Monday, October 03, 2011

Lynda Bell's Eddie Borrego: You Can't Run And You Can't Hide. By Geniusofdespair

I have a message for Eddie Borrego, County Commissioner Lynda Bell's Chief of Staff. A delicate message to be sure. Eddie, if you don't want people to know you are at a meeting, hiding your face will not work. EVER! I was very interested to see who would show up at the first Wetland Advisory Task Force hearing - Lynda Bell's one-woman attack on DERM (County Department of Environment Resource Management*). Of course, you showed up Eddie - no other Commissioner Aide was there - but you quickly left after I snapped your photo.

Also at the meeting was Kerri Barsh of Greenberg Traurig who represents White Rock Quarries. Yep, the lady with the polka dots is there for the rock miners.

Don't kid yourself anyone. This task force is a charade. It is about easing regulation for rock mining and agriculture at the expense of our drinking water. Lynda Bell's campaign was heavy with rock mining donations and she has a lot of friends in agriculture too, like James Humble.

The Wetland rules are mostly in place to guard the purity of our drinking water. According to Alice Pena, a VERY vocal 8 1/2 square mile person, Lynda Bell started the task force because of Alice. Already that smells bad -- starting a committee that is costing taxpayers plenty in staff (there were at least 6 or 7 staff members present) because of one NON-constituent of Lynda's. Why didn't Lynda Bell defer to the Commissioner of the district like the rest of them do? Because she had to make good on her promises, and they weren't to Pena. All the Government agencies (Army Corps, South Florida Water Management District, Derm) and  Commissioner Moss have been dealing with Pena for going over a decade now. She is nothing new. I believe the 8 1/2 square mile woman is being used as a pawn, a cover for others who want to water down wetland rules and eliminate permitting requirements for agriculture and rock mining.

It is easier for Agriculture to be changed for other uses after wetlands are filled and destroyed. This is such a sham. Out of the 7 people on the DERM Wetland Advisory Task force, 3 are registered County Lobbyists and one is that Pena woman. That is your majority. The person I liked least was Patricia Baloyra of Broad & Cassel. The one thing you could say 'good' about Baloyra, she dressed better than Barsh.

*The new name of DERM, under Gimenez's 25 Departments, is Permitting, Environment and Regulatory Affairs.


Anonymous said...

Pena is a one person noise machine and she has been, for many many years. She knows perfectly well how the 8.5 square mile area has been the steel-toed shoe to kick in environmental protections. So does the county commission. Pedro Reboredo, anyone?

Anonymous said...

Bell needs to be recalled ASAP. Pena is an environmental disaster and a glaring example of what is wrong with this County. Bell has allowed this train wreck to move further up the political food chain - and at OUR expense.

Gimenez isn't getting off easy on this either. He could have and should have veto'd CDMP changes in the 8 1/2sq mile area, but this goes back to the LBA. He's no hero and will not get my vote for re election.

As to this joke of a "task force", well, the property owners along Krome will get what they get and any buyer stupid enough to build it they will come, will have a whole bunch of empty lots, contaminated by run off from 8 1/2 sq mile. Would you buy produce from a contaminated area? I wouldn't.

As to the polka dot lady, (sorry, can't help it), perhaps an investment in braces for her over bite would have offset the polka dots! And to the Bell CoS, ummm, perhaps a jacket would have been less offensive! (I know I should not have gone there, but it was just too obvious)

Anonymous said...

Lobbyist and developers? And Kerri Barsh in the audience? There goes our drinking water. BTW, why does gimleteye write long national stories (although interesting ones) right after you write such interesting local county information stories?

Anonymous said...

Eddie was suffering from donut withdrawls.

Anonymous said...

How many dalmation puppies were killed to make that polka dot suit?

Anonymous said...

Kerri Barsh is the worst. When I walk into a meeting and see her my heart sinks, because I know it means Cemex (rock mining co.) is up to no good. Plus she drinks copious amounts of Mountain Dew even early in the morning, which just grosses me out.

Anonymous said...

Fashion victim!

Anonymous said...

Reboredo... what about Gwen Margolis?

Anonymous said...

There is so much I could say about those photo's in and of themselves, but I know it's going to go down a very dark humored ally, I'll refrain!

Barsh is a pawn of Cemex. Bell is a pawn of Cemex and any rock mining entity other than the Redland Company. The only reason she outed them was because her campaign donors demanded it - not for the good of the public! As to Bell's Chief of Staff - where on earth did he come from? The only person in Bell's office that actually knows how the County work's is the bought and paid for wife of Castillo. And, I have to wonder if she was mail order or not! I put this in the category of Ireland marrying Humble - double gross!

Anonymous said...

Could that skirt get any tighter?

Geniusofdespair said...

Thanks for not taking the OBVIOUS cheap shots.

Anonymous said...

Who are the members of the Task Force; the County doesn't seem to list them.

Geniusofdespair said...

Patricia Baloyra
Manuel Echezarretta
Jose K. Fuentes
Jose M. Gonzalez
James F. Murley (only member NOT recommended by Lynda Bell -- Mayor Appoitment)
Alice Pena
Stephen A. Sauls

Anonymous said...

You can’t be serious Genius?

Anonymous said...

I genuinely enjoy this blog, but why attack a hard working staff member? From what I know Mr. Borrego is a hard worker and I believe he worked for Governor Crist, where he led many of the gov's "green" efforts.

Geniusofdespair said...

Where did I ATTACK Eddie? I tried to take his picture. He tried to hide himself. Where is my attack?

Anonymous said...

I genuinely enjoy this blog too. Don’t get baited that easily Genius.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the most recent Annon can tell us what Borrego did for Crist. I suspect you will find it was very little and nothing of such importance. What I do know for certain is, he did not lead any green efforts or anything on that level for Crist or anyone else.

As for working hard, your resources don't know what they are talking about. He answers only to Jose Luis Castillo, Bell's confidante and the one who runs her agaenda which he also dictates to her. He is the boss in that little organization. The CoS does only what he is ordered to do by Castillo and woe to him if he ever tries to do anything that he is not ordered to do.

It is well known around the County what Borrego does. Ask any of the people around County Hall and they will give you a whole other story.

Anonymous said...

Is that Lobbyist Jose Fuentes standing by Cruella De Vil?

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes, his back is to her...

Anonymous said...

Agree 150% with the anon who posted the info on Borrego's actual role at County Hall and with Crist. You did your homework.

Anonymous said...

...why attack a hard working staff member? From what I know Mr. Borrego is a hard worker and I believe he worked for Governor Crist, where he led many of the gov's "green" efforts.

Does Eddie's mommy read the blog?

He also was appointed South Florida regional director for Sen. George S. LeMieux (R-FL). He was previously external affairs director for Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum. And he worked for the county as well.

Anonymous said...

Agree with anon who posted Borrego's role- he is manipulative and a liar too!
He also worked for after Crist--Dont know his connection to greaseball Castillo but Castillo made sure Ring my Bell hired him--
too bad she is too blind or stupid or both to see how useless, destructive, stupid and corrupt Borrego is- but in the County way he would probably get promoted before he got fired--
Also, Bell doesn't even read or ask questions on anything that isn't dictated by Castillo through Eddie--
how sad is that--

Anonymous said...

Eddie is a powerful chief of staff and has an IQ of 150 plus. Lynda and her staff is the smartest of all the commissioners offices. She runs this county like a fine tune piano. LEts keep her in office. She completely controls the COW meetings and one day she will be a mayor. Halleluah!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Re: "Halleluah"-Bible-thumpin' Bell is alive and well, anonymity notwithstanding.