Guillermo Maldonado does a very good sermon,
he goes from English to Spanish every few sentences and his translator goes back and forth with him (11:00 on the counter). It is sort of mind numbing. Wikipedia said the church he founded, Ministerio Internacional El Rey Jesus, seats 7,000 and it gets 15,000 to 20,000 people per week making it the largest Hispanic church in the U.S. The assessed value of his church is $17,064,886.
Guillermo is married to prophet Ana G.
The Apostle and the Prophet (rear) in West Miami | | |
The Church: Ministerio Internacional El Rey Jesus |
The Hood: The parking lot looks pretty full. |
Miami Dade County Commissioner Lynda Bell and the Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
(Isn't that Palmetto Bay's Councilman Patrick Fiore behind Lynda Bell?) |
It is not clear whether Guillermo the Apostle was once known as Yoyo. |
Have you been to a service?
Apparently Governor Rick Scott has been on August 22, 2010. Does Guillermo use race car jargon by any chance? Here is some info about the holy couple from their website:
God spoke to Pastor Maldonado instructing him to build a church in Miami; this was a new challenge for him and his family. As this was taking place, God was also preparing Pastor Ana to become a powerful woman of prayer—a general of intercession. He did this as she presented her husband and their son, Bryan, for the work of the ministry, which was about to be birthed in the spirit, and their second son, Ronald, who was about to be born. Both, the ministry and Ronald were born at the same time. Bryan and Ronald have grown in the midst of spiritual warfare and the countless sacrifices required to build a ministry of this magnitude; both have been prepared to pay the price to serve God since birth.
More to come!
"...the ministry and Ronald were born at the same time."
That's not a ministry, my dear, that's the placenta.
Genius, you've got to do better research! How could you think for one moment that this pastor and Yoyo Maldonado were the same person? How could you think this man is from Argentina?
Pastor Maldonado was born in Guatemala and studied theology in the US. His wife was born in Colombia. Both are US citizens. ......and, of corsé ALL politicians visit his church! Who would pass up the chance to address a captive audience of thousands. Btw, the pastor conducts a huge citizenship education program so many in his audience are voters.
I said it wasn't CLEAR didn't I? I just thought it would be pretty cool if he were and there were references on google.
LOL anon#2
Mayor Alvarez was there for the churches grand opening along with 2 Latin American Presidents...
Alvarez gave the guy a proclamation. Some of Alvarez's staff went to church there.
Nice diamond on that finger...
You forgot: Tammy Faye Baker was there as well. She was so ill they had to help her up to the stage, and then she cried.
where did he study theology Maria, at the Century Bank School of Theology? Did he take courses on how to fleece immigrants out of their measly salaries?
Hmmm. Do tell more.
Jingle. Jingle. I'm feelin that Old Time Religion.
Excellent. Let me give you more information you need to know. He claims to have obtain a theology degree and a Doctor Degree from the Peter Wagner Institute. If you call the Peter Wagner Institute you will find out that if you pay $2000 dollars and provide your life experience, without a need to have prove of any kind, you too will have a Doctorate Degree in Divinity or Religion. Also, Peter Wagner is the mind behind this new movement named Apostolic and Prophetic and has selected Maldonado to continue with the movement in the hispanic stupid community of Miami Florida. Also Maldonado, has many businesses, corporations, a beautiful mansion on a farm, an airplane, a radio station and boy do they shop in Miami and in the Best Stores.... Spending Thousands of dollars of the 10% of the income of the naive followers, who are doctrine, taught and manipulated into believing they have evil things inside, they do rituals similar to Santeria on Tuesday early in the morning in the church, you should assist to one of those prayer meetings, they are opened to everyone, and Mrs. Maldonado is the leader of that, they claim to speak in tongues but everyone does it at the same time, and that is against the bible, since you will need a translator and it most be in tongues if is going to help the members, the bible also says that women cannot preach the word, however, Mrs. Maldonado does it and others too. Also Jesus never impose the the 10% in Cash, or practice the 10%, nor his apostles. This Maldonado has many enemies inside and outside, because he lies using the word as a shield. By the way, guess how made him Apostle, it was no the Lord for sure, it was no other than the tag team of Peter Wagner, Cesar Castellanos (the creator of the G12 from Colombia), Bill Hamman, etc. Of course with the help of his mentor the famous and lucrative Benny Hinn, Marcos Witt and Joel Osteen to say a few. Believe that! Research it and you will find out everything stated here. Politicians go to bed with him for the votes, they do not care about his psychological hipnosis, or manipulations tactics, coersion or overall lies by using the sacred word of God. There is a lot more to say, such as how they laugh and make fun of others in public, in church and behinds doors. They have servents, people who clean for them, cook for them, cut the grass for them, and live a very luxurous life....definetly not of becoming like Christ or like a pastor should live. They are FALSE PROPHETS AND TEACH G12 DOCTRINE, CREATED BY CESAR CASTELLANOS TO THE TEETH, THEY FOLLOW THE SCRIPT AND HAVE THE SET SYSTEM IN PLACE, THEY ARE A VERY ORGANIZE CAULT THAT NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED BY THE IRS, AND OTHER DEPARTMENTS, SINCE THEY FORCE CHURCH MEMBERS TO STAY INSIDE, CLOSE THE DOORS AND NO ONE CAN GET OUT, WHEN THEY GET READY TO ASK FOR EVERY PENNY YOU HAVE IN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT "MAKE A PACT WITH GOD RIGHT NOW" AND YOU SHOULD MULTIPLY YOUR PACT 100 TO 1...... PLEASE, DO MORE RESEARCH AND CONFIRM EVERYTHING JUST STATED.
Any readers who would like to reach out to us with facts that you may not be willing to share on the blog, we can be reached by email at the addresses in the right hand column here.
I can provide some (useless) facts because I live a few blocks away from this: this church causes MAJOR traffic headaches on SW 136th ST. So bad in fact that they have cops directing traffic. A nightmare for those of us that live in the area. Also, it cannot be exaggerated how many people go to this church. It is staggering. This is a true testament that Latinos are fleeing the catholic church and joining these Christian/Evangelical groups. I also recall during the last presidential election this church was heavily supporting Mitt Romney. This time they are supporting Santorum. How is that for useless facts?
The traffic will not be better when MDX dumps the turnpike at that spot....
But it might make all the church's land holdings a lot more valuable. Ka-ching.
I'll believe it when I see it. And if/when I do see the construction start, I will be packing my bags no doubt. We never got the trains, do you really think they will be able to (or be allowed to) build that dolphin extension all the way to down here? Possible, but IMHO I doubt it. Maybe in 40 years when I retired and gone.
To the anon talking about politics: you seem like you dont step foot in the church often, if ever, so you dont know who or what Pastor G endorses. For your information, he doesnt endorse anybody. He makes it clear we choose for ourselves as he isnt allowed to publicly endorse someone.
Also, he is blessed...whats the problem? He recieves royalties from his successful books and random people come up to him with gifts. He does NOT spend the offerings the congregation gives on nice watches and ties as you would like to believe.
Thousands of people attend for a reason...their lives are changed. Its a fact.
God bless!
& he's guatemalan! Haha
*moderator, this may seem like im attacking one or two bloggers, but if they can offend readers, then i can defend my church.
I have family that go to this church. These pastors are false prophets and I'm thoroughly disgusted now that I've seen his photo with Loser Bell.
Guillermo Maldonando is a false prophet and teacher. He claims to raise people from the dead, I want proof. He called GOD a prostitute (you tube) and preaches from HIS book and not the BIBLE. Its all supernatural. He couldn't talk about abraham issac and jacob if his life depended on it. His salary doesn't come from tithes? Prove it. Google Guillermo Maldonado False Prophet. There are no present day apostles. Calvary Chapel Kendall now that's a real church. Maldonado is a cult.
Any church that doesn't teach JESUS and salvation as the main message is a FALSE doctrine (joel osteen and maldonado means bad donor in spanish). CCK is amazing. They MAKE disciples!!!
Matthew 19:24
I'll say it again--it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!" …
Let God be God and do not judge for God. Pastors Guillermo, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen are servants of the most High. The Bible says; touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm
Last anonymous - my bible trumps your bible!
New American Standard Bible (©1995)
"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves." Matthew
You all do realize that the bible wasn't meant to be taken literally?
Please go and see for yourself and consider taking someone who you care about who is sick, then make your discernment.
I just want to say he was born in HONDURAS.
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