Pictured above is the dumber Diaz Balart brother, Mario. Prophet Ana G and Apostle Guillermo Maldonado stand between Mario, and Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi holds Guillermo's book. Someone should tell her he is a Republican. I wish Guillermo would stop with the thumbs up in pictures.
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The smarter Diaz Balart brother, Lincoln. also paid homage to Guillermo and Ana G at El Rey Jesus. |
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State Rep. Mike Bileca and County Commissioner Pepe Diaz visit El Rey Jesus and of course County Commissioner Lynda Bell is always in on any church action as she is fluent in faith. |
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The Apostle Guillermo Maldonado with Commission Chair/Mayoral Candidate Joe Martinez |
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Pepe Diaz and Joe Martinez listen to the sermon. |
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US Congressman David Rivera, Governor Rick Scott and his wife, Katherine Fernandez Rundle -- All looking holy and spiritual for the Apostle. |
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Former State Senator Rudy Garcia and Congressman David Rivera |
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Scott's wife, Rick Scott and Katherine Fernandez Rundle amusing each other during the service. |
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Governor Rick Scott and State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle at Ministerio Internacional El Rey Jesus Service performed by Guillermo Maldonado |
oy - why do so many people feel their lives are so empty that they must give themselves over to these charlatans of jesus in order to feel some measure of worthiness? i just don't get it; faith is such a personal thing, yet these lemmings only know faith thru large gatherings like this...so they get blessed or whatever it is they do at these things, then they go right back to doing and being, evil. Makes no sense to me.
It is clear to me that these phonies show up at these large so called religous affairs to get votes. I do not believe that they have any love of Christ. When I see Katherine Ferandez Rundle at an affair I know it is just to get votes. She feels she has to kowtow to all politicians to be voted back in office, which is why no politician no mater how dishonest will not be bothered by her. We in North Miami know all about that.
Miss Lynda is the anti-Christ.
Beyond creepy. Now I'll never get a good night's sleep. Thanks a lot GoD!
Looks like Bell's in her "talk to the hand" pose.
Bell's rocking the Spanx.
Surprisingly, a large number of the congregation ARE citizens and are registered voters. The church has an ongoing naturalization class and voter registration drive.
This is one hell of a bunch. These photos speak a thousand words.
Thank you for sharing these pictures. Thank you for the readers that sent them to you. I am hoping we see more of these self serving pictures.
Christianity is so convenient. You can do anything you want, ask God to forgive you, and, voile, you are forgiven! The only one more forgiving than God, apparently, is the voter. Just ask Scott, Rivera, Sarnoff, Rundle, etc., etc., etc.
ms. rocker
The photo of the guys all seated ---- the one below Martinez and el Rey chefe ..... You missed Curbello, I think that is the very sun tanned guy next to Martinez... He is a Kendall school board member.
This church is actually freakier than what most of you guys think trust me. They tell the people that if they dont give the 10% they are stealing from God. Not only that but belonging to this church involves more than going on Sundays. There are weekly meetins and activities. Usually it involves plenty of hours a week.
I didnt know however that Maldonados house was bought for 2 million. He has said however that it is all paid for with the help of God. His books are short and have huge letters. He publishes like 3 a year and sells them for almost 20 dollars even though they are just sold at his website and at the church (no middle man) until some time passes and the price has o go down a bit. His "How to walk in the supernatural" is sold at his church for like 14 bucks at the moment (in the church) but for 9 at amazon since the middle man won't pay more than what should be paid. What a joke.
Also hundreds if not thousands of people every year just give him money. An offering for the pastor. Typical example of interpreting the bible for your own gain.
I love it how he bashes what he claims is "the world". Dont hang out with the world, dont go into the world. Yet we always see him with the most nasty elements of our society. What's this? Dont go in the world except for him?
Since the local politicians are willing to dress up as clowns if it can get them votes they will go to the circus.
Please watch this video of one of Maldonado's goons doing some cheap trick making everyone think that he turned the water into wine. Maldonad's son participates in the trick too. Like many other pastors, Maldonado turned his racket into a family racket.
Wow! I watched that youtube video and it is so sad to see how rediclous this FALSE PROPHET is, and that PEOPLE BELIEVE HIM! Wake up folks!!!
I still think his best trick is turning other peoples money into his.
After seeing his crib I'm serriously considering a career change.
Might be interesting to add that, per county public property tax records, just over $19,000 were paid in property taxes at this residence for the last year.
Not that it's a sin to do so, but they also own other property(s) in the county.
Well I happen to go to this Church, and as a Member you hear a lot of roomers that are Not true. For example in these comments The Book is not $14 at Church and never has been. This Church has more than Sunday Meetings because we are one of the few churches that actually practices commitment to our faith. People always to bad everywhere.... But for the majority of the Church they don't live a double life. There is so much more to a Christian Life than what you think..... Honestly I have seen it with my own eyes..... These are not just emotions.... Emotions are when you get into a wrong relationship and you remain in it..... Well I have seen Hundreds of Miracles that are ligit! Some like eveywhere those who testify over exagerate. But it is Crazy to say that they are False, they are not! A Pictures can say a Thousand words and thats the problem. Thank GOD I go to this Church Its the best Church but It is my Church and I Love it!! I don't deal with many of the addictions I dealt with, anger, unforgiveness, insecurities, etc... Can't say I am flawless but I am not living in sin! This Church really is Used by GOD... Well Thank you for Reading GOD Bless you Guys
May the Lord forgive each one of you who has made ignorant comments. The devil is working in you. If you believe in the gospel your perverse mind would not exist. Ask God for wisdom and truth. The word of God says not to judge but if you must look at the fruits of each person. You all wish you had Pastor Guillermo's fruits. Ask God for prosperity, health, peace and love. For God blesses his children who are obedient. Of course Pastor Guillermo lives in a beautiful home for poverty is not accepted in the Kingdom of God. You would know this fact if you were educated in the doctrine. How u doing?
So I guess the basic idea is that if you go to church then you should be poor and destitute. Or that if politician come to your church you are somehow the devil. Or that there souls never be mid week services at church and nobody should be paying tithes. Wow ok but just to let you know, most churches in America have midweek services, if they are teaching from the Bible you should be paying tithes which is ten percent,and the politicians are only there because he has a big church. And they have to seen human for votes that's no reflection on the pastor. So I know the devil blinds people from the truth but go in the house of God. Nobody really said anything bad about the man
Not sure who looks more like the devil, Rick Scott or his evil wife.
Hello to everyone on this blog!!! I would like to say, I have a friend that goes to this so-called-church, she is brain washed by this so called pastor. Has anyone heard his sermons OMG they are a joke. Many times he makes his audiance wear military outfits, because he calls them GUERREROS!!! uh hello "Guerreros" why not teach about love and forgivness. And yes many people that goes to church can have a nice house, but come on a $2,000,000,00. dollar home for a pator that is only job is Pastoring...People wake up, you are the one paying for his home.
Hey, i do not see MIERJ as anything other than what religions of all denominations have been doing for centuries, if not millenia, i.e., preying on people's fears of death, poverty, isolation and despair at how difficult and challenging life is for their own financial gain. They are simply a lower class HIspanic version of the "great awakening" culture that originated in england and protestant america. So what is the story here? That they happen to be doing it with south americans and not anglican/wasps? Is the arm twisting and cajoling really much different than epiphany or your local synagogue? I do not know what the point is of these blog posts.
We all know about the pope in Vatican City. Why shouldn't we be curious about the prophets in West Miami? And, it is always enlightening, and for me amusing, to see our politicians praying.
Ugh I get so disgusted by Christians who say "poverty is not accepted in the kingdom" to justify their greedy lifestyles. News flash: Jesus said it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom. Maldonado and all of these swindlers living in their million dollar mansions at the expense of blind sheep are fakes.
To Miaexile : The answer to your initial question is found in the Bible. God sends Pastors,
Apostles, Teachers, Evangelist, Prophets for the perfecting of the saints. Ephesians 4:11, :12. He does so because of his own purpose, 11 Timothy Chapter 1:9. The Bible says, "who can counsel God"? Yes, faith is personal, the Bible says, without faith its impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that he is and he is a rewarder of them who dilgently seek him. Hebrews 11:6. Salvation is free.
So let me get this straight. How do any of you "unbeleivers" know that the congreation members are not prospering because of the pastor's teaching. So it's o.k. for the CEO of a company, a Police Chief, Fire Chief, College President, a Professional Athlete, a raunchy celebrity, a Financer or countless other "professionals" to earn great salaries and live lavishly, but NOT a Pastor. Why? Why such hatred toward a pastor?, who has been sent by God to deliver the Word of God. This whole debate is simple, salvation. Either you beleive the Bible or you don't. The consequences are clearly explained if you don't and the amazing benefits are clearly explained if you do. One thing certain, when you die, you can't say I change my mind. Too late. Be Blessed in the Lord and Power of His Might. I realize you have your opinion, it's just that, an opinion. This is serious business, its not about whose wearing what and who lives where, its about the salvation of our souls. You can extract one verse out of the entirety of the 66 books of the Bible to make your point, (easier for rich man), the Bible also says we are the seed of Abraham and he was very wealthy and we should be too. Whether pastor, member, evangelist, we should be wealthy. I strongly encourage you to read further in to the Bible. LOL
God doesn't send pastors. Don't make up your own stuff. You believe in a literal translation of the bible. Others who believe do not. Your belief is not the only belief. It is child- like. Do it but don't expect the rest of to believe the bible with a ten year old mentality. Wealth is not something Jesus aspired to and you know it.
No bible quoting. This is not a literal believing bible blog. No bible thumping.
Dear Geniusofdespair: In an effort to "stay on topic" let me pose this question, If you contend that Pastor Maldonado "lives" lavishly, and to support that claim you research the taxes records, and print them for us to view, please explain why I cannot use my resource (in this case the Bible) to refute a false claim. When someone writes that God does not send pastors and says I made it up, my proof to refute that contention which is found in my source, the Bible. It really appears your're into a decidely onesided censorship. It gives the appearance you have a fear of the Bible. You don't like the term "you people", it's ok for you to use your source to support your view of "lavish living" but I cannot use my source and your into name calling yourself, ie "Bible thumping". What exactly does that mean? Next you'll be telling us we can't use Webster's Dictionary to confirm definitons and spelling. If your going to be objective, be objective. What fear do you have of God's word? radiorik
Absolutely hilarious comments all in the name of God.
What' s really hilarious is someone purporting to know ANYTHING about God but not read His word to know. Funny, we humans, anything else, auto mechanics as the subject, if we needed to know something in that subject we'd do the research. When it comes to God, we won't. What we have though is an opinon, based on ones own perseption. Matter of fact, He, God is speaking to your heart right. Come unto me all that labor and I will give you rest. Lol radiorik
YOU BELIEVE the bible is God's word, others don't. Doesn't mean everyone else believes what you believe. What about the Koran? They believe that is God's word.
Your myopic view of the world is not for everyone. Open up your mind that others might have a different path.
You shall know the truth and the truth will set yiu free. It is found in the word, the Bible. You are absoluley correct, everyone does not necesarily believe. That is our choice. We have been given free will. If your house was on fire early in the morning and you were fast asleep, I believe you'd be real grateful if someone sounded an alarm to wake you. That is why He sent His word, to sound the alarm. Gotta read to know or we perish at our own hand. Every question you have is answered in the word. Again, yoy are right about something else. My myoptic view is singulary fixed on the word of God not man's so-called intellect. Incidentally, I don't have world view, only His view. But 'cha gotta read the word to know. Lol
My dear readers.. I have had the pleasure of meeting with some of the people attending El Rey Jesus and you will be surprise of the information that was given.
1. Mr. Maldonado and wife do Immigration services charging a fee of $400.00 and more depending on the time consumed. (according to those who attend, or used to) A women in dire need of rent money went to pastor Maldonado and was turned away by the so called secretary (also wife) who according to the her he (the so called appostle) was to busy to attend to her at the time. Try the well fare department she was told.
What Christians!!!!!!!!
Is this a self ordined pastor consisting of husband and wife team? or did either one go to School and have a degree in Religion? More tax payers dollars down the drain!!!!!!!!!! How sad.
Render your souls to our Lord Jesus Christ and not to those false self proclaimed money hungry so called pastors.
WAKE UP!!!!!!!
With all this opinion about the Maldonado's, it would be certainly helpful if you provided PROOF and not just accusations based on what you think. Back up your accusations with substantive proof. If you have no proof, you only have an opinion not based on anything you know but what you think you know. And we know that can't be much without PROOF. You mention Jesus Christ but no biblical references. Do you attend church or do you think you know all churches are crooked? Do you read the Bible and matter of fact are you a Christian? Or is it you have all the answers and we are to blindly believe you? lol
Who cares where they live? Who cares how much money they make. In the end it is their business to do so. If they ate liars, it will be seen. If they are honest, that too will come to light. The bottom line is, you don't have to like them, you don't have to go to their church. Plenty of churches are in the world to choose from. If they misbehave, God will deal with them. The point is, don't let yourself be lied to. Use the Bible as the standard. If it deviates from the Bible, it's not from God. Period. Make your own choice without shoving it down people's throat. We have the free will of excercising whether we want to be saints or sinners. I don't serve man although I am faithful to a church. I serve God. Choose you this day who will you serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! Despite man's sinful nature, I serve a good God!
Some of these comments are hilarious. The reason these people can't prosper is because they're following a false prophet who lives lavishly on the dole of his congregants. The fake pastor's wealth is dependent on their lack of understanding and knowledge of the world around them let alone the word of God. There's a sucker born every minute these people are no different. If they truly read the Bible and believed in Jesus they wouldn't be idol worshiping. The politicians are basically glad-handlers for political contributions and nothing more.
Sadly KG Dreamer, it is obvious you do not read the Bible or attend church to hear the Word of God for yourself. If you did either, you would not make those comments. It baffles me how someone does not read the Bible to actually know what God's Word says, but always invoke God this and God that. What you do have, as I have mentioned before is an opionion. No disrespect intended, but any of us with an opionion without supported facts is just whistling in the wind. LOL radiorik
Well said KG Dreamer.
Here's the bottom line to the KG Dreamer supporters of the world, when you read the Bible for yourself, God will explain in His terms what the fuss is all about. Here's the great equalizer (which I had to learn). Salvation is real and free. One can either believe or not. Benefits if we do consequences if we don't. You wanna take that gamble? Cause once we're gone, tis to late. Read that Word and know about God;s forgiveness to ANYONE who will accept Him as Lord and savior. You'll begin to understand that God does not send perfect people into ministry. I can attest to that. I used to be one whoremonger, alcoholic, weed smoking bad fella. Then I met Him. Thank God for His grace and His mercy in my life, I was redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. Love ya much. Pastor Rick
I went to their church once. At the end, he said "for the next mass you all bring your bills, credit cards debts and I your debts will become ZERO without paying a penny"...not to count the money that believers give them by throwing bills during the mass.
forgive me, for this is a long post but something i feel very passionate about.
i have watched several sermons and services by this church, as well as other charismatic churches. their seems to be an extremely big focus on prosperity and wealth. we should not tithe and give to God or to the poor because we expect something in return. our point in serving God should not be for blessings or wealth. we give out of obedience, humility, and love for God and for his people. if you are a Christian only in order to gain success on earth, you are on the completely wrong path. God is not of this world; we are not of this world. Satan was given dominion of earth. earthly success and wealth should not be our goal. but only building up heavenly treasures, where moth and rust do not destroy. our hearts should be focused on eternity, developing of our character and spreading the gospel to others. in the book of Acts, the disciples were constantly on the move, spreading the good news of Jesus. they were poor, persecuted, hated, condemned. they sold their properties and collected money and gave it ALL to those in need.
if you read the gospel story, it is obvious that Jesus was not rich. it is also clear that none of his disciples/apostles were rich. if anything, Jesus and his followers constantly preached of self sacrifice and giving to the poor. he told the rich young ruler to sell everything he had and give it to the poor, for that was the only thing holding him back from the kingdom.
i am not rich, but i am not poor. and for that i praise God. he has given me and my family enough to survive, and even a little more for the occasional splurging (having a nice dinner outside a couple times a month, buying a nice pair of shoes every once in awhile). but i do not have excess. my family has a simple home, enough rooms for the 5 of us, and my parents have saved enough in the bank to pay for me and my siblings' education all the way through college (private institutions), so we would not have to take loans ever. they have scraped their bank accounts for us, but they have had enough. and that is all to the glory of God.
i personally believe Christians are not called to have excess wealth. God provides for what we need and blesses us, yes. God will not let his children suffer or lack what they need to survive. but when you are given an abundance of money, that you do not even need, should you spend it all upon yourself? while knowing there are people out there who do not have a roof over their heads? people who do not have clean water or food? the love of money is the root of all evil (1 timothy 6:10). money made in excess is not your own, but God's. if you have enough and more to live on comfortably, it is your duty as a Christian to give to those in desperate need.
if you do not feel compelled to give (not to receive blessings, but simply out of compassion), if you strive to live wealthily and in prosperity on earth even while knowing there are others out there struggling to even survive.. then there is a lack of the true character of Christ in you heart, which is to have compassion, to be self sacrificial, and to give to those in need out of the goodness of your heart. true Christianity that was taught by Jesus Christ is centered on sacrificing yourself and your desires for the good of others.
The Apostle G. Maldonado does not live off the income of his "blind sheep". He has actually surrendered his income from the ministry, and has been living off the royalties of his books. No one seems to complain when Oprah buys a 2 million dollar home off her royalties. Before him and his wife reached this level of financial well being they both suffered in poverty, worked numerous jobs, and later began a ministry. I have seen first hand, the way they served others.. And still do. If it was you who made it out of poverty, and were able to leave a legacy for your family, you would be celebrating... But because its not, we are bashing them? Who told you pastors with luxuries are evil? Any human being who works for something is entitled to the benefits of their labor. Don't judge someone's wealth if you weren't around to see the seeds they have sown.
I had an employee who went to church there. She was a "senior" and babysat on weekends to make ends meet.
Well, I also volunteer for a children's music festival. I offered her tickets to take her charges and herself to a house long children's performance. She did not tell me she had to ask the children's parents for permission to take them, she told me she had to ask Maldonado --- that is when I have I began to have concerns about his church.
I asked her about the church over a period of time. She was an immigrant and she spoke of his efforts to control people. She spoke of how he had a goal of getting as many of his church goers registered to vote, so that he could control the politics and outcomes of elections.
I went to church there one time and was really uncomfortable with the rhetoric. I grew up in a church with multiple pastors in my family and this guy is dangerous. He is greedy and is playing the community, politicians and the congregants like a fiddle.
Miami is the Detroit of the South c
to "Anonymous said...
forgive me, for this is a long post but something i feel very passionate about...".
I want to commend you for your posting...I'm right there with you. Saved by Grace and created by love -to love and share Gods love. 1 Cor 13:1-3 to the saints (believers)teaching us that the most important we must have is love - not money or anything else. Love above anything -the love birthed in us when we have received the realization of Jesus and the power of His word - causes the fruits and character of love to be shared with everyone. I can't imagine Jesus being able to live more than comfortably while knowing that there is a need of food and shelter. No matter how many trips i take to downtown Miami it is never enough. I am not a pastor of a huge church, i don't have more than a couple hundred dollars in my account after my bills are paid - but there has been countless times that i am brought to tears when its cold or raining outside and i think of those without shelter - or when i'm cooking and sitting down having a warm meal or even the thought of so many elders in homes with no one to talk to. Surely if i had more money it would help more Lord, is my thought...that in my heart is not birthed by our human feeling only the character that comes from the love of God - My spirit grieves and I have to pray for those that proclaim to lead and know Gods word AND can live without conviction of having more than is truly needed to be confortable. I pray God will bring light and conviction. When i see all the "more" than expensive cars and "more" than nice homes - the overly expensive clothing and shoes I can't help but grieve at the thought of how many people could have been fed with that, had permanent shelter, a program to help them on their feet. We had two homeless people in our church that with the help of the church members - they became regular citizens with an apartment a job and medical insurance. Its so beautiful and it was just the congregation putting a couple of dollars here and there. I will not put El Rey de Jesus church down or the pastor, I can only pray for those hearts and areas that need change - in the interim of praying for mine as well.
Galatians 2:20
Help me with my Spanish: Doesn't maldonado mean "Badly donated"?
Just wondering.....
I just saw this snake on TBN. I have never heard of him before. I guess he thinks its time to get in the big leagues. Whatever. Television has been the worst thing to ever happen to Christianity imho. It has become the bailiwick of all manor of fraudulent pastors. This man twist the gospel message to fit the mold he fashions for it. Paul Crouch, the founder of TBN, was a master at this and over the years I watched him from time to time say what he had to say. Now he is dead. I wonder what he would say to us if he could come back to life for a few minutes. Jesus said. in that day the souls of men will come to Him and say, Lord , we did this and we did that and He will tell them , be gone, for I never knew you. So it is and so it shall be for this man who calls himself and his wife, apostles..... amen and amen.
What many supporters of this "pastor" are ignoring is that his lavish lifestyle paid for by the tithes, and the royalties for his books are all tax free because he is receiving it from the church. In essence, they were dirt poor and decided to "find God", and now they live the good life tax free.
What a great deal!!! And all in the name of God.
That is disgusting.
Watching all of these guys sitting together attempting to look pious and serious reminds me of a scene from a con artist movie like 'The Sting' or 'Confidence' where most of the characters are in on the scheme. Word to the unwary: if you don't already know who is the pigeon in the con, it's YOU.
reader about maldondo being bad donation... if you research it and break it into 2 words, you do get similar translations.
Maldonado is a prolific writer of books. I have a few. They are solid works that help some strengthen their faith. This is his intellectual property. If he purchases a $1.2 MM home with the millions he has made just in his book sales, that is his right. The good works of this church are well established.
I've been to this place of worship.. I was raised Catholic but I'm very open to experience other beliefs! I went to a service for healing..since I have a chronic disease. I am not attacking anyone nor defending, just stating my experience. It was extremely dark when I went in and the person speaking was screaming at the top of her lungs..I could barely understand what she was saying...it was intimidating and a bit scary.People were rocking back and forth as if in some sort of trance. Being fully bilingual I had a hard time understanding what was being said..in English or Spanish. I felt the sermon was not spiritual in any way..barely making any sense or reference to the Bible. When the time to Heal the Sick came I was ushered to the front and I started seeing people on the floor..again like in a trance..shaking, trembling, their bodies stiff, in fetal positions ect..these healers would ask what was wrong and then state something in a weird speech and some other people would be standing behind the sick and would grab them and kind of throw them or help them to the floor as the healer would place his/hers hand on the forehead of the sick and kind of pushe them back. I felt very uncomfortable and stated I was not going to the floor! The Healer heard me and asked what religion did I practice? I found that odd and told him I was Catholic..to which he said..no wonder! He was visibly upset.. I thanked him for his "prayer"... Went to my car shortly thereafter. a group of young men along with an older young man follow me to the car and tried to heal me ..Holding my hands and praying...the older man would ask me constantly if my pain was gone and the younger ones would reassure me that it was..they stated in unison that they could feel I was Healed! I must state it was quite an experience..unfortunately not a good one. I felt very uncomfortable , a bit intimidated by the healer and dissapointed! I will never..ever go back! That was my honest experience in that place!
guys instead of badmouthing d pastor work out your faith cos without it is impossible 2 plesse God let God be d judge not u . enough with d criticism focus on Jesus
Importante. No lleven sus hijos al Centro Evangelistico pentecostes en Orlando en Michigan Ave. Orlando, FL. y Bumby Ave.Is one of the most corrupt churches you will ever visited.The have the presidente de los caballeros Joel Ramirez is in Jail for lascivious acts to one of the girl's church goers. A homosexual guy named Neftali Garcia likes to touch and take picures of men and girls church goers.Homosexual Neftali Garcia sings at the church.Roberto Lozada (divorced wife Sophie Jimenez) a married church member also like to greet young church members not by hndshake, Roberto touches and caresses her waist.The "pastor"from hell Alba Nolis Rolon turn her eyes the other way because she knows that discipline = missing the weekly offering."pastor" apostata Alba Nolis Rolon is facing the judgement of The Lord.Word of cautious, do not go to this church.
How about making rich to all tjose famous singers. People buy their cds voluntarily. Its the same not body forces them to come to this church. I have seen thousand of peoplesuffering of depression whose life has been turned around for good. Lets say he is false , at least he is giving hope to humanity. This people had asted lot of money on prescribed drugs with no redilts. Have you asked yourself why this nother to you. If you have a solution please share it eith the world. Live and let live
It's all about the money.
Following the money.
I am deeply saddened to read that so many are fooled by such a cheap vulgar and false doctrine taught by both Ana and Guillermo maldonado.
The natural man receives not the things of the spirit for they are foolish unto him. If you don't understand it don't condemn it. I do know that some preachers take advantage of people. the people that go to this prophet's church are not complaining so why should you. it is not your money being stolen or your emotions being played with. so leave the man alone and focus on your own faith.
As Christians it is our responsibility to stay vigilant and to expose those that are not following BIBILICAL truths. When you truly know Christ you will see how wrong this ministry is. OPEN YOUR EYES better yet OPEN YOUR BIBLE . My thoughts and prayers are with you.
As Christians it is our responsibility to stay vigilant and to expose those that are not following BIBILICAL truths. When you truly know Christ you will see how wrong this ministry is. OPEN YOUR EYES better yet OPEN YOUR BIBLE . My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Dear bloggers :
May the Love and Grace of the lord be with all you.
I have no intentions to Judge anyone for that belongs to God.
With that being said I will humbly share my feelings in regards to spiritual enlightenment and the pastoral calling as a career choice.
The more I grow spiritually not less worldly and material needs become important.
Yet, I lack nothing good for my Lord and savior has provided for all my needs: to him be or the honor and glory.
This world offers many pleasures but God can only give true joy.
Wordy possessions which bring pleasures tend to be short lived but the Joy that comes from God is eternal in nature and can not be taken from you nor can it be bought with money. One can not serve God and money. Who have you made your God? THERE ARE THINGS MONEY CAN NOT BUY!!!
and remember to give and expect something in return is not true giving at all
I pray that all who read this blog be blessed with abundance of peace
My peace I give, my peace I leave with you; but not like this world gives it.
Love to all
I am a believer, I choose to serve God in a manner that differs from organized Religion. I don't feel comfortable with praising God in an organized manner that has requirements and obligations to give x amount of dollars. My belief is personal and I love God as much as anybody, just choose to have my own personal relationship. I don't judge people, that is His job!! Happy Holiday Season!!
Can anyone tell me if there is a Cross anywhere on the stage or in the building? Or do they just use the Dove Holy Spirit symbol?
I was in that church for a couple times and assisted a house of peace. Don't mean to judge people, we can't, that is God's to do so only. Read about the fruits of the spirit and look for those in the preachings and teachings there. We now live by the spirit which dwells in us since the moment we believe in Jesus Christ as our savior. You don't need a prophet to spit on you or push you back to feel the Holy Spirit of God touch you. Then again, if the fruits of the spirit are there, why do I always hear contempt, rage, useless and offensive language, self-centered preaching, judgment and condemnation against others, hatred promotion, and even worse submission to him the head (I've always read the Head is Christ, not a man who is corruptible, capable of betraying and sin just as you and I). Finding the love of God in someone and in the church is what you must seek, not prophecy to increase your wealth at any level. But, nevermind. It is up to you who you believe. On my mind and soul and heart and spirit, I only pray to and worship and praise and bless and listen and tithe to God the Celestial Father, Christ the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit Eternal Consort...........not to a man.
I have to agree with Apil post. I know a couple of so called house of peice and the leaders there are the worse. They lie and play the system to get more tax money,medicade and food stamps. Lets not mention the ones that use the sisters and brothers from the church to clean their apartments, wash their cloths or when they call you to take thier bags up to the third floor because their to lazy to do it them selves. Sad how the name of the lord is used. Does Maldonardo know what his leaders do? Mmmm, hopefully now he does.
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Maldonado cons the easily conned low IQ Central and South Americans found in Miami as he endorses one self serving and corrupt Miami Cuban politico after another .
It is sad how the gullible truly believe this lying serpent and his wife had God speak to them . More like the Devil as they con the easily conned and take their money .
Jose in Miami
Joseyep agreed this man is a fraud !reason why I don't vote for any of them if I see them in a pic with that pastor they don't get my vote
If you do not want to join the Illuminati do not read this message. Rules * You must be above 18 years of age. * You must have full access to the internet. * You must not discuss the secret of the Illuminati to anyone. * We are not interested in anyone who has obtained their knowledge about the Illuminati based on what they’ve HEARD from Mass Media (News or Performing Arts), Conspiracy Theorists (Amateur or Professional Authors or Speculators), Internet Rumors, or other HERESY. * Once you join the Illuminati within one week of your membership you will achieved the greatest goal in life and also have wealth and fame. * No one discard the message of the GREAT ILLUMINATI if discarded the person will be tormented both day and night. * Failure to compel to the order and rules of the GREAT ILLUMINATI shall see your fame and riches taken back. * The money ALWAYS flows TOWARDS Illuminati members...And AWAY from NON Illuminati members... One of the rules of the Illuminati is "We don't talk about the Illuminati" so I can't say too much about it here. If you are truly interested and get back to us via email illuminatiworldofriches6666@gmail.com
Is Gustavo and his wife part of the illuminati ?
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Professor Stice has been at BYU since 1988.
I believe in God but not self serving , con artists and ''in my opinion'' that would be EVERY person pictured above .
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