Miami Voice PAC has collected a sufficient number of signatures to get a recall on the ballot for Miami-Dade County Commissioner Natacha Seijas. Miami Voice is requesting that a special election date be set placing Mayor Carlos Alvarez and Commissioner Seijas on the same ballot once petition signatures are verified by the Clerk of the Courts.
Miami Lakes Mayor Michael Pizzi signed the recall petition at today’s 4pm press conference (see photo above).

Vanessa Brito and Mimi Planas, officers of the Miami Voice PAC that is leading the charge for the recall of five commissioners.
The Media were there in abundance.

Who is Miami Voice? I guess I missed that story.
Who would Lynda have to play with if the Vile One is gone ?
Great finish to a horrible week....even if she wins she is going to have to get her fat ass moving and explain herself. She will also have to squeeze the lobbyists for some cash. Despise her!
Start working on that resume Terry Murphy. Its about time you get a real job , or at least one that doesn't require screwing county staff and doing Voldermorta's bidding.
Cody's not as fat as Pizzi.
I hear Mark Caputo is looking for work, Stephen. Maybe you could hook him in?
I know how we can settle this: A genuine Nathan's Best Hot Dog eating contest between Cody and Pizzi.
Don't waste your energy. The ignorant voters of her district will keep on electing her until she ends up in jail. Except that will never happen because she is being protected by Kathy Rundel
Last anon
Don't eat your going to die anyway, plus it makes you shit.
I think Ms. Brito and Ms. Planas are doing a great service to Miami Dade County and if they get their petition certified in time to have Boris and Natcha's recall on the ballot with Alvarez' they will all be burnt toast(Pobresito Armando he thought he had saved his amigitos). Planas and Brito will be toasted (Braman is in my doghouse for now).
Just Sign Baby
I'm sure Miguel de Grandy is already raising money for Natacha's recall campaign. Maybe he would like to post an appeal for money, here?
Miquel certainly poured money into Lynda Bells campaign. He had the entire clan giving money and maybe even his dog.
I think it is fitting that my word to verify to make this post is: oustr
Let's commission a boat and fill with people like Cody - and send them off to a new land. It could be an expedition. They will need a lawyer, a developer, a builder, someone to make cement, some basic tradesman and - oh, they are going to need some farmers too (not sure where we are going to find them). I hear there is land in Somalia right there on the beach.
Where is the beef? I thought they had the signatures. We have to get to work. Not smoke and mirrors. They didn’t get them yet and there holding press conferences. That’s Pizzi’s problem. He’s too much into himself. Not results.
They have the signatures. They are working on a cushion as Natacha will have her henchman after every petition. Like Mayor Alvarez said, he will scrutinize every single signature. Seijas will do the same.
Mayor Alvarez, you are going off the deep end now. A word to the wise...don't make the people any more angry than they already are.
Ok genius. Good to hear. It’s just that I called yesterday to congratulate them and they said they were still missing signatures… I told them why the unnecessary “huff and Puff” if they hadn’t gotten them yet? There answer? Oh Pizzi wanted to get some air time… not cool
Oh damn, I love this and can't believe they got the required signatures (mine included) so fast! Natacha said "Bring it on!" while on the dais of the county commission but that was right after Braman announced that he would seek a recall of anyone voting for that awful budget with the 13% salary increases for cops. Now with double the signatures required for the mayor's recall and hopefully more than enough for the Wicked Witch of District 13, I wonder if she should have kept that permanent frowning mouth of hers shut for once?
If Seijas were gone, it would make Bell sting less. I'm frightened for our county, our state, our country.
I'm not sure when I said we didn't have the signatures and that Mayor Pizzi wanted air time. In fact, what I said was that we had not turned in the forms to the Clerk of the Courts and that we were NOT DONE COLLECTING in District 13. In addition, I said that it was important to hold the press conference in order to keep the momentum going and continue motivating people to sign. Hope that clear things up.
Vanessa Brito - Miami Voice PAC
Cody? Good for us, bad for VNS. Cody is one of the worst attorneys I have had the pleasure to watch in action. Sure de Grandy calls the shots but Cody is slow on his feet and makes bad arguments.
It will be interesting to see if this recall effort will work. Finally younger hispanic women are involved in the process against the senior states person of all that is bad on the commission. The problem is, she will find a way to have these women investigated and make their lives miserable.
Oh well, that's the way the county rolls, isn't it?
Good luck getting the signatures.
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