Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Look what Rick Scott came out with after his company got fourteen felonies and $600 million in fines. By Geniusofdespair

Columbia/HCA was good for Governor Rick Scott as seen by his Gordon Drive Neighborhood. Too bad he is squeezing the State of Florida and its residents dry.

"Scott owns a 1.3-acre residence, purchased in 2003 for $11.5 million. His 3,400-square-foot mansion abuts the Gulf of Mexico. To the north is a red-tiled mansion valued at $29 million. To the south is an 8,200-square foot mansion that is for sale for $21.9 million." Here is a video -- with a great soundtrack -- of the waterfront side of Scott's House in Old Naples:

Link to video. Now, with this post, I can write-off my trip to Naples from my imaginary salary.


Anonymous said...

Also you could say it didn't cost even as much as his house to buy the state GOP, now that he is chair. Does the GOP stand for anything other than money ball?

Javier said...

Your soundtrack is priceless. Thanks for the look on how the other 2% live.

Anonymous said...

What an ugly beachfront. Doesn't he know to mow the grass? Sit on the beach and blast that song - that's a good one.

Geniusofdespair said...

You are kidding right about the dune grass.

Milly, hialeah said...

The first / top photo is too funny . . . Don't you love photoshop? But - The "picture" tells the story!

Anonymous said...

Trump has his beachfront property; I don't find this too 'over-the-top' for a super rich guy.