I don't like Marco Rubio and I didn't like Bill McCollum but at the very least they were credible candidates.
Rick Scott is/was not a credible candidate. They say money can't buy you love but it can surely buy you a Republican election. Democrats had a rich guy short on ethics like Scott, Jeff Greene, but Democrats sent him packing in the primary. Republicans should have done the same to Scott - I fault them for not doing this. McCollum for all his faults, would have made a better Governor.
Florida is F--ked because of this election. The legislature is overwhelming Republican and now we have a man to-the-right-of-right who is also woefully short on principles or integrity as our Governor. He slashed and burned at his hospitals and he will do the same to the State. My sister, who worked at one of Scott's hospitals, said last night all the nurses she works with are Republicans but they all didn't support Scott. She said they all knew what he did in the medical arena. The strangest part, people don't even like him. Scott, in recent polls was receiving a 54 percent negative approval rating, while only 34 percent have a favorable opinion of him. Republicans didn't like him but they voted for him anyway. They chose to cast a blind eye at the 1.7 billion dollar fine his hospital empire had to pay.
What has happened that we throw basic contract law out the window (in foreclosure litigation) for expedience and then we elect a charlatan governor. What have we become?
Makes you want to register Republican, just to make sure their candidate isn't actively toxic. That said, those who are registered Republican should probably vote for the better of the credible candidates in the primary, not crazy third-party people.
Scott knows NOTHING about Florida. All his transition people are Jeb Bush retreads. What does it say about Scott, that he first trashed McCullom who had Bush's support and now that he's been elected, has nowhere to turn but to Bush? Fools.
We have become a two class society.
And if you aren't one of the upper class,rememeber as Herr Scott so often repeats "Florida is a right to work state" .So GET TO WORK and be glad we bother to pay you so poorly.
Oh and shut up about pension and benefits becuase you don't deserve them.
FLORIDA IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS but citizens don't have a chance.
can we recall a governor?
What's with his eyes? Bad -fitting contact lenses?
Any other Republican with the least bit of credibility would have won in a landslide, carried by the pro-Rubio, pro-Republican wave. The fact that the election was a squeaker shows Scott was spurned by informed voters. The only reason he won was because tea baggers pulled the "R" lever because they watch Glen beck, know nothing about the candidates, think it will "take back their government" from a black man.
Floridians have to fight the extreme agenda of the Florida republican party. We have to remind them that their districts will be redrawn for 2012, and that if they choose to take our state to the extreme right, that we will happily vote them out of office in 2012. Join this Check out the Facebook group.
I am sure praying harder now than ever! My husband/friends works for DOC and friends work as teachers. Pay cuts...minimum wage for Corrections Officers! Retirement to be cut from 3% to 1% so they not only get less money, they take money from the retirement of people that have worked hard and put their lives in danger daily! CRAZY! And BLackwater's new private prisons are questionable in the very least...they were KNOWN to have been involved in torture previously. That will cost this state lots of money! Not to mention that I am a homeowner and insurance deregulation is not a welcome idea. BAD things in the future!!!! We have discussed starting over at this late age because my husband (even as a Sgt in DOC) will not risk his life for minimum wage! Not worth all the stress. GOD PUT YOUR HAND ON FLORIDA AND PROTECT US!!!!!
If you don't think Crazy Eyes paid handsomely for votes, you are not a Floridian! Besides buying votes -- a popular practice among people who control the Cuban seniors "comedores" (state supported dinning rooms) is to negotiate because those ballots because they "help" the fogeys fill in their absentee ballots -- remember what an expert Jeb Bush is in the art of fraudulent election results. And there were no electronic machines involved, so who knows what the real results were!
I get a kick of the people who continue to ask for "God's help"... Don't you all think that if he really existed things like these would happen? Give me a break! God has given us Republicans across the board, why should you now ask him to "put his hand in Florida"?
God needs to protect us from the enemy within.
I would love to re-vote in 2012, 2011 would even be better.
With those eyes and the bald head he sort of looks like Dracula in the Amityville horror movie. Add some long fingernails, and bingo. He is a dead ringer!
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