Laurence J. Michelson is the Chairman and Treasurer. He might be on the Miami Dade County Unsafe Structure Board (google search). Most of the money this PAC collected went to a media/direct mail company in Teaneck, New Jersey called Cornerstone Management Partner. No help there.
The best place to look to see what the PAC is about is to look at the contributors. I can always figure it out by who gives the money but the contributions here are absolutely no help. There is a lot of construction money but then there is a tire company, a demolition company and an insurance company. A retired guy in Bal Harbor gave the PAC $1,500, Tropic Touch Garden Center Inc. in Ft. Lauderdale gave $10,000 and a Pinecrest Realty Company gave $2,500. A cinema company in Bay Harbor Islands gave $5,000. Oddest of all, an architect in Blue Bell, Pa. gave $30,000. Why would a Pennsylvania architect want to educate voters and reform taxes in Miami Dade County? All of these donors don't seem to have a common thread but 70 of them gave $210,937.50 to get something. Most of the local expenses (Office Depot, Bank, etc.) were in North Dade County and the address of the PAC is a rented box at 2221 NE 164th Street for which they paid $183.59.
Can you figure this out for me? Do you think this PAC is an adjunct of the Citizens United created by conservative activist Floyd G. Brown? But what would they be doing in Miami Dade County? Conservatives helping Lynda Bell perhaps? Oddly, there is a Larry Michelson under 'Friend' on Eugene Flinn's Facebook Page. If Flinn had this $200,000 at his disposal and still lost, I would be shocked but then Frederica Wilson is also a 'Friend' of this Michelson. This mystery gets deeper by the minute. I am giving a reward...to be announced when you solve the puzzle.
Lynda Bell had PAC money - maybe these are pro life supporters. The PAC head is in it for the money, screwing a friend would be no surprise.
It couldn't have helped Frederika. Wasn't the real race over in the primary before the PAC was formed?
Sunbiz through a defunct corporation, Impact Miami, has Laurence Michelson connected to Clinton Forbes (MD Transit Depart), Alexander Tirse (a transit vendor, Under Power Corp), Michelle A. Delaney (Miami Gardens Code Enforcement special master)and some others including Oscar Rivero (is this the Oscar of the Heralds House of Lies ?) and Rolando Tapanes, (Director of Planning and Development for the Miami Parking authority) - Quite a mixed bag of characters.
One has to wonder what Impact Miami was doing for Miami?
in the expenditure/contribution listing 'mail bags, inc' has the same address as citizens united
check out the comments by 'informer' regarding Steven R. Monetti
then go to the div of elections and search 'Monetti' under contributors
Conveniently omitting the PAC that helped...sorry hurt Flinn?
Univision is located in Teaneack NJ, in fact its the largest entity there.
Stop reading so much into Facebook friends. That's just plain silly.
I think Larry Michaelson has a trophy store on NW 7 avenue. I recall him being involved in NE Dade politics; in the Highland Oaks area. I think he was involved in Dade Days at one time.
What is Oscar Rivero up to lately and why hasn't the Miami Herald revisited its award-winning series, House of Lies to update its readers?
To the person who said Facebook friends is not a reliable place to look. I disagree, you can tell a lot by friends on Facebook...if you know who many of the people are. I make a general search and piece it all together. Things fall away, other things stick. It is all part of internet investigation and Facebook information can tell us how shallow and stupid you really are. Anonymous 4 -- it says that in the article, at the end of the next to the last paragraph. And, to the annoying snit above, who took me to task for not mentioning the PAC that supported Gene here, that PAC was small potatoes compared to this one. This is the important PAC in the mid term elections and no one knows what they did.
I am disappointed with you readers...you should have solved this puzzle.
Lots of parking-related entities, from parking consultants to parking garage contractors. Why discount the idea that this PAC was instituted to influence the outcome of the City of Miami Parking Authority ballot item in the November 2010 election?
I am not discounting it...just tell what does a garden center in Ft. Lauderdale and a Cinema company in Bay Harbor Islands have to gain:
For landscaping contracts and film production site rental favors?
For instance, there was a film crew filming in/on top of one of the downtown garages they manage yesterday. They had a dummy (real one) jumping off and the actress leaning over the edge over a giant airbag.
What about a cut in use fees on things like that?
Yep---do you think a break in user fees is worth $5,000? Not even close
God, Other than the garden center and the Cinema company, are there other contributors that I should research?
Is it just my computer or do others have a problem accessing the Miami Parking Authority's financials, annual reports or list of vendors or solicitations using their web site dash board links? http://www.miamiparking.com/en/home.aspx
As a first pass, do any of these entities or affiliated people ring a bell regarding Tropic Touch or Art & Cinema?
So someone posted a link with the info....how about including the INFO with the link:
Meantime, Citizens United PAC has mailed fliers urging voters to say no to politicians who ``always want more.'' At early voting sites, signs tell voters to ``Keep Parking Affordable'' by voting against the amendment.
I guess everyone making money from the garages contributed. Thanks reader for solving the puzzle. But 'no' prize because you only had a link without proper context.
Actually, Eugene Flinn and Lynda Bell are Facebook friends with one-another. So, no, I don't think Facebook friendships prove anything, particularly when the people in question have a thousand or so friends. A lot of people are friends with anyone who asks or who has mutual friends with them, and then (as obviously happened with Flinn and Bell) just never unfriend anyone.
But Bell spent way more money than she had on her reports. That commercial ran a lot.
Anyone can contact me at citizensunitedpac@gmail.com.
Let's talk about what we are doing to fix the city of Miami, and what we already have done. Politicians don't care about you, we are your neighbors, here fighting for you!
Laurence Michelson
thanks, very good =)
However, what about this? suppose you wrote a catchier title?
Hmmm very interesting:)
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