRA has apparently flushed $35,000 down it's sewer system.
We pay taxes so we can flush whatever we want down the drain -Miami style. Try telling somebody at a pool or the beach not to bring glass bottles. You will get smacked upside the head.
hahahah and here i am worry about septic tanks. Imagine all other other stuff down there. All these people on all kinds of medications gets flushed away.
Every single municipal sewerage system in India is malfunctioning now, because of new hygeniene products that the systems were never designed to filter. Can you imagine.
I used to use baby wipes until I clogged the pipes in my house. I did some searching and found this new product called "Heinie Giene". This stuff is great! You just spray it on toilet paper and it makes if feel like a baby wipe. Now I get a nice clean feeling rear without having to worry about clogging my pipes. I will never wipe without it again! Check out their website www.heiniegiene.com.
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