The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce has its "Sand In Your Shoes Award", given to a hoo-ha whose career coalesced around civic boosterism.

Eye On Miami will take reader nominations for our first annual, "Sand In Your Eyes Award".
The rough qualifications for the award: a person, an agency or corporation whose actions have substantially added to the incredulity that goes along with observing Miami.
Last year, for example, the award could have been shared by Ana Sol Aliegro and GOP Congressman David Rivera for setting a new low bar for election violations. Or Miami Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria with elected officials who approved the worst stadium deal in America.
Maybe you have a lobbyist in mind, or, a county commissioner who tried to strong-arm campaign contributors to push her husband into the mayor's office of a small city in South Dade that wouldn't take her back in a million years.
Readers, give us your nomination and your reasons. It's all on you.
The Miami-Dade Expressway Authority for its plan for the SR 836 extension into the last open space in the county, so big campaign contributors can cash out.
Kathy Fernandez Rundle for predictable reasons.
For being the worst governor in Florida history, Rick Scott.
Katherine Fernandez-Rundle and Joe "Let 'em go Joe" Centorino. They are tied at the hip, and Centorino, who used to carry her handbag when he worked for her, now uses the Ethics Commission to provide cover for all of Kathy's friends enrolled in the Family and Friends Plan.
Lynda Bell(too much to detail - blog archives will do) with Juan Zapata as a runner up for promoting the MDX expansion in "His District" through farmland & wetlands to Parkland on Krome Avenue!
Lynda "Don't Fence Me In" Bell.
Carlos Gimenez for allowing illegal LED billboards all over the County. Now Carlos wants to allow illegal LED billboards on the Port of Miami aimed at rich tourists driving to Miami Beach. Shame on Carlos.
city of south miami government
their zoning/city services map looks like att 4g service map.
1. Never telling us what really happened with the Home Depot deal.
2. Various lies when he was running from who he was related to to how long he lived in the Grove
3. Lying to the voters that he would be "different".
4. Taking money from the billboard industry and littering our highways with LED advertising.
5. Putting the final nail in the Arena deal by voting yes on the parking garage deal. If he had voted "no", there would not be the Arena.
6. Overall hatred of the homeless.
7. Racist re: Trollygate
8. Never addressing the pollution by "Old Smokey" when it was just a problem in the West Grove. Only addressing it when the ash showed up across the street from his house.
9. Calling inspectors on homeowners that speak out against him.
10. Using absentee votes, along with using a ringer against him, to get reelected. Ringer used Village Council to promote Grove Harbor deal.
11. Giving away our waterfront
12. Taking park land from the children and giving it to the dogs.
13. Getting a traffic circle in front of his house 15 minutes after he got into office.
14. Starting the "Give It Back" campaign hoping that he and his Grove mafia would end up running the playhouse.
15. Using taxpayer money for a car, driver, and bodyguard.
This is just off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's more. I would also vote for KFR for never, ever doing her job!
Rundle, without her being ineffective and incompetent the corruption would not be possible.
Shout out to Centorino as well as the Miami Herald for sweeping it under the carpet and relying on bloggers.
Definitely the Herald Editorial Board for endorsing the following: Manny Marono, Pizzi, ADLP, Frank Carrolo, the Marlins Stadium, Bateman in Homestead, and many other mind boggling politicians who have either been thrown in jail or indicted over the last 20 years. Marquez should be ashamed...
Juan Kuryla for scheming to get himself a massive County Director's salary while the current Port Director remains in his job and while all other employees get cuts. Kuryla's background includes reassignment from his Public Works post to a remote field location because of improprieties, personal bankruptcy, coworker love affair leading to divorce, shady dealings with potential port vendors and clients resulting in Inspector General investigation, an embarrassing episode in Dubai on County business, inability to show up for work before 10am, aggressive behavior toward law enforcement at traffic stops and other unstable episodes. He is favored by this administration and commission because of his ability to cater to their needs, including numerous junkets to foreign locations using a $500,000port budget item. The 2014 Port budget also includes a $5million item for payment in a legal judgment against the County for a judges ruling that the Port of Miami has a way of doling certain business permits illegally protecting incumbents -- ``creating a handful of entrenched privileged companies". The judge said evidence showed other ``established, qualified, competent and trustworthy,'' companies were denied permits even as some incumbents who didn't use their permits received automatic renewals. Kuryla works the backchannels and selection process, where privileged insiders are awarded business while those who are not tied into the system of lobbyists, commissioner aides and certain County staff are denied.
Marc Sarnoff and his 24/7 taxpayer paid SUV and $120,000 per year policeman chauffeur deserve an IRS Audit. Anyone want to bet Sarnoff is not reporting the 24/7 SUV and driver?
Please take notice that there will be a Non-Public attorney-client session to be held
pursuant to Section 286.011(8), Fla. Stat., to discuss the case of City of South Miami v. Young
Men's Christian Association of Greater Miami, Inc., Case No. 13-01689 CA 05.
The attorney-client session will be held on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 and will begin
at 6:30 p.m. The names of the persons attending the attorney-client session are Mayor Philip
Stoddard, Vice Mayor Josh Liebman, and Commissioner Valerie Newman, Commissioner
Walter Harris, Commissioner Bob Welsh, City Attorney Thomas F. Pepe, City Manager Steven
Alexander, and Orange Legal (court reporter)
What do the zoning fiascos and sellouts of South Miami, Miami Beach, and Surfside have in common? Roger Carlton. Who played a role in such schemes in those places and in Sunny Isles and now down to the keys? Lynn Dannheisser. Who profits? NOT the general public, the taxpayers, or the residents of these areas -- they pay for it all in multiple ways though.
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