The Latin Builder's Association is advertising an all-day event called "Decision 2012." Pretty catchy title.
This sounds like a Day in Hell, if you ask me.
Newt (breakfast) and Rick Scott (lunch) on the same bill...ick. What happened to Mittens? Even Rick Santorum will be there for a 'merienda' (snack) after lunch. That threesome really makes it a no-go for me, in fact, it would be T-O-R-T-U-R-E.
With all that eating, I don't see any time in the schedule for barfing... Yikes!!!!!
This is a gala I don't want to miss. I will go with a barf bag since I might not have time to find the bathroom. Thanks for the heads up on the tight schedule.
Like the mitten.
I actually think this is a good deal? For only $150 you get to ask pointed questions of three very bad men? I'm in.
There is a bar at the Hilton, right?
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