Monday, April 11, 2011

Blow by Blow Report on the County Commission Meeting. By Geniusofdespair

Vanessa Brito speaks in reaction to SOME commissioners claiming today that there were not enough voters who voted, to make the recalls/strong mayor vote meaningful. Brito countered - that they, the County Commissioners, were elected with the same percentages.

Yes I am weathering the storm. I will be at the County Commission meeting at 10 am and I will start reporting live by my IPhone. Stay tuned and keep checking back.

Election on the ballot for District 13 and Mayor on ballot for May 24th. No Penelas interim mayor.

Martinez is saying let's not govern by crisis. We have to start managing. Sosa wants to remove an item. Told out of order by attorney. Pepe Diaz now is arguing about charter. Talking about his town hall meetings. Oh, Pepe Le Pew -- so out of touch. He is saying for the good of all is listening to citizens. You never did that before.

Jordan asking election supervisor about numbers. Insinuating not enough people voted for strong mayor. Not a mandate. She should look at her own numbers --certainly no mandate for her. She is blaming media for influencing the public. She said she listens to her constituents in her district, what about the rest of us? You represent us all.

Gimenez likes four of the charter changes up for a vote. He said public was participating already 2 1/2 years ago during the charter review. He wants to keep the charter changes on the ballot even though he is against 2. He said he won't vote for them.

Souto is talking -- god help us. No one much is listening on the dais. Martinez has a smirk, he is talking to Audrey. Souto is now talking about feeling like vomiting on people. He had to appoint someone so he wouldn't vomit on people - at least now he has my attention. He is at 1984. We are a country of laws, lost me again. Bla, bla, bla. Ten minutes he hasn't said anything yet. (Hit read more...)

Martinez is back. Talking about Town Hall meetings AGAIN! It is how they are conducted and who is heard at these meetings -- that is what is important. The meetings can be manipulated. Martinez trying to adjourn the meeting. Now Moss. Saying nothing. Edmonson-- we cannot govern by threats (Braman's continued threats of recall I suppose is what she means) or in reaction to the media. Public needs to hear both sides of issues. Pepe Diaz is pulling his memo - I reported on it on Saturday. They are canceling Wednesday's meeting. No need. 11:04 am -- over.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to try to keep a score card as to how long each commissioner goes on for, how many different times they speak, how many times each one say "we need town hall meetings" or something to that effect; "my constituents" or other famous catch phrases they keep repeating like a stuck 45 record (yea, I'm over 50 yrs old)!

Anonymous said...

Thank You on behalf of those of us who cant be there but care. I will be checking your blog every chance I get

Anonymous said...

Hey why don't you run for office?

Anonymous said...

Very important--it is spelled "blah." Any, my god is right!

Anonymous said...

I remember those charter tow hall meetings. The first few were in neighborhoods. Then some of the committee members did not want to travel (Miguel de Dandy) so they moved them downtown with interactive phone calls. It was pretty great. I must have spoken at 3 or 4 meetings. Victor Diaz was resectful but kept it moving. The suggestions the committee finally adopted were much in line with what the people said. Now they want to re-invent the wheel? They must take us for fools. Face it folks, this crop does not care what we say, although they play to it when it suits them. They should be governing by fear because we are mad.
As for too few people vote, it's been that way in Dade for a long time and they like it that way. Why else would they have elections/voting in the dead of the summer? Let's keep up the pressure.

Anonymous said...

They Must Educate themselves!!!
Ignorance is Rampant on The MDC BCC Dais....
Too Little Too Late!!

After the fact lets "Listen to the People"!!!
When it is in favor of the MDC BCC Dais Power...

Do not Listen to The People not enough (to Require a Mandate) when it is against the MDC BCC Dais Power...

Their Backs are against the wall!! Excellent!

Anonymous said...

Where did people get the idea that the County Commission has a separate election schedule? The County follows the dates set for the State Primary and General Elections. The primary elections are usually around Labor Day, with the general election on the first Tuesday of November.

Geniusofdespair said...

It is seldom a primary for the county commission. It always turns into an election.

Anonymous said...

I may be picky here, but there was nothing posted in the calendar when you went on line. They need to be posting those meetings, even when they are emergency meetings. They knew this was coming. There was no secret. Where is the notice?

Anonymous said...

Aside from occupying a seat on the dias and looking puzzled, what did Commish Bell contribute?

Anonymous said...

Reply to anon:

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