Friday, November 12, 2010

Soap Opera at Miami Dade County Hall. By Geniusofdespair

Miami Today is chock full of County News. The Commissioners gave Mayor Alvarez 60 days to get a $50 million dollar refund from the Marlins. Like that is going to ever happen.

The paper had a story on the Commission debate on what they would do if the Mayor were to be recalled (removal would be immediate). They seem to be leaning towards appointment instead of an election. Chairman Moss suggested legislation that would give the Chair the Mayor's powers, on top of the Chair's powers. Only trouble is, the Chair is facing a recall too.

In a story about Carlos Gimenez's Charter Change Legislation, Miami Today had a great quote from Vile Natacha Seijas about the petition drive to recall her from office yet a second time:

"I'm living it, not once, but twice. It didn't feel good at the beginning and it makes me sick now at the end."

Michael Lewis's Commentary, about the County recalls, is on target in "Reforms could give ugly county soap opera a happy ending":

"A failing and flailing Miami-Dade mayor gropes weakly for straws to avert a recall election. Five commissioners are targeted for recall battles of their own, one for a second time. Another commissioner with ambitions to become mayor puts forward vital reforms but quickly pulls most back.

The courts clerk inadvertently enters the storm's eye as the mayor's legal team targets a scapegoat. And the commission seeks ways to fill the gap should the mayor be recalled. The chair jockeys to take control himself.

Meanwhile, solutions — charter reforms that would have prevented much of the havoc — sit on a dusty shelf where commissioners buried them so voters couldn't exert control. And you thought soap operas were passé."


David said...

If ever Miami-Dade County government ever resembled a banana republic, it sure is giving it a shot now. What a f***ing disgrace. Gimenez and Sorenson are the only commissiners who seem to be able to raise a spark when they rub two neurons together.

Anonymous said...

HA!!! Funny post! Actually, Sad and Funny at the same time!

Anonymous said...

Seijas quote made my day!

Anonymous said...

and on a related note, rumor has it that Lynda Bell has "requested" an expansion of the South Dade Gov't Center office space from the 1500 square feet Katy used to 3000 square feet, moving walls, redecorating, etc., didn't I hear something during the campaign about setting the example from and starting at the top ??? To the victor goes the spoils.

Anonymous said...

No rumor, it's a fact.

Anonymous said...

banana republic? what's wrong with a place that grows bananas?
Chiquita Bananas is quite a business, ya know?

Anonymous said...

You guys are missing some significant "Signs" of what this is all about. The Robaina campaign team is so intertwined with Braman's recall effort, that it's hard to discearn where one ends and the other begins. The recall effort may in fact be a huge side show designed by certain powers simply to sweep Robaina in to the County Mayor's Office.

Those powers think their best chance to beat a populist candidate like Gimenez is to do it in a 45 day Special Election, where they think they can score a knockout with their Absentee Ballot Machinery and a low off cycle turn-out.

They don't want to have to take on Gimenez in a full 12 round campaign fight in 2012, so they're trying to take the seat in their own little Cou'de ta.

Then, they'll have their candidate in Dist 8, their candidate in Dist. 7, and their person in the Mayor's seat.

All this talk about the Recall being about a tax increase, County Salaries, etc.., is just one Giant Red Herring, designed to enable the powers behind it to remake the Board and the 29th floor, and eventually bombard the UDB.

youbetcha' said...

I agree. The people who bought into the tax issue are being used.

I would not sign that petition if it was the last one on earth. I am NOT going to be used to put the bad guys into control.