Saturday, November 13, 2010

Rupert Murdoch to meet with Media Matters ... by gimleteye

Charity Bid Wins Liberal Group’s Chief Lunch With Murdoch
November 12, 2010, 11:40 am

The head of a left-leaning media-watchdog group has won a charity auction to have lunch with Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul whose stable includes Fox News, according to CBS News. David Brock, founder and chief executive of Media Matters, bid $86,000 for what auction site Charity Buzz promoted as an opportunity for entrepreneurs to get the News Corp. tycoon’s feedback on business ideas. The sale, which closed Thursday, was a fund raiser for the Global Poverty Project.

Fox News is a frequent target of Media Matters, which describes itself as an antidote to “conservative misinformation” and recently received a $1-million donation from George Soros, the billionaire financier who often gives to Democratic and liberal causes. “I look forward to this opportunity to have a friendly lunch with Rupert Murdoch,” said Mr. Brock, who under the terms of the auction is allowed to bring five guests.


Anonymous said...

Media Matters is a big waste of time. If someone watches Fox News & disagrees, he or she has the power to change the channel. It is amazing that Fox News has turned out to be such a villain to the left. It is one of many news outlets. The reason is that they are so successful & their ratings crush their competitors, is because they provide an alternative point of view. This is the big lie about liberalism/progressives they encourage diversity but when that diversity is outside their world view, they believe it must be killed. The dirty little secret is that Fox News & the alternate media is having an impact on the progressive movement, & it is hurting their interests. This may explain why a senior representative to George Soros met with Glenn Becks's people & asked Beck to stop beating up on Soros.

Like the Wizard of Oz, there is a small man controling the facade of liberalism. Fox news is ripping off that mask & the little man's minions are pissed.

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