Saturday, September 10, 2011

Another Banner Week for City of Miami ... by gimleteye

The re-instatement of city commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones after being suspended for alleged corruption was accompanied by the call to arms: "You don't mess with God's children" and Jones, herself, "God is great" reminding me that Dottie Peoples may sing "He's on On Time God" but for politicians in Miami, He is also a Pocket God. In other words, when you are in the back room talking about zoning changes and building permits, He goes back in the pocket. The ceremony had the feeling of a church tent revival meeting, but did nothing to dispel the years of legal wrangling around insider dealing on the city commission that may not have landed Jones in jail but nonetheless cast long, sad shadows over city government. Jones said to her supporters, "Power lies in the neighbors and not City Hall." Good sound bite but for enlightenment, you had to wander down to City Hall for the 17 hour circus surrounding the effort by the city commission to hold the police chief, Miguel Esposito, accountable to instructions by his supervisor, the city manager. Somehow Miami struggles through these crises. We are reaching toward the end of our anti-morality play; long past the inflection point where a community could ask whether gambling belongs in downtown Miami. Bring them all in: maybe the economic jolt from gambling will concentrate power in the hands of a few future business leaders who will have the public good at heart and fix what ails the Magic City. Miami needs a new symbol: how about a roulette wheel in a house of God?


Geniusofdespair said...

Al Milian, the former prosecutor, was phenomenal. He had an hour to prepare for the hearing--brought in late in the day because city manager Martinez was botching the hearing.

Anonymous said...

When I watched the hearing yesterday, I thought, why not rename Miami - Havana, Florida! Some of these politicians & their antics would probably make Chavez blush (purposely avoided saying Castro)!

Yes, I say let the gambling begin downtown with the times square led billboards! Why not, I'm not sure we have any open space or natural resources left in the cesspool they currently call the City of Miami!

P. Nis said...

Al Milain came across as exactly what he is, a bully. Let's not forget this is the same Al that punched a fellow attorney in the courthouse and tried to explain his DUI away by blaming poor lighting.

What disturbs me the most is Mr Milian is representing several of the Makinita gangs in lawsuits against the city, how could it be possible that he didn't have a conflict of interest in representing the city manager last night?

Also note that we were lead to believe that commanders Roque and Perez were left in a room with no duties or responsibilities since their so called demotions when in fact they had both taken leaves well before their change in positions? Roque had been sitting at home allegedly taking care of his wife for nearly 60 days when all this had gone on! All three cops, Brown, Roque and Perez proved to be very very bad liars and Johnny Martinez proved without a doubt that despite his reputation that he's a moron.

What the hearing did flush out last night is who actually runs the city, the Cuban mob that congregates at "Cuban crafter" the favorite hangout of Armando Gutierez and has pack of thieves.

As bad as the county is I think we'd be far better off if they just took over the city.

City Of Shame Dweller said...

I liked the rapid fire questioning of the 3 officers. They did sound like they might be lying. I couldn't figure out the sick wife timeline.

No matter what happened last night you could tell Suarez, Gort and Despence-Jones will vote Exposito out. The people instead should vote Regalado out for getting rid of Timoney.

Anonymous said...

This is ALL about gambling. Reglado wants it, the police chief wanted to uphold the law. Armando Gutierrez is pulling all the strings over at city hall. He probably will also make money over the Genting deal.

Geniusofdespair said...

I spoke to a couple of lawyers, they think he knew about the case earlier and was ready to go having more prep time than it appeared.

Anonymous said...

Al Milain was obviously researching the case and preparing to question the officers PRIOR to his being introduced. He is a bully and he obviously crafts his questions in a very deceptive manner. So it appears he was then and is currently being paid by the vendors and promoters of the gambling machines.

Regalado is spending the taxpayers money to get his friends gambling machines on the street as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

Regalado appears to be on the payroll of the gambling machine companies and it appears he has recruited Francis Suarez, Willy Gort and Spence-Jones to help remove Exposito.

What's up with Spence? Is she like Dunn and she doesn't want police officers to defend themselves when black criminals shoot at them?

Anonymous said...

Just wait for Al's bill to hit City Hall. Again us tax payers will pay Martinez's Legal Fees! Julie couldn't do the job???

P. Nis said...

Didn't anyone sense how rehearsed the interaction between Milian and the demoted cops were? Also worth noting is how little the cops knew about the circumstances surrounding the demotions.

Total bs!

Anonymous said...

Genius thanks rethinking your take on Milian because I was afraid that you had gone to the dark side.The guy reminds me of why most people hate attorneys (and that was before I had googled him)
The whole issue is a travesty and Milian clearly was prepped waay prior to that day.But he apparently was not able to insert himself into the process until after Johnny the doormat criminally implicated himself.
Spence Jones sounnded like she was trying until she latched onto Browns hurt feelings which have absolutely nothing to do with the case at hand. If there is anything good to come of this mess, the vote to recess until after the 5th day and thereby violating the charter and Espositos rights , may cause this whole thing to be reversed by a more competent court.

Frito the Bandido said...

First let me clear I have always opposed a pocket god my preference has always been for a wireless G.O.D. and may he be merciful upon my facebook avatar.

Miami can't simply change its name to Havana Florida it would have to trade for a town that already has that distinction.

Maki in a Bnanan Republic at least lear the nita is really spelled Maquinita I think, if your going to liveG.O.D. damn language.

Stop biatching you all love all the melodrama gives you lots stuff to write and moan about, now wasn't there something about a $61 million dollar budget deficit.

Recap up on the dias we have la creme de la creme, a child of god, A bro of a former mayor with a less than stellar record at MDPD, A son of a former Mayor with some demons to contend with,a commish with a glass roof (literally) and the grandson of David Sarnoff (well not really).

Then there's the mayor who looks like that tortoise in the 1950s video classic Duck and Cover. A Manager who will take theall,and his attorney whom I hear had a couple of shots of 151 at Scotty's before strolling in to City Hall.
you have a chief and his IA sidekick who are on spanish language tV more than Don Fransisco.

Miami I'm so glad i don't live there but the voyuer in me just can't turn it off, like going to Nascar just to see a crash.
On the floor

Anonymous said...

Ricardo Roque, one of the three police officers Exposito promoted and gave more pay and benefits before he took away their responsibilities but let them keep their increased pay and benefits, admitted he had not gone to his office for at least the last 55 days. Nonetheless, Roque was still getting his full pay and benefits. No wonder the Police Department has an overtime problem Commanders like Roque don't even show up for work.

Carollo admitted the City now faces a $62.5 mil deficit.

Anonymous said...

Comm. Frank Carollo does know the city charter! He was not aware of the fact that the Chief is under the Manager! He begins each statement with ahhhhhhhhhhhh...what a joke.

Al Milian = brilliant

Anonymous said...

Michelle Spence-Jones admitted on TV Friday that she is only a commissioner because she gets a huge pay and benefit package for part-time work. She admitted she cares so little for the City that in the previous 22 months, during her banishment, that she never once turned on Miami TV to watch a City Commission Meeting or any City Board meetings. She admitted she was not curious. She admitted she was ignorant. What a self-centered pig.

On TV she confirmed everyone's worst fears.

Anonymous said...

Fred Grimm has another, absolutely on target, assessment of this mess in today's local section of the Herald!

Even the most uneducated voter, in budget deficit communities throughout this County, should see this total misuse of taxpayer funds between the legal fees, lawsuits and full (excessive) pay to off duty officers. The PBA should focus more on these issues than endorsing candidates!

The illegal "fire fee" and the settlement thereafter is child's play compared to this mess!

Anonymous said...

The Banana Republic presses on.......

Geniusofdespair said...

What Channel did Spence-Jones say that on?

Anonymous said...

Miami TV Channel 77. At the beginning of the Hearing. Spence admitted she never watched one Commission meeting for 22 months.

Even normal citizens watch replays of City and County Board meetings occasionally. Not Spence-Jones. Unless she's being paid she doesn't give a crap.

Anonymous said...

Spence doesn't get out of bed unless she's being paid.

Anonymous said...

He's an on-time God yes he is.

Gimleteye said...

Now I remember! Spence-Jones is a dead ringer for Hailey on "Weeds".

Anonymous said...

Real professionals would have made it their business to stay informed. Legitimate community activists are volunteers who have a passion to help their neighbors.

Spence? Not so much.