Friday, March 16, 2012

Why would ASPA Give Lynda Bell an Award? By Geniusofdespair

The South Florida Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration is giving Lynda Bell an award according to her own press release. The group didn't send one.

I thought, why would anyone give this woman an award then I figured it out. Terry Murphy, Natacha Seijas's former Chief of Staff -- He was a past president of the ASPA group and is still involved. I got this off their website.
They had Terry as their past president and I am pretty sure they also gave an award to the Vile Natacha Seijas. ASPA uses Natacha's name, giving out 2 "Natacha Seijas Women in Public Service Scholarship awards" each year.

I figure the ASPA  group isn't very selective in who they give awards to or who they make their President.  Lynda Bell - Our very own Sarah Palin, ain't we proud?


Anonymous said...

The barf-o-meter is way in the red zone this morning.

Anonymous said...

You could fit on the head of a pin what Bell knows about good public administration. This award was clearly created to be the reverse of whatever it is intended. I guess you need a secret code to unlock its meaning.

Anonymous said...

Neighbor Bell would you please not bring the tree trimmings from your commercial business the Redland Hotel to your home for the city of Homestead to pickup and dispose of. Your hotel is commercial and you should be not using the citizens of Homestead to pad your pocket. Start paying for services at your hotel. I will be keeping an EYE on you. If this is an award given to this vile Bell does not speak well for this organization.
Her staff is constantly, trying to build her image. Staff you cannot build it good or fast enough because she tears herself down. Staff you really earn your salary.

Anonymous said...

The trimmings @ Redland Hotel are kindlings for the big insurance moolah bonfire.

Anonymous said...

What do Danna Bogdanoff and Jenna Bell have in common?

Anonymous said...

Remember, people only believe what they r told... So, if they only see warm fuzzy press about Bell and then she is all kissy-huggy in person.... What do think everyone will know about her? The people will know that she is a "nice" lady....

Her staff is also great at making sure that constituents get what they want... There is a fine line between what be legally done and what cant be done on behalf of people...somehow, her staff always manages to land on the side of getting things done no matter what the issue- it is simply a question of it is accomplished. That process makes her look like a saint and people don't care how the results came about in their favor.

Anonymous said...

Nobody on her staff has any public administration experience, NOBODY!!!!? Its on-the-job training.

Anonymous said...

Lynda has one lady that worked in homestead,Joanna , if she still works there. And of course, her office manager is conveniently the wife of her campaign manager/handler.

I saw one of her staff at a meeting and the girl did not look up from her cell phone the meeting... She happily texted away the whole night...even though people were giving their issues...she didn't take notes or even bother to acknowledge that someone was expressing a complaint.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure this wasn't a story in The Onion?

Anonymous said...

You Betcha!