When I get my act together, I will be reporting from Hialeah/Miami Lakes real time, on the Natacha Seijas recall. Will post reports by others till I get there. It it my prediction, if Seijas loses on Absentees - which should come out about by 7:30 - she will lose the election.
9:30 am Vile Natacha Seijas was spotted with two PBA lackeys by the Moors in Hialeah. Turnout is very light so far in Miami Lakes.
11:00 am Union representation is light. At voting district 13, none; Milander in Hialeah 1.
11:45 Vile Natacha Seijas threatened to call the police on Vanessa Brito for using a bullhorn.
Meanwhile at the County Commission meeting, without VNS present, a marjority of the County Commission (9) voted not to let Natacha Seijas distribute $245,000 of her office funds. 3 voted for VNS: Barbara Jordan, Bruno Barreiro and Sally Heyman. See, we should have recalled Bruno.
2:11 All is quiet at Milander Park in Hialeah. A man just walked by -- no English but he voted for recall someone translated for me. Mary who has lived here since she was 2 voted for the recall. A campaign worker estimated over 100 people voted at this location today. There are 4 union people a here and a few people, 4 or 5, paid by Natacha or her PAC. There is one Miami Voice volunteer. Braman's PAC has no one here and the vote no workers have the vote yes signs in a pile on the side of the road.
3:12 Goodlet Park- 239 people have voted out of about 2,000 here. Pretty good for this early in the day on a one issue election. A couple of union people and few Natacha people. The Miami Voice people were here but left. No one from Braman's PAC.
3:37 Just saw Dario Marino. I asked how he thought Natacha was doing. He said "This rabbit has been cooked."
4:00 Miami Lakes Palm Springs North Library - Lots of vote no campaign people here. A lot of Miami Voice volunteers here. The guess here is about 150 people have voted. Met Michael Pizzi's son, nice looking. Miami Lakes is quite busy. The campaign workers for recall said they have good vibes from the people. Turnout is the key. Already heard 2 instances of voter fraud. Two people never got their absentee ballots, they went to vote and were told they already voted. Two people said they have never voted before but they came out for this one.
That is all folks!

Absentees once again will dominate the election results.
Pray, pray.
The Commission just voted on not expending her slush fund. Comm. Jordan was very arrogant and she and Lynda Bell supported Comm. Seijas. If you listen to today's Commission webcast on Miamidade.gov you will hear the insane discussion. Time to focus on some new faces on the BCC.
We are very disappointed at Commissioner Linda Bell support of Commissioner Seijas last minute money grab. Commissioner Bell needs to take note that she will be next.
Throw all the bums out!
This is very exciting! Thank you for live blogging. VNS should have been censured years ago for her abusive behavior. You just don't treat people like that. I know it was the economy that brought her downfall, but I'd like to think it was her consistently vile behavior that instigated the recall.
Dear Anon "disappointed at Commissioner Linda Bell"
Where have you been? Seijas strongly supported Bell in her election, they were on the verge of forming quite an alliance. Maybe the threat of a viable recall will do more to straighten her, and all the other 11 out!
Bill Foote
How long before Bell hires Terry Murphy?
A natasha recall and a nuclear distaster. Eye on Miami's wet dream comes true.
Well, not exactly. More agape. There's no happiness underscoring these events. With Seijas and the recall, mostly I feel dread. What is monstrous is that voters for the most part don't know what and who she stands for. The nuclear disaster, frankly, leaves me speechless. I am thinking about the Japanese workers who are facing certain death, as they did in Chernobyl, trying to put the fires out and knowing the consequences of what happens if they don't. I'm thinking about the utility executives who are richly rewarded for taking risks that no man or would should take that so profoundly affects others' fate. And I am thinking about FPL.
Two words, Nacho-Jenny Craig.
As for Lynda, she's as dirty as a Redland ag field.
She's next, unless the SAO Public Corruption Unit snags her first.
I support the recall and I am surprised that Braman never provided any dough for people to work the polls. Other than the original petitioners, I saw no ads and no people on Braman's side. I guess he is overconfident. Let's hope he is correct.
Absentees are out and Natasha is getting her ass handed to her 86% against her!!!!
Holy Toledo, this may happen . This really may happen!!!!
Where is the VOTE YES party?
Ding-dong the wicked witch is dead!
Turning out the light.
Turn out the light the Vote Yes party is over.....
WPLG has projected the obvious.
Lynda Bell is next. A recall effort is quietly ramping-up under the radar screen; waiting until after her first year in office.
What's Lynda Bell and Redland soil have in common?
Red and dirty.
Don't get too comfy in your posh Palmetto Bay palace.
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