Monday, March 26, 2012

Here is one Angry Developer who didn't get his way! By Geniusofdespair

And the beat goes on.

Link to video.

After the North Miami City Council rejected his RFP on March 13th,  Developer Michael Swerdlow didn't go quietly.  I wrote about this deal a few weeks ago.

This video shows one angry developer with a lot to say.  What does a developer always do when faced with something he/she doesn't like? They threaten to sue of course. I think Swerdlow needed the right lobbyist. What happened to Clifford Schulman or his other lobbyist, Ron Book?

Swerdlow  repeatedly asks the Mayor why he voted against his project...maybe the $500,000 slush fund talk circulating in North Miami had something to do with it? Or was it the money to Councilwoman Marie Steril's charity (who abstained from voting)? Perhaps it was the $5 million payment that Councilman Marcellus asked about (to an organization the councilman championed)? I think the Mayor was in his rights to torpedo the development if he felt something wasn't kosher. And, Councilman Marcellus: Are you nuts?


Anonymous said...

Why do council people in North Miami have their hand out? Maybe the mayor did too and Swerdlow refused. Looks like this council wasn't as easy to manipulate as last time this same developer bid on this same property.

Anonymous said...

The last gesture by the developer made me laugh. There is more going on here than we all know.

Mensa said...

When you have a majority of the council who are crooked as hell, Swerdlow should have given them the money they wanted for themselves if he wanted to deal with them. I think that he was willing to give the City just what they wanted but willing to bribe three people.

Mensa said...

Above message from me should have said " but unwilling to bribe three people"

Anonymous said...

He needs a new hair do..... Mayor looked very uncomfortable....

Anonymous said...

Any one who attended the numerous public meetings regarding this lease will know that Swerdlow did exactly what the City wanted and made lots of concessions to get the deal done. How can the Council vote down a deal that would eliminate our budget shortage,bring thousands of jobs to our city, bring more tax revenue to our city, encourage business to come to our city. Swerdlow even agreed to give $500,000 to a non-profit that the City had not even legalized and when that issue was raised by one councilman and residents, he agreed to give that money to the City's library system to the benefit of all city residents. What more does this arrogant mayor want? Swerdlow was very right when he said there is something very wrong with the North Miami Council.

Geniusofdespair said...

There might be something wrong with the city but Swerdlow is no bargain. This was his second bite of the same apple. What happened the first time? He bailed. It hurt the project and it failed.

Anonymous said...

Agree. What happened to all that CRA funding for 6th avenue the developer promised? One crazy development from this guy was enough. If the first one couldn't work why should we trust that this one would have?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above god-- thousands of jobs? What planet are you from? Lessons learned on developer hyperbole. We never ever see these jobs.

Anonymous said...

Read the lease - its on the city website. If Swerdlow does not provide a specified percentage of jobs to city residents he is default and loses everything. You want to keep bringing up past history. Swerdlow SOLD his interest to the partner developer. Boca Developers is the only developer that bailed on the city. Are you responsible for an accident with a car that you sold to someone else? Are you in business to lose money or make a profit?

Seth said...

We learn from history.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for not giving this crook what he wanted, although, I can't deny my surprise! Mr. Swerdlow, NORTH MIAMI DOESN'T NEED YOU, GET OUT!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is in trouble in Fort Lauderdale because he bailing out of the deal there. The people bought because it was a Trump project and then he takes his name off when the going gets rough.The same thing this developer did in North Miami. People from the city the last time did the deal not with Brian Street but with Michael Swerdlow. You can't cash out and leave the city holding the bag with a developer they don't even know.

Herbie said...

Dude looks like a lady.

Anonymous said...

The mayer of N. Miami is shaddy not the developer!

Geniusofdespair said...

What. Perhaps you should read some of our posts on this developer.