Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Fox News "Bovine Excreta" Machine Owned by Rupert Murdoch ... by gimleteye

There is no question that the smartest news writers in the business work for Jon Stewart's "Daily Show" on the Comedy Channel. There, they get to do excellent work like sift the database of Fox News, unfair and unbalanced by any yardstick, wash it through their finely calibrated bullshit detectors and hang it in the public square to dry. That Fox has steadily downplayed the Rupert Murdoch scandal unfolding in the British Empire is no surprise. Nor is its value as comedy. The Right Wing Spin Machine has simply become a parody of itself.

For example, listen to conservative bloviator Cal Thomas fume at the "piling on": well, it is great comedy. The Daily Show writers remind us: "But perhaps, (Murdoch Critics) don't have Fox's finely tuned sense of proportionality. They don't have the ability to spot stories of real criminality and import, like the crimes of, let's say, NPR.

SEAN HANNITY (3/8/2011): A National Public Radio executive caught on tape in a bigoted hate-filled rant.

BILL O'REILLY (10/21/2010): Juan Williams fired by NPR, for saying he gets nervous when flying with Muslims.

BRET BAIER (3/9/2011): The upheaval at NPR reached its zenith today.

GRETCHEN CARLSON (3/10/2011): President Obama still supports giving NPR your tax dollar money.

BILL O'REILLY (3/14/2011): On the NPR scandal, is the left-wing media playing that down?

SEAN HANNITY (10/21/2010): Liberals are intolerant.

BILL O'REILLY (10/22/2010): We've linked in NPR to Soros, we know what they're doing over there.

SEAN HANNITY (4/22/2011): The corruption is now so widespread, it has succeeded in permeating every area of the mainstream media.

ANDREW NAPOLITANO (3/9/2011): ... these crackpots at NPR ...

LAURA INGRAHAM (10/22/2010): ... the totalitarian tactics of the left ...

PETER JOHNSON, JR. (10/24/2010): Is NPR an agent, somehow, of a jihadist inquisition?

Just watch the Right Wing Spin Machine aka Fox News sputter and spit its cogs and gears. Daily Kos provides a written transcript of the recent Jon Steward segment on Murdoch and Fox News, here. It is great Sunday entertainment if you haven't seen it already.


Sparrow said...

Thanks for this! Fox blowhards got apoplectic about the side comments of an NPR executive. Murdoch henchmen tapped phones, bribed police and blackmailed politicians - their invasions targeting victims of tragedy - and Fox politely laughs it off. This exposes Fox news for what it is, and should disgust even the rightwingers. I wonder how Fox is going to cover the Oslo murderer? That he was driven to do it by welfare supporting liberals?

David said...

If you actually watched Fox News you would know they have provided extensive, sober, balanced coverage of the Murdoch scandal in England, being sure all the way to let viewers know that Fox News is owned by Murdoch.

What is interesting is to watch the liberal media desperately attempt to import the scandal across the pond. Despite their best efforts, the story has not grown any legs because there's nothing there.

By the way, if you actually listened to NPR (which I do), you would know they are unabashed lefties. I defy anyone to name one conservative on the air there...just one. You can't because there isn't any. They use government funding and support one political party. Not good.

Oh, just as an aside, I'm still waiting for the Obama administration to produce a plan to reduce government spending. I suspect I'll still be waiting on August second. I's not a spending problem, it's a revenue problem.

Anonymous said...

Steward quoted on O' Riley (yes he was on Fox) they do not write news, they write comedy.