Real Estate Developer/Mayor of Hialeah, "Julio Robaina takes initial steps to run for Mayor of Miami-Dade County announces the first in a series of ideas to restore trust in county government."
Is 'Hialeah Julio' for real? Like any of us trust Hialeah's government. Here are his 3 ideas -- which are good -- but why didn't he use the first 2 in Hialeah where they are REALLY needed?
* term limits for both the Mayor (mayor has term limits in County not in Hialeah) and the County Commissioners;
* salary conditions prohibiting outside income for the Mayor as well as the County Commissioners; and
* a totally independent Office of the Inspector General.
I wont consider any candidate who does not pledge to dump George Burgess and all of his incompetent cronies. He can start with ----, a crony with a long record of incompetence who Burgess just picked to serve as his HR Director without any job posting or interviews.
(I had to clean this up, sorry GOD)
The Mayor of Miami Dade is limited to two terms. And F Burgess that POS.
Ha! In typical Miami style, we are trying to get rid of one crook just so we can elect another? Give me a break Robaina! Everything that has come from Hialeah, so far, has broken the "crap-o-meter"... Alex Penelas, Natacha Seijas, Raul Martinez, and NOW ROBAINA? And who's his campaign manager? Sergio Pino? I only mention Pino because he seems to have an affinity with the Hialeah set! Look at the names and you'll see they are all his godchildren! Has anyone seen the piece the Herald just posted on the website about he DOT? They are going to take over that department too -- remember what happened with the housing department? So far, they have stopped all the money and they are accusing the DOT of "shoddy financial management"... they don't know that the shoddy practices have probably filled quite a few local pockets! LOL Keep laughing, Genius. I'm glad you're as cool as a cucumber! You're starting to remind me of Nero!
Last night Telemundo51 asked its viewers if they would vote for Robaina as Mayor.
From 247 votes, 58% voted no.
This is just an indication of some online opinion, but may reflect wider voter opinion.
Hialeah Julio: love it. It will be interesting to see if brain dead voters of Miami Dade are willing to turn over the reins to Hialeah style politics, having been crushed by the same for years through the agency of Seijas, Penelas et al. The more I think about it, the closer I am to picking up stakes and moving out of here. Let them have the whole stinking mess.
Anonymous 2 above why are you targeting me--from a different post yet, I am agreeing with you. You must be new - you don't know the rule don't pick on the bloggers...Or you get removed.
Points of fact as to his "platform", or at least his first ideas:
(1) Term limits - About 2 years ago, a group tied very closely to Robaina, tried to eliminate term limits in Hialeah, so Robaina could be Mayor for life. When interviewed by the Herald then, he said as much. Now, the will of the people has convinced him that term limits are the right thing to do??? Are you kidding me??
(2) Prohibition on outside employment. This is not a new concept. It has been brought up before, by Commissioners and the Charter Review Committee, for years. Yet, there is no such prohibition in Hialeah, and he has so many businesses, a search on sunbiz will leave you dizzy.
(3) Independent Inspector General. Great idea, again, not new. Where is any inspector general in Hialeah? What happened to all of that free fill that was moved from a City lot to a private owner, who just happened to be a supporter of the Hialeah Mayor?
This guy must believe we are all idiots!
Latest I heard is that Ralph Arza is calling up the Hialeah Vendor List, one by one, and pushing for campaign contributions. We all remember Mr. Arza, don't we. Well, he is back!
The last anon comments are true. PAy attention folks and wake up!
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