You know the expression: "letting the camel's nose under the tent"? Rick Scott, Florida Governor, flew his own private jet to Las Vegas two weeks after the election to meet with a casino billionaire. Jeb! Bush's top consigliere, Al Cardenas, is representing Wynn Casinos, another who made billions in Las Vegas casinos. The way things are going-- with Governor Scott immune to news that Floridians really, really don't want the state to be defined like Nevada--, the GOP will want to award Congressman David Rivera-- Senator Rubio's former roommate-- a Purple Heart, for speeding parimutuel betting past Miami-Dade voters. Rivera was elected despite lying on his resume and failing to disclose (lying) that he profited from the parimutuel betting initiative. The Miami Herald notes that Governor Scott, who wouldn't interview with a single newspaper editorial board on his way to election financed with $70 million of his own net worth, met for a total of 17 minutes in his first press conference. Of the press he said, "I want to have a positive working relationship. You have a job to do but I want it to be organized." Really? Mr. Governor, I didn't know family values was a position on the craps table.
Here we go
I am amazed that this governor knows the people of florida has constantly voted against gambling and is going to do it anyhow --- even as the local gambling hall is being investigated with one of his US Reps... And he knows that we have strong environmental and growth control leanings in the stated and flicks us off with his DCA choice. He is evil and no seems notice!
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