Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Hialeah Poll done in August. By Geniusofdespair

Will there be a major shake-up in Hialeah Government? Balsera Communications did a poll, released August 18 that was sponsored by the Hialeah Firefighters, here are the results:

State of City Government:
• 65% of Voters feel the Financial condition of the city is either average or poor.
• 26% of Voters feel Waste & Corruption In Government was the top issue followed closely by Property Taxes and Crime & Safety. Quality City Services was rated as the fourth most important issue to voters.
• 86% of voters feel the performance of the Hialeah Firefighters is either excellent/good.

November Elections:

• Former Mayor Raul Martinez holds a double digit lead over current Mayor Carlos Hernandez. Carlos Hernandez leads, third place finisher, former Senator Rudy Garcia by double digits.
• None of the current council members garners 40% against the field of challengers.
• All Council members appear to be vulnerable, particularly Jose Caragol, appointee Paul Hernandez and Isis Garcia-Martinez. The three incumbents are all tied or within the MOE with their respective challengers ( Julio Martinez, Frank Lago & Cindy Miel ).
• In the only open seat Alex Morales has a commanding lead on the field.


A survey of the views and opinions of Hialeah voters was conducted between August 13 -16, 2011 by Balsera Communications. Using random digit dialing, 300 likely voters were surveyed. 83% of the surveys were conducted in Spanish and 17% were conducted in English. 59% of the respondents are republican, 27% Democrat and 13% NPA. 195 respondents were female and 105 were male. 86% were 56+ in age, 10% were between 40-55 while 4% were between 18-39 years old. The MOE is 5.6%.


Anonymous said...

Is Balsera Communications associated with Freddy Balsera, the lobbyist and ex-Penelas aide?

Anonymous said...

Is Martinez expected to win or is his lead a bit surprising?

Anonymous said...

random digit dialing? who on earth does RDD in a race like this? well, if you want to do something quick and cheap.

the methodology also doesn't say whether this was live callers, or robo callers.

Raul "The Mauler" Martinez tops out at 35%. He can spend $3 million and that's all he gets. He will probably get into a runoff, though.

Anonymous said...

dump the incumbents: they disrespect the residents and are only there to collect their checks. I'm shocked with how poorly they treat residents.
Isis and "acting mayor" Carlos Hernandez have got to go worst of all!!!

Anonymous said...

300-random dialing-likely voters-sponsored by
Firefighters union- woth over 80 percent answering
Thje opne question related to firefighters, ok. Any waterfront
Property on the saharah desert available?