Sunday, November 14, 2010

Allen West's First Chief of Staff on Immigration. By Geniusofdespair


I like the Xenophobic people cheering in the background. Among them: Allen West pacing in and out of the video in jeans and gray jacket. This is a video emphasizing how we all shouldn't get along - stereotyping Hispanics negatively. This West guy is an idiot to pick a person who polarizes the community - but then he himself is a bi-polarizer. Glad she bowed out but he will surely find worse in his cadre of supporters, one wrote on this video:

"Lets replace Obama, with her! She has more right to be president than he does! She is supportive of the American way, than he is!"


Anonymous said...

Adjusting his crotch on camera...good catch G.o.D.

Anonymous said...

Allen West is stone cold NUTS!

Anonymous said...

Does she ever shut up?

Mensa said...

Both of them are really crazy. They should both be put away in straitjackets