My post of Feb 8, 2013 tells that Lynda Bell proposed an ordinance allowing chain link fences in the front of homes in Miami Dade County.
Here in the video is her reasoning for the chain link fence change. Note she is lying by omission to commissioners in this video when she says why she brought forth this legislation. Note she didn't mention her daughter had a chain link fence company registered at LYNDA's home.
Okay, it was really a stupid, stupid idea. BUT IT WAS MORE. Lynda Bell's daughter had recently opened a fence company specializing in: CHAIN LINK FENCES.
Add insult to injury, the fence company, Fence Assured, LLC is registered at LYNDA BELL'S HOME.
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Sunbiz records on Lynda's daughter's company. Note the address is where Lynda lives. Note the company was formed March 2012. Lynda started the Ordinance change in November 2012. |
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More sunbiz State of Florida records. |
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Advertisement on Angie's list for company |
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Property Appraiser records on that address 343 NW 19th Street. Note Lynda Bell owns the home. |
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She started the process in the county of changing the fence rule in November a few months after her daughter started the company. |
This was self-serving legislation. Lynda Bell should be tied to a fence. It is the same as her naming a publicly funded building after her mother and awarding a towing contract in Homestead (when she was Mayor) to the convicted mayor in Sweeetwater and then her daughter gets a job in Sweetwater (after her daughter got fired from the Homestead police dept.).
The change was approved on chain link fences. Lynda Bell always has a motive. The Miami Herald picked up this story and does give us credit.
Trailer trash.
Miami is the greatest city in America.
Bateman got hauled away to jail for a lot less then this. FBI FBI FBI
Unbelievable & great job on this. Too bad KFR and "let 'em go Joe" won't do a thing about it.
Once she was Mayor, it took no time at all for her to show her true self. It is not hard to reasonably connect these dots BUT you know the drill, it will be " I have no idea what my daughter and babydaddy/husband/ live in are doing." Just like the song and dance that the Redland Hotel is Mark's and it is OK that he got a loan from someone I was in a position to benefit because it is not me. Neither Ethics nor SAO will touch this with the proverbial ten foot pole. Great job showing us a glimpse of the real Lynda Bell. Keep you rfingers crossed that the Sweetwater connection bears fruit. BTW, her best friend in the 'hood and RTL is the sister in law of a criminal defense attorney seen in almost every recent case.
Lynda Bell NEVERLies. I know. Her for years.
But there is a better chance of the sun rising from the west than you saying something good about Lynda.
Thanks God she does not lister or even pay attention to blogs like this
This one is tough for me. I hate the look of chain link in the front yard because it is a very low rent look. On the other hand, I don't think it is really government's job to limit this kind of thing. I would be happy if they limited the height and require the planting of shrubs in front of this. Ugly fences devalue property and when you live in the suburbs you are signing on for living by ordinances so really, you can't let your grass grow more than 11" either. I say limit the ugly fences thing
As to her not disclosing her daughter's company, very unethical. We should expect more from our commissioners, but because we do not, they do not feel obliged to take the high road.
It is very sad that that the State Attorney's office and Ethics Dept. are not capable of acting against politicians that act against the public interest for their own benefit.
The earlier post touting how honest Linda is should review her history of taking advantage of her positions as Mayor and County Commissioner.
Chain link fences are totally trailer park. If a neighborhood wants to see its values go down it just needs to encourage more chain link fences. Lynda Bell? Self-interest? Lack of disclosure? Corruption? This deserves a Federal investigation.
hol-y ####
Chain link is the easiest way to devalue a property. Fencing is a one time investment unless you have a bunch of drunks crashing onto your property.
Rebeca your vice chair is making you look bad. Bell is ties up in the Sweetwater scandal too throw her out
So how much MORE business did this bring to the daughter? Like someone said, follow the money. This didn't even take a pa___f. Campaign reimbursements to the Whistlestop Bar and restaurant from Mark, feathering the kids nests, what's next?
Do you get that this post Is not about chain link fences? It is about other ethical issues. The chain link fence resolution already passed.
Excellent work as always, EOM.
This is reprehensible.
Let's do a recall of the Vice Chair. Actually the commissioners should do it as they elected this charlatan.
What's different from this, and what Gov. Rick Scott did by shuffling patients into chutes that delivered directly to his health care companies.
This woman is a really bad (re obvious) hypocrite. She should get a job in the private sector where the damage she can cause is limited. Wake up voters!
Daphne Campbell and Lynda Bell, separated at birth? thrown in Darrin "toad of toad hall"Rolle, thrown in Audrey, Barbara, Natacha"kill the manatees" Seijas...they ALL do things to benefit their family and's the corrupt Commission version of telecom Family Plan! and EOM, you continue to excel in your investigative blogging!
Lynda Bell needs to be in jail. She is disgusting. This is clear to a violation of ethics and what else has she done to violate our trust that we do not know about.
Most of these politicians we follow the money. With Lynda Bell we follow the family.
There is a section of the Code that governs this type of conduct:
"Section 2-11.1(g)Exploitation of official position prohibited."
Never has there been a clearer case of exploitation of official position: sponsoring changes to the Code to increase commercial opportunities for a business registered at your home address. Even Centerino might be able to connect these dots. Great catch GoD!
Wow. She really have some chutzpah. Great digging, GoD!
this is pretty blatant and a violation of the law. you need to go to the Miami Dade Inspector General Office website and file a complaint
She needs to call her lawyer Stephen Cody immediately! Oops, he is currently suspended. Wait a year Lynda, then call.
Nice going Genius. I guess that the herald figures it's now okay to go after Bell because they did a story based on your work.
And the Scum-missioners make the employees of Dade County take yearly ethics classes at the expense of the taxpayers
Oh and the Scum-Missioners and crooked Mayor are exempt form taking Ethics classes
Ha Miami Dade Inspector General..what a joke..the last Inspector General resigned cause he was having an affair with his secretary
IG was not having an affair that was the Ethics Commissioner, Robert Meyers
This needs the Feds. Are they watching?
Good work! And glad the Herald picked it up.
It appears Bell is doing her usual song and dance w/ready made excuse. I also read the Herald article last night. When exactly did her other kid get a "low level" job at FPL? After Bell became County commissioner? Her deflection and lies are so transparent, hence why she was a one term Mayor and will be a one term commissioner if she even lasts this one term she has. A smart Fed only needs to follow the bouncing ball where the IG and KFR turn a blind eye but arrest everyone else. I will be happy to make a you tube video of Bell doing the Fed perp walk with her, her kids and Mark to the theme of Deliverance. These people have profited off our tax dollars for too long, mis using the public office for their own financial gain, in the case of her kids, jobs they never would have qualified for had she not been an elected official. I thank the four dissenters on this fence vote. In addition to the blight, they must have known instinctively it was so stupid there was more to it.
This fence company located at Lynda Bell's house has done work for the City of Sweetwater. Her daught6er is a policewoman at the City of Sweetwater. When Mayor of Homestead Lynda Bell gave Sweetwater a Towing contract.
Lynda Bell makes Steve Bateman look like a choir boy. Book her Danno!
This fence company located at Lynda Bell's house has done work for the City of Sweetwater. Her daught6er is a policewoman at the City of Sweetwater. When Mayor of Homestead Lynda Bell gave Sweetwater a Towing contract.
Lynda Bell makes Steve Bateman look like a choir boy. Book her Danno!
Yes!!!These people have profited off our tax dollars for too long, mis using the public office for their own financial gain, in the case of her kids, jobs they never would have qualified for had she not been an elected official.
Hydraulic Installation Kits
It is about other ethical issues. The chain link fence resolution already passed.
Hydraulic Installation Kits
Congrats on getting the Herald to pick up your story and reference your blog.
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