I went to a Miami Lakes early voting location and was surprised at the positive response the recall effort was getting. Vanessa Brito (photo left) and her PAC
Miami Voice were raking in the signatures. I was around for the last recall petition for Natacha Seijas and it was not easy to get people to sign on. You had to list Natacha's misdeeds for them. This time around, people were actually lining up to sign the recall petition on Natacha Seijas. In two days of petition gathering the group is well on its way to the 3,000 signatures they need. This will be a slam dunk. They have 60 days to get the petitions signed so I don't see any problem for them. People were saying things like: "It is time for her to go" and "She is a witch." It wasn't just Miami Lakes people, there were many people from Hialeah coming to vote throughout the day.
Petition gathering is arduous work but when people are so eager to sign, it makes life easy. Why are the people so mad? Taxes were raised. The people don't care that Seijas has been a shitty Commissioner all these long years. They only care that she is putting less money in their pocket. The tax raise will be her undoing...FINALLY. I wonder how it feels to face a recall twice? I am sure the voters in District 13 will vote in a creepy Commissioner instead of her but I don't care because in this case - we couldn't do much worse. Even that awful Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina, who is eyeballing the seat, is a hair better. I have to say, I came home from Miami Lakes in a very good mood. Thanks
Vanessa and Miami Voice.
"Since you've gone"
sung by Ferlin Husky
I think that the motive for recalling Alvarez has nothing to do with taxes. It is about getting a mayor who will not veto development plans. People are being used.
/awful Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina/ wants to be Mayor, although maybe this seat would be easier to get
there is a an evil plan to turn the board into a pro-development/move the line line group with a mayor, if alvarez is removed who will be in on it. We are in a very bad spot!
All of the commissioner slated for removal are members of our unreformable majority except Moss. Don't vote to recall Moss please. The petition phase against the Mayor is over.
I saw the video clip of uglier than sin Natacha on the commission dais talking about the recall movement and saying something about "we've been down this road before so BRING IT ON!"
I wonder what she now thinks about 90+K people signing the petitions to recall Alvarez in 2 weeks? If that didn't send a message to her and the unreformable commissioners then they are brain dead.
I signed the commissioners recall petition last night and hope they have as much success as Braman did with scumbag Alvarez.
VNS is starting to remind me of humpty dumpty on a whole bunch of levels!
Mrs. Seijas: You did indeed say to "Bring it on," and we are about to lift your behind out of that commission seat.
I agree that the unresponsive elected officials need to be ousted immediately, even if their replacements aren't as talented. I don't like the direction we are going in, and I want it reversed. I'm angry. I want my taxes lowered and no more cronyism.
It seems EyeOnMiami and the Tea Partiers have alot in common!
I feel good that the effort is going so well. I was part of the first recall Seijas group and it was brutal. Cops followed us, Publix threw us out of parking lots,Seijas screamed from the dais we were criminals, we were denied entrance to public housing, block captains in Hialeah reported our locations to VNS who, in turn, sent the cops; a nasty situation. When that did not work, County Clerk Harvey Ruvin "disallowed" half of our signatures. We won the court battle so Fernandez-Rundle stepped in to announce an investigation of the collectors before the election. The unions and Terry Murphy sent their minions to harrass people at the polls. VNS was voted back but Rundle kept at it. The Public Corruption unit spent time, energy and your dollars on a wild goose chase chasing both collectors and signers. Seijas laughed from the dais and vowed to "get the ones" doing the petitions. She broke ethic rules, like voting on her own recall and picking the date for the election; Rundle looked the other way. Seijas sent busses to pick up the very people we were denied access to and shuttled them to breakfast before sending them to the polls. Her warchest was also huge, fueled by unions and developers. It was a travisty of democracy. Apparently she has learned nothing, her arrogance has no boundary.
So, I wish you well, maybe you will succeed where we failed.
Yep we have a lot in common with the right wing...putz (2 above)
What do you mean dont recall Moss, he is THE biggest problem him and his arrogant "through the chair" manipulative tactics...He should have been gone years ago...he is obnoxious, racist and doesn't care about the employees at all......Pepe Diaz changed is tune because he wants to run for Mayor.....it will never ever happen, he has no chance to win at all, not even close. They all need term limits.....
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