I was in the courthouse the other day and took just two photos because I was busy with the swearing in of Daniella Levine Cava.
If you have a beautiful building you have to take pride in how you make repairs. You don't just stick a screw in (that doesn't match and strip it) and put/leave a piece of hardware in that is butt ugly. Come on. Make believe this is Vizcaya. Treat it like that, you fixing folks. Don't just go to a box of hardware and choose something. Mayor Gimenez, go in and look at the building. Make Jennifer Glazer Moon do a survey of the repairs. This is unacceptable.
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Bathroom Door Fastener |
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Needs a cleaning...both floors. Look at that beautiful under layer tile. |
The above looks O so Miami.
The County and City constantly reminds us to be on the look out for fau contractors, but then employs chappuseros themselfs.
Chief Judge Soto bears responsibility. She is the Chief Judge. She should demand better maintenance and she should demand that Miami-Dade County does a better job maintaining this iconic historic building. Does Soto ever walk around the property? And of course, Carlos Gimenez bears responsibility.
In Miami, what are the chances a great new building will get funded: one the glorifies the Great Destroyers or one that offers equal access to justice for all destroyers?
Fake budgets. Keep using taxpayers money for employee salaries only. Let everything crumble until you need a bond offering for sports parks, parks, sidewalks, streets, hospitals, water and sewer, computer systems, and administrative buildings. If people realize you cannot maintain a simple structure like Marine Stadium fool them with bizarre public-private deals to cover up that you don't have any money. Miami-Dade is underfunded in every project.
71% (maybe 74%) of the entire City of Miami Budget goes to employee pay and benefits. Maybe 60% of the entire Miami-Dade County budget goes to pay and benefits for the employees. Who is protecting the taxpayers? Who is protecting our historic structures?
Too much unfunded infrastructure. What are we government by the bond? Some giving money to churches and other projects that don't merit it.
Don't blame a judge. She's not in charge of maintenance issues. The county is in charge of repairs. She has no authority over the budget for fixing crumbling buildings.
My late husband, Charlie Rice, loved that courthouse. He loved the refurbished courtrooms and the ceiling...He loved the historical tales. He was angry with the county administration because they let the slabs of stone go year after year (10 yrs? maybe?) falling from the outer walls...
My children and I have started collecting photos of the building in honor of my husband and some day will give them to the courthouse archives; but not until the county gets their act together.
Funny thing: I got locked in a jury-room bathroom once and had to flag down a construction worker by hanging out of an open window to get rescued before the jury came back from lunch.
There is no excuse for such a dirty floor and the toilet was pretty dirty too.
The judges and Ruvin want a new building so they will let that building decay as much as they possibly can. They have no interest in fixing it. The worse it gets, the better their argument that they need a new one.
Isn't Lester Sola in charge of the Internal Services Department which is supposed to maintain all county owned buildings? If so, why hasn't Sola been removed from his position or at least disciplined for his negligence?
Sola is a disaster. He leaves departments in shambles wherever the assign him.
Yeah, Lester is bad because he can't fire managers who can't fire supervisors who can't fire union employees who do a clearly terrible job.
What's next?
This is Bush's fault!!!
FYI they fired the union guys years ago.. It's contracted to custodial services but supervised by the county managers. So yes, management is to blame. the ones that work at the "pleasure of the mayor", like Lester.
Doesn’t the County realize that every building must have continued maintenance? Just as is the case with your home, so are the rules of maintenance in commercial buildings, especially historical buildings such as the Courthouse.
This is a thorough disgrace. Why didn’t anyone notice that the courthouse needed attention years ago? They simply do not care. They don’t understand the beauty of an old building properly maintained. All they know is to replace it with a nondescript new building, failing to understand the value of a well-constructed building filled with so much history.
To be forced to destroy an old historical building because of neglect is one more case why Miami will never be anything but a mediocre city.
These people have no class.
So, let me get this right, people dont want to pay taxes, yet complain when infrastructure starts to show signs of decades of neglect. Place the blame where it belongs, Board of County Commissioners not funding repairs and the public for foolishly thinking that not paying taxes has no impact.
"People" don't want to pay for graft. Don't want to pay for promises unfulfilled. Don't want to pay for junkets called "trade missions." For excesses based on greed.
"People" who see what they get for their taxes, don't mind paying their share.
Vilify taxes based on past corruption and expectation that all government is just useless wastefulness with no link to actual services - and then there is the usual "No taxes" rhetoric that's recycled during campaigns.
How was the money spent that was allocated for this building's maintenance?
It appears to have gone into someone's pocket since that toilet could not possibly flush it all down.
Soto is the tenant. Did she ever complain in writing? WTF?
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