"...is being investigated for alleged acts of loan sharking, mortgage fraud and tax evasion, CBS4 News has learned. The investigation, confirmed by three law enforcement sources with direct knowledge of the ongoing federal probe, stems from allegations made against Robaina by Luis Felipe Perez, who plead guilty last year to operating a $45 million Ponzi scheme."
Watch the DeFede, CBS 4 video on Robaina -- it is bad for this wannabe Miami Dade County Mayor.
Lest we forget, on another front, Franscisco Alvardo goes into some of Hialeah Julio's questionable business dealings in the past, saying:
The department's investigation determined Robaina had committed ten violations of Florida's administrative code, including dishonest dealing, failing to maintain trust funds, and failing to comply with a subpoena. On July 18, 1994, Robaina signed a stipulation agreement that required him to pay a $2,000 fine.
More on other issues from Defede:
he'll fit right in around here! How about a run for Congress?
Need I remind anyone that Mr. Robaina was initially supported by Raul Martinez? I don think we need further explanations. Look for the same supporters that have created VNS Natacha, Penelas, Carlos Alvarez, and many others of present ill-repute to be the supporters of this disgusting candidate for the Dade mayoral seat. They can't let go of that influence because it is imperative to the survival of their businesses!
Agree with last anon.
Don' expect State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle to do anything. As a previous Anon said, she is "one of them"
Wow, this is incredible... I love how he said that he wasn't under investigation, while, it was confirmed that he and his wife have been interviewed by federal authorities, and Defede was able to confirm that he is under investigation... LOAN SHARKING!! Is this JERSEY???
I am shocked, shocked, to find that corruption is going on in Hialeah's Mayor's Office!
- Inspector Renault
I wonder where they got all those pictures from, and how the DeFede guy got all the personal pictures of Filipeeto and Juleeto? whose leaking false information to the media. As if any of us need to ask, it must be the same loosers stirring up trouble with our idiotic union bosses which are all scammers and fall for anyone who knows one drop more then they do. and these are the idiots negotiating our wages and our families livelihood in the city. Someone, please help the hialeah proletariat.
this POnzi scheme thing has been over played in the media, and defede is bringing it up, because hes got nothing better to do. please defede, interview the HIaleah fire and civil service employee presidents, and unmask their incredible degree of selfishness and show that they are idiots. Save us, Juleeto is doing what he has to do for the residents, but our union is just playing with our famlies livelihood to their interest. Does Orlando hErnandez our union leader have a special deal he cut with Coventry and that is why he did not bid it out, and we are being clobbered with outlandish insurance premiums?
Last anon, you have to be kidding... It wasn't just Defede, Alvarado from the New Times has also started delving into all of the issues in Hialeah. There is just too much smoke there for there not to be fire!
Yet, where is the Herald?
I will witholds judgement as too charges what I see so far is that the Mayor and his wife took a $750,000 hit and so far the main witness aginst them is a convicted ponzi schemer.
That doesn't mean something more may pop up later but for now there's not that much there. BTW in the pawn business sometimes pawnbrokers take loans on theit inventory, Pawn brokers by law can charge the public 20% per MONTH though the industry average is about 10% and Pawn brokers pay anywhere between 2 and 5% a MONTH for the money they borrow to keep lending and buying.
That is not Loan Sharking in legal terms, do pawnbrokers overcharge?
I think the market determies that if someone could do it for less and make money and bring in all the business they would.
Robaina: you're history.
I don't know, but the arguments for this guy just don't seem compelling. In addition, just look at the body language, and the fact that he went out of his way to say he is not being investigated, when it was shown that there is no way that he did not know he is under investigation. That goes to credibility, and, as of right now, he has none.
"I withhold judgement...." You are correct. There is a lot of legal loan sharking (contradiction of terms) that goes on. Credit cards do this. Bank "retail centers" do this. Our federal government has sanctioned this. it is most unfortunate.
However, as to Robaina's character, I will quote an old saying: tell me who you're with and I will tell you what you are. Here's another one: a dog who will bring a bone will take a bone. Mom was right. I really matters who you hang out with.
Miami is as corrupt as New Orleans or Chicago. When people start turning state's evidence to save their own necks, you know this could get ugly.
Good point last anon... look at the crooks this guy is tied to:
Ralph Arza
Julio Ponce
The Del Ray Family
And that is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg!
And is this supposedly the guy Braman wants to put in, in place of Alvarez?
The more I hear about Braman's support for Rivera, and now this guy, the more I start to question Braman's motives.
I agree with the poster who said, where is the Miami Herald? For years and years, the Herald has had a white-gloves policy to Hialeah politics, utterly failing to explain to the greater public in Miami how the city is infested with political lice and what that means for the county. It is as though Hialeah is a parallel universe that the Herald and other mainstream media can't enter. Why? Because they got burned by the Raul Martinez story? Or threats to the publishers life? and coordinated attacks on Spanish AM radio?
I think Braman has played the public all along for his own needs. All of his playmates these days are questionable.
We need an experienced mayor for Miami-Dade county. We are facing big problems and we need efficiency, transparency and commitments.
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