Friday, November 12, 2010

US Century Bank, Miami, and Ideas for the future ... by gimleteye

The Miami International Book Fair is bringing former President George W. Bush to town and makes me wonder: why not a simultaneous Miami International Blog Fair? Art Basel, also on the near horizon, has many satellite venues. Is it time for bloggers to claim our Big Tent?

Along that line, I wouldn't count on sponsorship from US Century, our local zombie bank. I've been looking at their 3rd quarter numbers. These GOP bigwigs and champions of suburban sprawl outside the UDB-- Sergio Pino was a Bush Ranger-- took $50 million in TARP money and haven't paid a dime in "dividends" back to taxpayers. Without the $50 million, the bank would have been seized by regulators.

OK, I have a Friday special deal: if US Century Bank sponsors the First Annual Miami International Blog Fair, I won't write about the bank. I'm thinking $50 mil could get us off the ground. Fair?


Anonymous said...

Don't forget Ramon Rasco, Jose Cancela, Rodney Barreto, Herran et al. I hear Rasco's firm works for the Fanjuls. Figures.

youbetcha' said...

I like the 50 million thing - 1 million for Blog Fair, 10 million for you, 8 million for me :) and rest divided up for your favorite friends.


1 million to the Blog Fair and 49 million into escrow to fight the good fights.

Gimleteye said...

I'm open to suggestions and will bargain with readers.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's free money to US Century. Why shouldn't it be free to you and me?

Anonymous said...

I find it fascinating that there are others -- than me -- who are well aware of the Pino posse's agenda. Imagine how happy they must be that they got Marquito in -- Marquito is Cancela's protege, LOL, and we all know what that means -- and Rick Scott, as well. Pino is in partnership -- in some projects -- with Armandito Codina, and we should assume that Jeb is part of the deal. According to fairly recent news, Miguel Diaz de la Portilla has "grown" close to Cancela, and they have also grown close to Norman Braman. Now, isn't it nice to see how close they all are? What is difficult to fathom is Braman's attitude towards Carlos Alvarez, whose "personal representative, in front of the Beacon Council", was Jose Cancela. And up to very recently, wasn't Jose Cancela's Hispanic USA the Hispanic advertising agency for Braman Motors? How can anyone understand this unusual situation? This Miami is something else! LOL

Anonymous said...

The only thing that is weird here, is Braman, IMHO. I think he must be loosing his marbles.

Anonymous said...

It does make one wonder-- did Brian May make that call to Sink, on the set of the debate, on purpose.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't doubt that Brian May made that call on purpose. Brian is Penelas, Penelas is Cancela, and Cancela is Sergio Pino et al, and their interest was to elect every Republican candidate. It' known as the "Jeb factor." Yes, I know Cancela will claim that he's a Democrat, and I would answer that he can take that story to any idiot who will swallow it.

Anonymous said...

Lobbyist info for Brian E. May
Mailing Address:
235 Catalonia Ave
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Phone Number:


Community Health South Florida, Inc
10300 SW 216th St Miami, FL 33190
Industry Code: 621498
Effective: 01/20/2010

Florida Insurance Council
PO Box 13686 Tallahassee, FL 32317
Industry Code: 524298
Effective: 01/20/2010

U. S. RE Companies, Inc
99 Park Ave 11th Floor New York, NY 10016
Industry Code: 524210
Effective: 01/20/2010

United States Sugar Corporation
111 Ponce de Leon Ave Clewiston, FL 33440
Industry Code: 111930
Effective: 01/20/2010

Anonymous said...

Brian May is a whore. The call to Sink's stylist was planned, as was prior notification to certain GOP deal makers (check the cell phone records) that the call was going to be made. May and his firm saw the writing on the wall re: the GOP legislature's pending super majority status and wanted to position themselves to capitalize on future lobbying contracts.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who surrounded Alex Penelas falls in that same category. Who can forget the "triumvirate", Penelas, May and Jorge L. Lopez' childhood friends? And how about the "agent," Herman Echevarria -- now the great promoter of Gusman Theatre -- and the "receiver," Sergio Pino, who "received" millions from the airport concessions Penelas gave him? And, of course, Penelas' "consentido," Jose Cancela, now bringing Marquito Rubio into the posse. Thanks to the cretinoid voters, they are all back in power. Let's not forget state senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, Penelas' former enemy, and now partner in crime. And, of course, the newest "jewel in the crown," Norman Braman. LOL As I said before, THIS IS MIAMI! LOL

Anonymous said...

I guess Alvarez and his side kick is next?

Anonymous said...

235 catalonia is Ramon rasco's firm. Bareto is on the same street; bill nelson has office space there too. NICE. Rasco's firm is a major player in politics down here. Anyone remember HABDI?