Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ross Hancock Running for Fresen's Seat. By Geniusofdespair

Every election cycle one candidate seems to turn up a lot in my thoughts. This cycle it is Ross Hancock. He is a Democrat running against Erik Fresen. I don't think he is raising much money. He tells me he is walking his district. I will take his word for that. Ross, it is raining today, go out and walk!

He seems to be a good guy, I don't really know him well but hey, he has got to be better than Fresen. Allen West is the only one I can think of who is not better than Fresen. If you live in District 114 be sure to vote for Ross Hancock: Democrat, happy, good hearted guy from Coral Gables who declares his independence from:

Lobbyist-driven policies
Nonsense social issues
Wasteful partisanship
Outsider casino interests
Intrusion on local government
Teaching to the FCAT
Representatives who don't represent


Anonymous said...

Do you live in the new Dist 114? Here's a Google map:
State House District 114

Anonymous said...

He is walking his district! I know because he came to my house near the coral gables library. Sincere and committed. Let's get him elected.

Grayland said...

I met Ross at the UEL event earlier this week and thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. I believe he is a solid candidate and would do his district proud.

Grillo said...

He is a good candidate. I don't live in his district but I am asking my friends who do live there to vote for him.

Suz said...

I absolutely think Ross is wonderful! I know him from working with the community. He is bright and calls it like he sees it!

Anonymous said...

His indepence from is everything Fresen is dependent on.

Anonymous said...

Ross is a great candidate! Intelligent, honest, well-informed, and extremely committed to public education,the environment, and serving the public interest. How refreshing is that!

Anonymous said...

seems like a good guy.Needs to raise shot if not.

Ross Hancock said...

I come here for the big fish pics and the news you don't get elsewhere, so it's awesome to see these positive comments. It's tempting to use Genius's phrase "Hey, he has got to be better than Fresen" as a slogan, but I'm much more than that. I'm the environmentalist, pro-women's-equality, anti-casino, minimum-wage-raising legislator-of-the-future that lobbyists can't touch.

Indeed, we won't have Fresen's pile of dollars from Genting, Koch brothers, NRA and tobacco companies, but long before I became a rural journalist and then an advocate for vocational jobs training, I was one fearsome ad man. I know how to run an insurgent campaign with a tiny budget from union member contributions and small donors. Alex Sink only lost the precincts in District 114 by a few hundred votes.

This is our time to show the world that big money can (and must) be beat by smart money and shoe leather. If not, we will try again and again, in every corner of the state, until it's finally time for us all to look for some land high above sea level, and leave the lobbyists and destroyers to fight over whatever is left of Florida.

Geniusofdespair said...

Ross, you have to raise money. Get on the phone and start with Democratic law firms. Get some help from a campaign advisor. You cannot do it alone. You need help. A stubborn candidate is a losing candidate. You don't need as much money as Fresen but you need money!

Ross Hancock said...

Genius, even an insurgent campaign needs money like oxygen. I need $50 for pastelitos to take to a Cutler Ridge nursing home. I need pizzas for GOTV activists in the UM dorms that are in our district. The church people in South Miami are calling for yard signs ASAP. My Gables doorhangers have to be made bilingual for West Miami. I’m not stubborn, I’m hearing you. We will do this and send Fresen home in November.

Geniusofdespair said...

So who out there wants to man the phones for Ross? You can call all the people on Eugene Flinn's campaign report it is on line or get Albert Harum Alvarez's report. Just call everyone on it. Get Ross some money if you believe in him.

Anonymous said...

This is not even a horse race. Ross is so far superior to Freekin Fresen.I have known Ross for years. He is smart and will make a wonderful rep. Too bad money is not flowing to him. But, of course, he is not a special interest candidate. Only votes can beat money. Vote for Ross.

Geniusofdespair said...

Votes can't beat money. You need some money to run a campaign. I would assume since if appears Fresen is living off his campaign dollars, you don't need more than a 1/3 of what Fresen is raising. Remember there is also a second Republican in this race, Bodin.

Ross Hancock said...

People who don't think I need money to do this -- I wish. I have some great ground game in the Gables and South Miami, but Cutler Bay doesn't know any of the candidates, so some smart ad dollars will be spent there. Genius's formula sounds about right, meaning that we'll need at least $50,000 more before fall. Fresen can buy TV time again, but ultimately he is still Fresen, and he tends to give the kids nightmares.


Anonymous said...

Ross is a square shooter and started a great newspaper in Homestead years back. He wouldn't stoop to the bankers and the special interest at that time. They tried real hard to "buy" in but his honesty and factual reporting slayed the dragon.

'ole timer

Anonymous said...

Loved the Homestead Sun and the fact that it was a store front newspaper on Krome Avenue. You could walk into the office and speak to Ross about issues and he always made you feel that what concerned you concerned him. You will have a great advocate for the people if you elect Ross Hancock.