If you want to request a public meeting -- everyone request one please -- you have 30 days from today, according to this notice from the Department of Environmental Protection. In fact, we should have two public meeting one at Miami City Hall in Coconut Grove and one in South Miami-Dade -- South Miami for instance or Pinecrest. Yes, I know it is a renewal but this is an opportunity to get information and make sure we are not endangering Biscayne Bay. Just because we have done it in the past, doesn't mean we should do it in the future. Has anything been added? Was not aware that FPL ever operated waste water treatment and effluent disposal facilities in the past. Is this an addition?
DEP you and your notice sucks and here is why: 1. You have too many hoops to jump through just to request a meeting. We want a meeting to get information, why do we have to supply a laundry list of items that we couldn't possibly know? 2. Why couldn't we do it by email, why snail mail? 3. Why not automatically hold a meeting, why should we have to request it? 4. And, it says, that if we request the meeting, it doesn't mean you will actually hold one. What kind of crap is that?
Here is what you must do people, to request a meeting:
The intake water at Turkey Point has been described by operators as a scene from Dante's Inferno. I'd really like to see Miami-Dade county commissioners spend a night on a small skiff anchored outside the intake screen.
Maybe we should set that up. I think there are a few commissioners that might consider doing it.
Read again, I think it says Cutler Power Plant, not Turkey point. I never knew that cutler had 6 units!
Today it's just a peaking plant with only 1 or 2 units.
Must be a misprint.
looks like its for Cutler;
MIAMI-DADE SED FL0001481 Fpl Cutler Plant Y Power Plant Wastewater Program Industrial Wastewater A 14925 SW 67th Ave Village Of Palmetto Bay FL Private Neutralization, Separation Electricity To Biscayne Bay To Pit 313 Rudy Sanchez, Plant General Manager Florida Power & Light 9700 SW 344th St Homestead FL 33035-1800 3052423822 1/18/2006 1/17/2011 Wastewater Permit
So does Cutler have 5 and 6 or not?
Yes, Cutler units 5 & 6. See page 37 of 271 of the attached link. http://www.floridapsc.com/library/filings/10/02427-10/02427-10.pdf
The August 8 2005 tests of the cutler units _ 5/6 ftp://ftp.dep.state.fl.us/pub/labs/lds/reports/6101.pdf
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