Thursday, July 31, 2014

Obama to Republicans: "Just stop hatin' all the time" … by gimleteye

I wish he had said it earlier, like the day after his election in 2008 when the GOP leadership of Congress convened and Mitch McConnell pledged to destroy the Obama presidency.

If the GOP gains control of the Senate in the November election, McConnell -- Mr. Carbon from Big Coal Country -- will be president of the Senate.

These days President Obama is delivering the message with a measure of humor, ridiculing opponents who are resident in very specific, insulated bubbles. What circulates in those bubbles is hatin'.

The GOP has persuaded itself that something has to be done about that uppity African American in the White House, so sue him. Sue him, because impeaching him would just look … too crazy. This is how fractions are labored over, in today's Republican Party.

The economy may be reviving, the stock market is up, but we are in the midst of the world's turmoil in ways that challenge our imagination.

A quarter of the nation wants to build fences to keep out immigrants and viruses, another quarter of the nation only watches Fox News, and another quarter of the nation is in bed with covers pulled over their heads.

That leaves a quarter of the nation willing to consider whether fences work or not, whether or not to consider another opinion and to help persuade the other quarter to get out of bed and do something. Run five minutes a day. Drink two glasses of water in the morning. Be kind and considerate and … yes … just stop hatin'.


Anonymous said...

Why was Obama using that "street" accent? What was he trying to prove? Who was he appealing to?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was trying to appeal to those of us who realize the gop is the new goose-stepping party....

Anonymous said...

The GOP is much more interested in fighting Obama than leading and taking care of the country. They spend all their time and energy on him and not on us.

Anonymous said...

should this blog adopted the same plan…..stop hat in all the time

Anonymous said...

Leadership? Obama dares to talk about leadership? I am shocked he even knows that word...GOP mean?

Benghazi, Syria, Ukraine, VA, Border mess, economy, no jobs, ISIS and much more. And he dares to even mention leadership? What a joke!

And as one Anon mentioned. Why the street language? Who is he talking to? I find this insulting that this man does not even know how a president should behave. Does he realize what he sounds and look like when he gets down to this level?

His whole presidency is a disaster. Please, don’t even bring it up. Makes me wonder how anyone could have voted for this joker.

I don’t expect to see this posted Whatever.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous#5--You forgot to mention O's biggest offense--being president while black. Lay off the Faux News for a while.

Anonymous said...

Half black.

Anonymous said...

To: "I don't expect to see this posted" - well it was posted. Allow me to remind you of the former president GW Bush and his group of criminals that took this country into a very expensive war based on their lies that we will all pay for forever. They should all be in jail. Let's not forget the hole that they dug in our economy. Remember 2005? DO YOU REMEMBER IT? Lots of Miamians do, they are still not able to make ends meet because of GOP tactics. Why is it that you won't admit it is the color of our president's skin that you and others like you do not like? Admit it, get over it, and move on. You are like a paralysis similar to the Republican Congress. I am a 60 year old white guy who works hard and deserves to live in this country without having to wage a daily battle listening to your ignorance and racism. One day you will get your comeuppance.

Anonymous said...

After all these years, why do Obama apologists continue to bring up GW Bush? Ok, I didn't like him either. But then this guy came along and fooled us all. I voted for him the first time, but not the second time. He is by far, the worst POTUS in recent history. And stop it with the racial argument. He would still be the worst president if he was purple.

Anonymous said...

To the "60 year old white guy":
I'm a 64 year old black guy and can assure you, I did not vote for him the second time and neither did most of my family. And since WE know the history of blacks in the USA, we know he hasn't lived it nor what our ancestors lived.

Anonymous said...

To the "64 year old "black guy": I hope you aren't a troll and realize now that HERO was right when he wrote that "Obama is a useful idiot as was GWB." What we need in this country is lots more people who see this instead of becoming members of tribes who just shout hate at each other while the country burns. I wish I could convince my black friends of the truth of your words, though. They still think Obama is a hero and will deliver them from evil. He won't - he works for Wall Street, not Main Street. Wake up, people, before it is too late. Ehhhh ... maybe it is already too late, you putzes.

Anonymous said...

No one is going to agree with every decision by a President. That is to be expected. When we elect a President we are looking for a value system, how they look at the world, how they feel about human life, how they process information, how they make decisions, how they view America, and how they see our role/s in the rest of the world. While we have some idea of the state of affairs, we have no idea what will happen on their watch or what decisions they will have to make.

Obama was the best leader for this time. We cannot afford hot-headed, irresponsible, emotional leadership. Every decision and resulting actions has direct and indirect consequences that have impacts decades after they leave office and set the course of human history. Since we will never have all the information he
has, we have to trust that given all that information, he makes the best decisions for us collectively.

Himalcar Barca said...

Last Anon I would agree with his restrained foreign policy BUT Obama's domestic policy (Obamacare, Stimulus, bailouts, etc etc etc...let me see how can I say this without soundin likes i is hatin on him.......

Maria said...

A porous border, no jobs, 50% on the take, on the road to moral depravity, 17-18 trillion in debt, voters being denied fairness, 1st & 2nd Amendment rights threatened, forced to unconstitutionally buy a product for the 1st time in history based on fraud, military depletion, Ambassador left to die, privacy invaded, scandals amok.

There are plenty of reasons to hate the golfer-in-chief.