Saturday, July 14, 2012

GOP SuperPACs gun for US Senator Bill Nelson ... by gimleteye

The Karl Rove death-ray is called American Crossroad and it is being aimed at various Democratic candidates for Congress around the country, armed by billionaires determined to buy their democracy.

In Florida, the death-ray is being aimed at US Senator Bill Nelson whose opponent, Connie Mack, is badly trailing the two-term senator in his own campaign fundraising. Nelson has $11 million in cash in hand, compared to Mack's $1.3 million.

According to the St. Pete Times, the Karl Rove death-ray superPAC has reserved $6.2 million for television ads against Nelson.

There was never a doubt that the Citizens United decision by the Bush Supreme Court handed the keys to Congress and the White House to corporations. Whether ordinary voters are smart enough to bar the door and over-ride the tsunami of money unleashed in favor of GOP candidates will be seen this election cycle.

My own reaction is to turn off the television or skip through every political ad that is on Tivo'd programs. I refuse to watch all 30 second spots. I refuse to read campaign mailers that are bombarding my mail box. I am also disinclined to contribute to any political candidate. What does my paltry contribution matter when Sheldon Adelson or undisclosed corporate interests like Big Sugar can give million of dollars to the many death-rays emerging from Karl Rove's shadow?


Anonymous said...

When will you be doing a story on George Soros and his superPACS? Or the numerous labor union superPACS?

Gimleteye said...

Look. We predicted this a long time ago, in fact you can check our archive how long ago, that the GOP superPAC's will outspend the Dems 10-1. Ten to one. Just wait. As far as Soros goes, he's not spending. Don't believe the Glenn Beck bullshit, drummed up to irritate conservatives. He is NOT SPENDING. Do tell me what the Koch Brothers are doing, pray tell. Or Sheldon Adelson. Or any of the other billionaires offended that Obama has the temerity to call them fat cats. And the unions? They are toast. They have been toast for more than a decade. But still the unions are a great whipping post for the conservative right. My God, man (or woman); do some reading! Stop watching Fox! Turn off your television!

Anonymous said...

There is a further point that should seem obvious to the influence of the superPACs. They push Democrats to the right, because candidates know perfectly well that the Democrats lost the nuclear arms race for campaign money. That's just reality.