Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why is America the greatest country on earth? ... from HBO "The Newsroom" ... by gimleteye

I wrote about "The Newsroom" on the blog and may have to revise my opinion. Any TV drama that takes on the Fox News syndicate head on, deserves a second season. And of course, there is Jeff Daniels. Watch this:


Geniusofdespair said...

Sorkin writes dialogue I am thinking. Thanks Alan.

Mitch said...

Canada has free speech? LOL! I remember when the Canadian government removed the Howard Stern Show from the airwaves because they claimed it was offensive to disabled people. Canada is the U.S. without the Bill of Rights.

God Bless America, the only free nation on earth!

Mitch said...

And if you think Japan has the same freedoms we have in the US, take a look at some Japanese porn. Any video evidence of a sex act in Japan must be blurred out. America is the only truly free country on earth.

The First Amendment was the greatest gift our founding fathers gave us.

Samuel said...

I always knew liberals hate America. Your video confirms it. Thank you.

Geniusofdespair said...

This is a video about HOPE. It is not about hating America. Did you watch the whole thing? It is about being unhappy about how things have evolved and a hope that we can regain what we once had, i.e. principled leaders. Let me respond in a small minded way, like you:

I always knew Conservatives are too stupid to understand nuanced messages...this, after all was a nuanced message that you completely misinterpreted. Your comment confirms it. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

So let's list those countries that are doing better than the United States in all those categories mentioned in this piece, and check out their immigration patterns.

I am curious to see if they have the same problems we have with people from all over the world literally dying to get in all of those places.

I mean, if they are so much better, you would think that their immigration issues would be worse.

Last I heard, Canada didn't exactly have a huge problem with illegals sneaking in.


Eddie Suarez - Kpeste99 said...

Mitch: Do you recall Stern's fights with our FCC? That's why he went to Sirius. And what free speech do we have when we have a list of 7 words we can't say on television? Or try having a wardrobe malfunction... The bill of rights goes right out the door when it comes to TV/Radio, Facebook, Youtube, et al, and the FCC.

Ross said...

America banned Joyce's Ulysses and people think the Founding Fathers would have sad about Howard Stern not being available in Canada?

Eddie Suarez - Kpeste99 said...

Sheriff Navarro also banned Two Live Crew. Miami Beach Police arrested Jim Morrison for showing little jimmy.

Anonymous said...

Dumb and Dumber 2, the dream lives.

Anonymous said...

Aaron Sorkin writes the best dialogue in the past 30 years. Amazing.