Wednesday, May 04, 2011

County Mayoral Debate Sponsored by Kendall Federation. Guest Blog by Kendall Lady

Candidate Jose Pepe Cancio: He actually grabbed the microphone and explained that he once moved the UDB and was proud to do it because it was the right thing to do, not even sensing that he was playing that drama to the wrong crowd.

Well, it finally happened on May 2nd. A county commission election event with all the candidates on deck! Congratulations to the Kendall Federation of Homeowner Associations; your organization managed a coup.

It was a fun evening if you didn’t have your dog in the fight. There were lots of squirmy candidates, some eye rolling and some questions being avoided. By the end, the audience’s attention bounced back and forth between Carlos Gimenez and Hialeah’s Julio Robiana. Gimenez finally lost it when Hialeah Julio stated that he did not support the Marlins contract and would make them come back to the bargaining table. Carlos Gimenez stood up and told the audience to go to the county website and look at the hearing tape. He said that Julio was one of three mayors (Alvarez, Diaz and Robiana) in attendance that supported 'The Deal'.

(See the tape here)

Hialeah Julio countered with a whiny “He is always attacking me at forums”. Will someone please tell Julio he has to actually go to forums before he can whine about being attacked at them? Julio also said during the Marlin’s hearing that he “meant” that he supported Major League Baseball; not just the Marlins and not 'The Deal'. Julio, watch the video. Read what is on the screen below your face. Really. The County Commission meeting was about the deal!

Both Gimenez and Hialeah Julio danced around the UDB question. Gimenez pointed out that he was always one of the sustaining five votes when Mayor Alvarez vetoed a UDB move. He finally indicated that he would have to consider an UDB move on a case-by-case basis. He DID NOT say he would move it, and hasn't yet. Hialeah Julio says he will continue to use good planning practices just like Hialeah’s when considering UDB issues. Ahhhhh. I think Hialeah Julio doesn’t live in the same Hialeah I drive through. Who wants the county to look like Hialeah? Not me.

As you may have guessed, the stars of the event were Carlos Gimenez and Hialeah’s Julio Robiana. However, Luther Campbell, of the Booty Coalition, essentially sounded rational on some points.

The candidates each had their own special personalities:

· Marcelo Llorente was holding his own in spite of being over shadowed by Robiana’s smugness glowering next to him. He is a very good looking young man who is experienced in politics and very proud of the fact that he was a product of Kendall.

· We had an economist, Farid A. Khavari, who seemed very pleasant but unfamiliar with county issues. He very much wanted us to go to his website and read HIS book (at no charge, of course). Farid must have told us go read his book six times before the night was over. I wonder if this is the same book that he had when he ran against Rick Scott in November? By the way, he will create 150,000 jobs in 3 years (this election is for an 18 month term) and get rid of property taxes by creating the Bank of Miami-Dade County. The audience was very entertained by Farid but mystified about everything he said. He does have a doctorate and substantial curriculum vitae.

· Among the other standouts was Jose Pepe Cancio. He kept reminding us that he was a county commissioner – two times! I can’t remember him, but I am positive he is Souto’s twin brother; his thoughts were all over the place and his delivery was unintelligible at times. He actually grabbed the microphone and explained that he once moved the UDB and was proud to do it because it was the right thing to do, not even sensing that he was playing that drama to the wrong crowd. Everyone on the panel went motionless waiting for us to rush him. His campaign literature tells us to make a “concrete” decision -- that’s cute since he is CEO of a concrete company. I wonder how much of his concrete goes to county projects?

· Jeff Lambert is also a nice guy. A bit intense, with a lovely wife who beamed at him all night. He is a firefighter who was probably glad that Carlos Gimenez was not a commissioner any more as he sat next to him and criticized county government. Jeff also stated that we should follow the money to find your special interest candidates. He wore a bold American flag shirt that resulted in one audience member asking me about him being a tea partier.

· Hellloooooo Kendall. That was Gabrielle Redfern’s surprise greeting! She is the one woman candidate in the group. Gabrielle struck me as a primary grade teacher trying to endear herself to her class on the first day of school. Lots of energy in her comments. Bouncy Bouncy. She will not move the UDB until every inch of land is used up east of it. I believe it. She passed out suckers to the audience; does someone want to tell her that perhaps cigars and wine will work better?

· Roosevelt Bradley, the former county Transit Director, kept reminding us that he left transit in good shape. Wasn’t he fired? He stated that he brought millions of dollars to the county (singlehandedly from the sound of it) and he would do it again when we elected him mayor. I think, he too, wrote a story and I don’t think the audience was buying it.

· There were other candidates, Eddie Lewis from North Dade and Wilbur Bell from South Dade. They are very similar spirits as community activists. Both have had a prior interest in elected office with Bell being elected to the local zoning board and resigning to run for mayor and Lewis making a run for Property Appraiser in the last election.


Geniusofdespair said...

you said:

Hialeah Julio says he will continue to use good planning practices just like Hialeah’s when considering UDB issues.

I say:
Well that is a very scary statement. I have never seen worse planning than in Hialeah. Where are the trees Julio?

Take a ride through your neighboring cities like Miami Lakes or Miami Springs. Look at their planning.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Gimenez is the establishment candidate in sheeps clothing, why doesn't someone ask him what exactly it is he did to earn over 100k a year as a non attorney at Akermann Senterfitt(lobbying central) between his gigs as Miami City Manager and County Commissioner.

Anonymous said...

The HELLOOOOO (wherever you are) is getting old Redfern. Put a sock in it.

Anonymous said...

If Gimenez is the establishment candidate, (which he may be ONE of several running)-- What that make Hialeah Julio (NGO)??? He was Seijas' boy in the race.

Norman B DID NOT do us a favor.

If I wasn't afraid of throwing away my vote, I would vote for a sincere activist and then volunteer to work at his office/her office to help them learn the ropes.

Anonymous said...

A point of reflection to the “medicine being worse than the illness” we all pushed for recall driven by passion and disdain to Natacha Seijas and Carlos Alvarez. Now let’s see the improvement of our new political structure to be.

New Mayor: Julio Robaina (Loan master, maquinita king, and under investigation by three different government enteties)

New Commissioner to replace VNS Steve Bovo (Buddy to Marco Rubio, David Rivera and the developer’s sweetheart)

New Commissioner to replace Carlos Gimenez: Xavier Suarez ( fromer Miami wacky Miami mayor… just google his name)

A real sign of progress! Good job Miami Voice and Vanessa Britto (who is on all there payrolls now) what a coincidence

Arrrrgh! said...

Cancio is worse than Souto. He is rambling and unfortunately has an issue with English being a second language.

I somehow missed Cancio's 2 terms as commissioner. However, I certainly can't imagine him sitting next to Souto. Those must have been 20 hour long meetings.

He is a Developer. I saw his campaign photo with Cancio holding a concrete truck. Why would he promote his company on his campaign literature?

"Make a Concrete Decision" my foot... I am sure he has enough waterproof concrete to bury the Everglades. Maybe that is the plan, get more water into the Everglades, so they have enough to mix concrete in it.

Anonymous said...

Great post. Regardless of whether or not this was a coup, having another instance of Robaina back-peddling - and on an issue like the Marlin's new stadium - on tape is fantastic. This guy is nothing but big contractor and gambling money. Let them keep erecting shoddy walls around him; the more the public knows, the closer he gets to be being buried beneath the rubble of his fallen shelter.

-Ryan McGrath

Geniusofdespair said...

one last time assholes that I deleted...I worked with Vanessa Brito to get Natacha out.

She is not my girl. If she does stupid things I have nothing to do with it. We had a common enemy. That is it. I am back at other things now and not keeping track of her work history...leave me out of her decisions.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for acknowledging that KFHA had all 11 candidates. We were very proud of that. 11 candidates scrambling at the last minute to run for this spot makes a statement in and of itself about how residents feel about county government. I thank each and every one of them and am thankful for their divergent voices. Democracy is a messy business. We wrote the book on that in Miami Dade County.

Jane Walker

Anonymous said...

Ryan -- the scary thing is the public has very little time to figure out who to vote for...

Politics in Miami is a full time job for constituents.

Anonymous said...

Not many people read the News source I write for yet - we're new in town - but if I have any hand in this election, I feel it's my duty, much like the writers at eyeonmiami, to make the public aware of who's going to be handling the money delegated to our county.

What that means is, in-light of last night's forum, I will be spending my morning writing an article in an attempt to nail this greasy sweat-pig to the cross.

Hopefully enough truth-backed publications can get out word before election day.


Anonymous said...

Gimenez never worked at Ackerman. Yet another Julito lie... Julio will say anything to get elected. He is a pure sack of you know what. Forget the Ponzi Schemes, and loan sharking/shadow banking, and illegal gambling (money laundering for the Mafia, as detailed in today's Herald report), the guy can't even run a small City.

He had $35 million in reserves in Hialeah, now, his City is almost bankrupt. He talks about lowering taxes, he only lowered them once in 6 years. He is getting paid to run for County Mayor, by the Taxpayers. Robaina is the highest paid elected official in the entire State of Florida, $260,000.00 a year!!!! This guy isn't part of the problem, he is the problem!!!

Anonymous said...

He did work for a lawfirm. It wasn't Akerman Senterfitt. He worked for a firm formerly known as Steel Hector Davis.

Anonymous said...

and now the bogus accountability project is trying to paint Giminez as the pro development candidate. Keith Donner is unbelievable and must think people are stupid.

Yo donner said...

Donner is on the dark side....hope he is proud of himself.