Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Politicians and their weiners: brought down by a Tweet ... by gimleteye

My wife asked me, what is going on with men? Referring to the serial, manifold errors of male politicians. "Are they out of their minds?" she asks. I attribute the die-off to pesticide exposure. Like what is happening to the bees.


Anonymous said...

I suppose it is just that the internet and its attractions simply tap into an impulse that is hard wired. Ask Berlesconi. Maybe we should legislate that all members of Congress take the same foto angle in their underwear, post it to their Congressional websites, and just get on with it. After all, it might have a non-partisan leveling effect, kind of like a gag reflex.

Anonymous said...

Gimlete - what I want to write and what I could politely write are just not on the same page. The one liners are endless on this. However, I will leave those to john stewart and steven colbert!

Anonymous said...

power makes people a little crazy

Anonymous said...

I know links can be a no no, but this one was just too funny and appropriate!


Anonymous said...

why are these male politicians so stupid? ever here about the sex scandals with the women in office? sexting, affairs in office, etc...I guess some things should just be dominated by men.

Anonymous said...

Yes, male politicians are so stupid. You couldn't have said it better. Attended Palmetto Bay's Council Meeting last night. A former candidate for Mayor argued against a campaign contribution reform ordinance by saying that "bundling" (better known as campaign fraud, reimbursing employees for their contributions to the employer's candidate of choice, exceeding the max contribution and hiding the true donor)will happen because the candidate's supporters will have no choice. Breaking the law is always the best choice to be sure the candidate will win who will continue your vendor's contract. Of course, "bundling" was this guy's choice in making sure his candidate of choice got elected in the City of Miami in 2002.

Anonymous said...

The anon above should take a deep breath and think carefully about what he/she typed. It is not illegal. If it had, there would be no need for the ordinance. This change was pushed by the vice mayor who is in trouble in his upcoming bid for reelection. The sad part was that both the current mayor as well as the vice mayor took substantial money from vendors in their races. They took thousands of dollars.

This new ordinance was nothing more than the usual hypocrites who used money from lobbyists and vendors to get elected then shut the door on anyone who may use that same money to unseat them. It is called the power of incumbency.

The not so funny part is that mayor Shelley Stanczyk took campaign money from a lobbyist allegedly from a group pushing a charter school in Palmetto Bay. Many residents are waiting to see how the conflicted mayor vote on this issue when it comes up.

It is time for this council to come clean, but it will take the electorate in the next election to do the sweeping.

Anonymous said...

I love the continued attacks on that prior candidate for mayor who allegedly bundled money for a candidate that was seen as supporting his cause, camilus house. What a horrible conspiracy, supporting the homeless. I would be concerned if this was a defense contractor, or a charter school company, but let's get real, camilus house? I would love to see this same Palmetto Bay NIMBY mob mobilize after a camilus house facility in THEIR town.

This ongoing and petty fight is another great example of how incorporation of these small fiefdoms is a farce. First councils are always for the public good, and then the hidden and not so hidden personal agendas move forward. This is what happens when little napoleons get a hold of what they perceive to be power.

Palmetto Bay, what a silly little town. God Save Our Palmetto Bay.

Anonymous said...

Peter England is no angel...from New Times

Hart accused England of trying to coerce him into making illegal campaign contributions on six occasions. Hart also claimed he knew other employees who were reimbursed for contributing. When New Times first reported about the lawsuit in 2005, Camillus House leaders asserted an in-house investigation did not corroborate Hart's story.

Hart maintains he is telling the truth. "Peter was always twisting arms to get employees to make contributions to people who we didn't know and who weren't in the district that represents Camillus House," he affirms. "I refused to do it because I believe stealing from the homeless and the poor is a sin."

Anonymous said...

Again, this is old news. And now we are going to name names as some sort of punishment for speaking against the exalted council. No one proved he did it and there was no action from the authorities taken if they did. Are you saying that all five current members on the council are lily white angels? We should check their phone records and their computer hard drives to find out.
It is clear that you want to convict and permanently exclude someone you see as not aligned with your personal views. That is not democracy, but more like school yard gossip and bullying against those not in the favored clique.

What about current allegations of secret meetings going on in Palmetto Bay to discuss the plan to defeat a private school going on between council members either directly or through intermediaries, including spouses? Can you say as fact that no such underground efforts are going on? Why did the mayor place an item on the agenda calling to spend $50,000 for traffic studies then suddenly voted against her own ordinance when the whisper campaign speculated that this was at request of the homeowners group fighting Palmer? Was that money no longer needed or was it cold feet when confronted with the truth?

The point is that people always turn a blind eye to those issues of their candidates or leaders when the goal aligns with their goals.

Geniusofdespair said...

You Palmetto Bay people are acting like a bunch of babies STOP immediately. No more rumors on a recall...just stop. I hate these schools that bully people, and neighbors and wage expensive lawsuits--like Palmer Trinity. Ty is a personal friend of mine and I believe him on England. And it is not old news. I like Bev Gerald and would have voted for her and Shelly if I lived in Palmetto Bay. I watched Fiore on the community council for years and I don't like him, never will. I think there are sour grapes going on in this village. This blog was not about Palmetto Bay so all of you babies with an axe to grind, go find somewhere else to air your petty differences.

Anonymous said...

Now, back to the Weiner situation. He did a strange thing, but he did not have sex with anyone. Even less than "I did not have sex with that woman". I am not so sure what you would call what he did. He never had physical contact with anyone. You couldn't say it was virtual sex. Maybe advertisement for potential real or virtual sex? Maybe. I don't know. What would be the legal term? How common is this practice? Is it enough for him to give up his seat in Congress?