Friday, July 01, 2011

Commissioner Xavier Suarez. By Geniusofdespair

Although I was friendly with Julio Robaina (The Good One) for many years I always had a place in my heart for the man who ran against him and won in District 7, Xavier Suarez. It all goes back to an incident in November 1997.

I was an avid windsurfer and Virginia Key, one of the best windsurfing venues in the country, was closed in 1995(?), because of budget cuts they said. Windsurfing was popular back then but the City of Miami wouldn't budge on opening the beach. We believed they closed it to get the "Eco" Campground open that City of Miami Commissioner J.L. Plummer was pushing. Mayor Stephen P. Clark and J.L. (hated them both) were dismissive of our group.

Xavier Suarez got elected City Mayor in 1997 and he took the South Florida South Sailing Association (SFBSA) up on our invitation and came to the yearly party put on by the group for about 15 minutes. Adam Locke, our president, who had that year been elected National U.S. Sportsman of the Year for his Virgina Key Activism, said at the time of Mayor Suarez's visit in November 1997:

The new Mayor of the City of Miami Xavier Suarez comes to our Reggae Beach Bash and vows to re-open Virginia Key Beach. He also declared Virginia Key to be saved for our children. What a year!
We all loved Mayor Suarez after he extended that olive branch during his visit and were totally bummed when he got swept up in Humberto Hernandez's absentee ballot scandal. Windsurfers still look back at Xavier Suarez with fond memories. We were treated like shit by everyone else in the City of Miami (except the Waterfront Board). I can't believe that was about 15
years ago. Trying to get the beach closure reversed, by the way, got me started on the road to community activist -- we finally got the beach opened 3 years later (Mayor Joe Carollo was as obstinate as Mayor Clark).

I have to believe that County Commissioner Xavier Suarez is going to be a positive force because he does listen and he is a brilliant man. He did give us a good vote at the County Commission on June 23rd, a mining application by landowner Santa Fe Haciendas, LLC (Masoud Shojaee of Shoma Homes) and operator Cemex Construction, LLC. Because it was a tie there will be a re-vote when Audrey Edmonson will be in attendance.

Maybe that vote is a harbinger of good things to come out of District 7. I am convinced that Xavier Suarez is a caring guy, he was the only one who treated us windsurfers with respect.

And, don't believe the rumors about him hiring Terry Murphy. He is too smart! Hopefully he is also smart enough not to vote to give money towards upgrades for the Dolphin Stadium as he said he would at a debate. All politicians hear this: Step away from funding stadiums! That move will take you down a black hole of unpopularity. Just ask former Mayor Alvarez.


Anonymous said...

Let's hope he'll be here for Virginia Key again.

Anonymous said...

We need him more than ever to protect Virginia Key again.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Xavier Suares and to Miami Dade County voters for making an excellent choice on election day! Virginia Key is a very special place and deserves the protection and respect that it has earned since it's early days of Miami's history. The Island is still one of the best Windsurfing beaches in the world.
Adam Locke

Anonymous said...

I believe that the X-Man has what it takes. It remains to be seen if he can reform the unreformable on the County Commission.

Anonymous said...

I'll be listening intently to Suarez's comments and vote regarding the July 7 BCC CDMP meeting when the Homestead Speedway application is heard.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Suarez can stop Tomas Regalado from letting his buddy Manny Alonso-Poch get a No-Bid contract AND a free building at the Marine Stadium site on Virginia Key?

Tony said...

Glad to hear you have hope. It gives me hope.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure I share your optimism, but I guess that's the best approach for a new commission member. I hope he is not the rambling kook I imagine him to be.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Xavier Suarez can beat back the criminals who have taken over Miami?