Monday, November 24, 2014

Board of County Commission Zoning Meeting November 20th. By Geniusofdespair

To Daniella Levine Cava from a constituent:
"I watched you on our Gov Channel. We're very proud of you and the way you handled the zoning matter. It was very professional and fair to allparties---applicant and neighbors. We are deep rooted in Agriculture and know you feel the same for the future of Miami Dade County. The buffering of Ag land inside the UDB with a policy for all residents and farmers will benefit the future generations of our county."
Wayne Rosen didn't get this one by Daniella Levine Cava in her first zoning meeting. Some of the other commissioners bent themselves over to try to get her to take back her request for a denial. Sosa got her to defer instead. Wayne wanted the vote in December and Levine Cava insisted on February.  Watch the videos. The first one is her discussion. The second one is the discussion on the vote. You will get a good idea on how Levine Cava is going to conduct herself. Goofy Wayne Rosen must have not been too happy. He was in the audience with Juan Mayol and some other lawyer I do not know.  There was much constituent testimony on the zoning change.  It was an appeal of the CZAB denial.

Zoning Hearing Part 1:

(Watch on YouTube)

Zoning Hearing Part 2 - the vote:

(Watch on YouTube)

If you want to watch the WHOLE MEETING YOU CAN DO SO HERE.


Anonymous said...

What a breath of fresh air. Common sense, common courtesy, paying attention to the neighbors taking time off from work to attend, and taking the area in to account. Wow!

It reminds me of the meeting when Monestine replaced Rolle!

I cannot wait for term limits to start taking effect. We still have 8 years more for some, but not the others.

As to the appliation:

1) It is premature. There is a glut of EUM in that area either approved or starting construction.

2) This application is 1000 ft. from the UDB and the highest designation, if the developer can prove need, which they haven't proving, should be EU1 at the most to buffer the Ag lands.

3) Do you know how little I can care about the contractual obligation between the Seller and Rosen who is trying to re zone, after the Seller has been benefiting from an Ag exemption since they've owned the property - less than zero!

4) Rosen - him and Mayol can keep going to Waldman and Company in Hudstead and continue paving over farmland there as they've allowed you to do whatever you want. There's no need to try that model in Redland, where the community actually cares about preserving their community and the UDB line.

Anonymous said...

You can't have pockets of agriculture it has to be contiguous or else it never works it's good that we finally have a commissioner that understands that. Otherwise you have homeowners complaining about spraying farm equipment and the various needs of farmers. Agriculture is important to South Florida we have sub tropical temperatures.

Anonymous said...

Charles Laprad is a jerk. He only is interested in increasing the value of farmland for farmers so they have more incentive to sell. Don't be fooled Daniela.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of my Commissioner Daniella Levine, she did a terrific job in this county meeting I look forward to more of the same. I wish this Miami Herald newspaper would stop calling her liberal. She is a moderate, a consensus builder and I think they should reflect that not dwell on Democrats and Republicans in nonpartisan office.

Anonymous said...

Daniella proved adept at decorum. Well played.

December - push - January - push - um, yeah, we'll take February, Ma'am.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am so impressed. Her comments were not only well thought out but she was respectful. She stood her ground, without getting emotional. And most impressive is that she acknowledged the residents and made requests on their behalf. What a refreshing change from Bell.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could add a "like" button!

Anonymous said...

Rat-face Rosen got his tail between his legs now.

As for Honey Boo Boo Bell, she's a-sittin' on the porch at the Redland Hotel tossin-back Old Milwaukee tall boys by the case, mutterin' "the South's gonna do it agin"!

Anonymous said...

Don't pollute the South with Bell. She is NOT one of us. The best thing she could do is go back to her south Broward trailer park. Maybe a job in Altamonte Srings with her beloved Fla Right To Life group.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just wow! I never in my life expected to hear what Commissioner Cava said. She is one amazing person, to be able to put the onus back on the developer. Those contractual issues are phony - the seller wants to maximize their profits at the expense of the neighbors. Contracts are easily extended and the terms of the contract are also easily changed - it all depends on whether the seller wants to take a hit on their profits.

Amazing, just amazing! What a refreshing change! Holy cow!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great start by Cava. We look forward to Cava dissecting Jack Osterholt and that dope Ed Marquez. We expect no Marlins Scams will pass on Cava's watch.

Anonymous said...

Well well well...we got us a REAL commissioner now! Not some empty clanging bell. Go Daniella go! Give em hell DLC! It's not always going to be smooth and you will win some and lose some but at least there is some damn good activity under that salt and pepper. And that will help you go toe to toe in the close ones. Damn if we could only clone you for some local politicians' spots in Cutler Bay and Palmetto Bay. Commissioner, we got your back down here in District 8!

Anonymous said...

Developers have had too much power and influence for years. Whatever happened to "Eastward Ho"? Too many developers want to invade the Everglades. There are plenty of parcels closer to Downtown and closer to mass transit. Cava can help get the urban core revitalized.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Cava is very smart. We look forward to seeing her question County bureaucrats who hope to force unprepared commissioners to pass one lousy scheme after another. Those county "lifers" need a shot of reality.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Daniella for being fair. Farmland must remain farmland. Mr. Sousa was great in reminding us that farming creates jobs and other services such as fixing farm equipment, selling produce its time these developers back off. Farming is forever and Building homes is temporary.
Mr. Laprad is an embarrassment. Questions were asked of him and he could not answer without babbling. Pepe Diaz is unreformable. He only supports the people when he is sick like when he had brain cancer.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Daniella for being fair. Farmland must remain farmland. Mr. Sousa was great in reminding us that farming creates jobs and other services such as fixing farm equipment, selling produce its time these developers back off. Farming is forever and Building homes is temporary.
Mr. Laprad is an embarrassment. Questions were asked of him and he could not answer without babbling. Pepe Diaz is unreformable. He only supports the people when he is sick like when he had brain cancer.

Anonymous said...

However, too far east is a problem too. How wise is it to continue to build residential and business infrastructure for example in South Dade east of Old Cutler Rd and then further south in Homestead even east of the Turnpike? Have we forgotten a little windstorm named Andrew and his max storm surge of 17 ft near Palmetto Bay/Cutler Bay. For a time Saga Bay in Cutler Bay was widely referred to as "Soggy Bay", the name still sticks. With rising tides building, too far east is a short term gain only for the developers who want to maximize profits on their empty lands whether by very unwise residential or business development, then they are gone big cash in hand. We the residents will be the ones left behind to clean up their messes in these ill begotten coastal disasters. In South Dade it's past time to say NO to irresponsible development to the west and the same NO to the FAR east.

rudy said...

Thank you Daniella for your level headed approach.

Anonymous said...

The best solution for this 20 acre parcel is EU-1 (one acre residential)
On a 1 acre home-site many fruit trees, a garden, orchid house, even a 40 X 60 or larger veg green house can make an income for the owner,--pay the taxes and buffer the 5 acre UDB.

Remember Dadeland west was one time
a large agriculture area---now a mass of concrete of all kinds, grid-lock
and now we hear of the Ludlum Trail episode.


Geniusofdespair said...

I deleted your comment post because you did not follow the " you people " rule. You also are wacky.