Don't expect to ever find people to gather signatures again for anything. So much for being able to petition your government in Miami Dade County. Take a look at a Miami Dade Petition next to a State of Florida Petition (hit to enlarge them). Look at the difference of what is required of a petition gatherer.
One thing I want to know from the Miami Herald article today, why are the petitions in a warehouse owned by someone in the Alvarez camp? They can be tampered with now. To Lester Sola's credit: He would never release the petitions if they were at Elections. It sounds like Harvey Ruvin has released the Alvarez petitions, according to the Miami Herald:
"His (Alvarez) team, led by political consultant Ivy Korman, has been meeting at a Doral warehouse in recent weeks and scrutinizing recall petitions for flaws. The warehouse is owned by Ralph Gazitua, an Alvarez supporter and father of mayoral aide Luis Andres Gazitua."
How could they require so much information from Petition gatherers? Why doesn't anyone protest this?
Isn't that Gazitua guy the same kid that was working for the Mayor, and opened his own law firm at the same time, with a picture of him up in the 29th floor on his webpage???
I'm sure they are just copies of the original petitions. Braman's crooked camp probably has the same access to copies while the originals remain at the clerk of courts.
Alert to the the petition circulators: if those invesigators for the mayor and the ICDA investigators hired by Seijas question you, make sure you have a tape recording of the conversation.
This helps in the over-all mess!
I am SO DISGUSTED at Norman Braman taking advantage of the malleable, compliant personalities of this community. Why does this community allow his money give his opinion more weight than mine?
I support Mayor Alvarez.
I oppose the dictator Norman Braman.
I don't know, but, based on what I am reading, it seems the person acting more like a dictator is Alvarez, not Braman. By the way, more than 115 thousand voters signed the petition. Braman could not sign them all. The people will have a chance to vote, something they did not have a chance to do when the Mayor, with the help of a majority of the Commission, which was lead by Seijas, to spend $3 billion on a Marlins Bailout. Salary fiascos, departments under federal investigation, waisted public money left and right, when is it all going to STOP!!!
If a Private Dick knocks on your door and wants to talk treat him like a Jehovah's witness, my grandpappy would tell them to go to hell and slam the door in their face.
They GOT NO RIGHT OR POWER tell them to shove that mickey mouse badge where the sun don't shine and get the F*$@ of your property. Or you'll call the real cops...well maybe not such a good idea since MDPD got a big raise at your expense thanks to Alvarez and the Fat Girl Seijas.
The Clerk has the ordinal ballots in a vault where he keeps his stash. Why is everyone so ready to defend Norman and his waste of 5 million taxpayer dollars to remove a termed out Mayor. It will cost you and I another 10 million to pay for a primary and run-off to elect the next loser. If this is all about taxes, who do you think will be paying for all this bullshit. Keep in mind, 90% of the voters did not sign these damn petitions.
115 thousand people signed these petitions, and that was almost as much as Alvarez received during his last re-election campaign. 10 million wisely spent to save even more in waist that has been spewing from Alvarez and the County.. I think we are all a bit tired of hearing from you folks on the 29th floor...
malleable, compliant personalities of this community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so disgusted in Carlos Alvarez. Its a disgrace!! Haven't you embarrassed the people and yourself enough. Leave already! Please! Oh and dont forget to take Natasha with you.
if his budget were so bad, why didn't the commission draft their own budget and come up with their own ideas?
Give Alvarez a break? For being a hypocrite?
I am looking at some of the people lining up against him and I think I would rather be standing on the other side of the line (sorry, Ms. Brito).
This will be my vote on the stadium that I never had. Thank you, Mr. Braman!!
To the anon who wants to line up with the friends of Carlos Alvarez. Alvarez's friends consist of Natacha Seijas, John Rivera, Ron Book, and George Burgess, and the Burgess crony contingent. If that's who you want for friends, please join them. I will stay with the good guys! Thank you Ms. Brito! Thank you Mr. Braman!
Remember that Ms. Brito is not responsible for the recall of Mayor Alvarez - her group was going after the Commissioners who supported the Mayor's budget. ie: a millage rate increase resulting in a 14% tax increase...and of course, a salary increase for SELECTED County employees.
Harassing the signers of petitions is a new dirty trick that political operatives across the country are using. In California, the supporters of traditional marriage (Prop 8) are identified by the petitions and then harassed by gay right supporters. This is the equivalent of SLAPP suits, whereby powerful interests sue ordinary citizens who stand in their way using the democratic process. Intimidating people into silence and political inactivity should be illegal, regardless of the harassers' political agenda. This is a civil rights issue!
This is the same type of scare tactics that were used during the last recall of Seijas, and at the time, Mr Alvarez was appalled at the abuse of power. Innocent signature collectors and petition signers were harrassed at a cost of over $1.2 million dollars to the taxpayers to find out that a notary had not asked 9 canvassers to raise their hands and swear that they were who they said they were when the petitions were notarized!!!
and as far as "wasting" money for recall elections, just think how much more of our money they can waste and steal in the remaining 2 years of their terms if we let them, plus last time I checked democracy and our constitutional rights to petition our government cannot have a price, or does anybody want to put a price on it?!
As a follow up to which side of the line to stand on...do I have to stand with little Marco? Sarah Palin in slacks decided to throw his weight with the Mayor. This was my point. I know there are some slimy people standing with Alvarez.
By the way, I saw Cody on the news today talking about petitions. He needs to stop eating twinkies.
correction.....Marco is throwing his weight against the Mayor. Yea, the little man is putting his nose in Miami politics. I wonder why he isn't talking about Rivera.
To all those who are angry about the county government, dont get mad get elected, then get even.
At the meantime. Dont hate the players, hate the game!
Mayor Alvarez, a cool, calm and collected leader who stands with and for the little people and does not get intimidated by the special interest and political mafias of Dade County.
The Billionaire "Norman Braman" could care less about the little people of Miami Dade County. If anyone is taking advantage and abusing the system it's him. The only language he understands is dollars and cents, if you're not talking about $$$$$$$$$ it doesn’t make sense to him.
This fight is about Braman's ego, the coming 2012 election, the Cuban Political Mafias, the special interest groups, the realtors / developers and the corrupters that K. Rundle refuses to prosecute.
while all these opportunist with personal agenda hides behind the Big Bad Billionaire Braman, the little people once again are being fooled and taken for granted under the pretext of a tax hike.
Think about it, when was the last time a billionaire sided with the little people.
Open your eyes people of Miami Dade County; this petition scheme is far from the reality of the tax issues.
We the tax payers deserve a brake from the political mafias of Dade County.
Viva Carlos Alvarez!
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