Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Genting's Luxury Condo. By Geniusofdespair

Genting, the Malaysian Gambling giant, has a luxury condo in the Marquis at 1100 Biscayne Blvd. They paid $2 million for the place. The unit is 3,800 square feet and it has 4 bedrooms with 4 baths. It is on the 61st Floor of the 67 story building. The taxes are $22,532.

Ziad Ghandour just bought a unit on the same floor. Is that the same guy who is Founder of TI Capital? He only paid $1,390,000 for his digs (3,017 square feet).

NYCA China Partners LLC also owns a bunch of condos in this building on the 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th floors. They are a mystery - Delaware Corporation.  A company called Optibase also owns 18 units in the Marquis.  Looks like a wholesale buy as they are not counting them on the open market. The developer also appears to still own 69 apartments in the Marquis. Another neighbor for Genting is Robert Straubhaar, CEO of River Advice.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what the writer's point is, other than somewhat mysterious, related owners of condo units. Otherwise, we should be thankful these entities purchased units; they add value to the building and hopefully pay condo maintenance fees and real estate taxes. As for the 69 unsold units, I'm sure those will be absorbed soon, either by individual owners, bulk buyers or some combination.

Geniusofdespair said...

The writer's point was to give information on what Genting is up to. To inform. The health of the condo building was a sidebar.... I found it interesting to see how the developer is coping with low sales.

Anonymous said...

If that's the condo building in the background, I'd say they are using it to hold meetings and host investors, to be able to show a bird's eye view of what they hope will be their future site. If they end up building their resort, then they can use it for their executives.

Not a bad decision for business purposes.


P.S. - No, I have not been hired by Genting.

milly, hialeah said...

This is about much more than we know or see . . .

When more rich foreigners are able invest here and citizens of are less able by their largest majority, then you know we are in big trouble, but those we elect to represent us are for the most part not smart enough to realize it, too blind or afraid to acknowledge it, or too weak or incompetent to really do something about it.

Can we surface before we sink or take the last tugboat to shore?

Anonymous said...

To some idiots :West Kendall is a nice community with beautiful homes and great schools.,better educate yourself before giving your opinion and judgment in something that you don't know as a matter of fact I bought my house 17 years ago in West Kendall in 170K now it is worth more than 400K I almost finish my mortgage and I won't be paying absurd taxes like others in areas mentioned before.