Florida Democratic party leaders are idiots. Kendrick Meek should never have been the candidate of choice. Meek for the Senate race, if the polls are right, has brought us down to not just a projected loss but a crash and burn. Stop-O-Marco is going to win because of this colossal mistake. We all wouldn't have forsaken the party for Crist if there were a decent candidate. At least you can say one thing in favor of Democrats: We would never vote for a man like Scott. We wouldn't even vote for Meek and he is a thousand times better than Rick Scott.
It is not too late, if only Dems would go out and vote in massive numbers for Crist and Sink. Dems: Meek is going down in flames don't waste your vote on principle. Vote smart.
Crist has my vote.
Dem chick it is not enough to vote for him. Get all your Dem friends out to vote. That is the only thing that can stop Scott and Rubio. The Pubs are out in BIG numbers I was at a Pub stronghold yesterday.
Voting (for a D or an R) is an act of aggression under the current circumstances.
Dems will choke you and Reps will stomp on your head. LITERALLY!
Dems will shove half assed "free" healthcare down your throat at an exhorbitant price and send the IRS to collect if you decide you don't want to pay.
Reps will throw your joint or beer (or both) to the ground, stomp on your joint and toss you on a bus that will take you to church every sunday where you'll pray to Jeeeezuz or else.
Who do you want running your life the ghost of John Gotti or an American vesion of Ayatolahh Khomeini?
The Choice is yours!
If any of you reading this are in Cali or know anyone there, vote YES on PROP 19 . DUDE we'll need all rhe sedation we can get to get through this bogus depression.
Genius, you're so right , IT HURTS! Unfortunately, we the people of Florida, will get stuck with Marco 'Money Pit' Rubio due to the stupid endorsements of Obama and Clinton. This crook, Meek, should have never been endorsed by these two, even if he was a candidate. Keith Olberman, yesterday, questioned Meek as to how will he feel when Marquito is sworn as our next senator. Would you believe this creep answered that he could "still win"?
It is up to us to salvage this mess. We still have a few days to get people out to vote!
I am a dem and I will be voting for Crist. I have been taking DEMS to the polls by the truck load to vote for Crist. Seems like a no-brainer. But obviously some people just don't get it.
Democrats made a big mistake by not electing Greene in the primary. He would have beat Rubio to a pulp during the campaign, and in the end, if Crist was ahead, he would have withdrawn from the race to keep Rubio from winning. The media smear campaign helped Meek win the primary. He thinks he did it with his campaign, but it was the media smear campaign that won the primary for Meek. There were interests involved who made sure Greene was defeated, who have carefully planned our present dilemma. In their game, whatever Meek pulls is a win, 5%, 10%, or 15%. And Rubio squeaks on into the Senate.
Dear Near Genious,
EOM is in my RSS feed because I find it usefull, particularly for local stuff.
However, your sense of democracy seems to be suffering with this post.
Meek won the primary overwhelmingly over Sn. Sleaze. He qualified for the ballot by gathering 150,000 signitures ~something never done before.
Yet the Florida Democratic leadership are idiots. Would you have prefered that those idiots chose the candidates for us, the way they used to 100 years ago?
I'm sorry you don't like Congressman Meek, the Democrat. I understand you'd much prefer the former Republican Governor who's running his vanity campaign. You obviously believe Mr. Crist to be a more 'decent' candidate than Meek.
There's no accounting for taste. But let's get this straight; Democrats are not going to vote in massive numbers for Crist ~they never have~ and they won't now after this bullshit 'Meek should quit' campaign.
Perhaps you're still bitter at Ralph Nader for spoiling the 2000 election (even though thousands of registered Democrats voted for him). Perhaps now you're just frustrated, like the rest of us, with segments of the Florida Democratic Party. But at least for my part, I'm not frustrated that they didn't give us the candidate we voted for, but that they won't support the one that we did.
You don't like the candidate? Too bad, that gets decided in the primary. Mr. Meek won.
So got ahead and vote for Charlie. If you vote for him on principle, then you've got more principles than he does. Because if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Apparently you have.
I stand for plenty. I have written about 45 posts about Meek and they were not flattering posts. He also betrayed us with his sugar letter trying to kill Crist's sugar deal (enraging environmentalists--of which I am one) right at the time he took massive donations from the Fanjuls. I have been writing about Meek for years -- the massive Democratic exodus from Meek is not my doing it is his. and the party did put him in. The Clinton's owed him for his support of Hilary's campaign. They put their clout and fundraising to work for him so 'no' other candidate could compete. He was the wrong man for this election. I don't support bad candidates, Crist in my opinion is better. I respectfully disagree with some of what you said. The Sierra club endorsed Crist BTW so there are people who see a different side of him.
I wrote this in 2007:
Former Congresswoman Carrie Meek, not quite content to sully her own name with her lobbying activities (biotech park/Stackhouse etc.) should know better than to attack a major Newspaper that has been monitoring her questionable lobbying activities. Here is why you should keep a low profile Carrie:
Your congressman son, Kendrick, is going to get caught in the crossfire. And, the Newspaper will win.
To make things worse, Carrie put her tattered reputation at risk, yet again, by attending a rally to support disqualified contender in the Eyeonmiami beauty contest. City Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones is under investigation on various charges. If they prove to be true, you will appear the fool Carrie Meek. That is why we disqualified her from our beauty contest, there was a cloud over the gal and we didn't want to be pegged as fools.
Carrie. a word to the wise: Stay home next time...think about Kendrick. He might have a future if you would just STAY HOME! Spence-Jones supporters hold rally: Spence-Jones -- who is facing a criminal investigation over City Hall dealings
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I am tired of democrats like Malagodi who are so one dimensional that they think we should vote for a candidate just because he is a democrat. I have to say Mr. Malagodi, that I am a democrat and I am voting for Crist. I did vote for Congressman Meek in the primary because Greene was not as good. But now I have a better choice and I am taking it. I am a teacher and he stood up for us.
Kendrick stayed in the race, on the premise -- and rationale to Big Bill-- that he would draw African American voters to help Sink over the top. I'm not sure that will be the case. I would certainly hope that AFrican Americans are not going to throw their vote away. But it could happen. The real reason Meek is in the race==and hasn't dropped out to protect a US Senate seat for the Democratic caucus -- is because he is headed to DC for a big lobbying job that will pay him hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars, just wait and see. It's cooked. Then you will understand why he couldn't drop out of this race.
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