Sunday, September 26, 2010

Will the public elect a GOP US Senator who believes "evolution is a myth"? by gimleteye

Christine O'Donnell proves that there is no evolution to a higher purpose in politics as practiced today. Yes she is from Delaware, but we have our own examples in Florida of re-branding to serve the interests of corporate campaign contributors masquerading as libertarians.


Mama Mia said...

Christine O'Donnell may be a moron, but she has my support because she would vote against Obama's runaway spending. I would prefer to have a senator who doesn't believe in evolution than a so-called intellectual who votes to use my tax money to bail out banks and corporations at every turn.

Anonymous said...

Mama Mia, what I want to add to your comment probably would piss off so many readers, I'm going to just keep my thoughts to myself and just say - I agree with what you wrote!

Fallout Boy said...

Mama Mia is an appropriate handle if there ever was one.

Always blaming the big, bad Obama for stuff GEORGE BUSH DID!

Bank Bailout - GWB was president. It was HIS Treasury Secretary that handed a three page ransom note to Congress. Obama voted for the bill as a Senator, but conveniently everyone forgets SO DID McCAIN!

It wasn't until Obama took over that there was even the START of accounting for where the friggin money went.

Jeez, what are they putting in that Tea anyway?

Hansey said...

That loser Bush would have had no bill to sign if it were up to most Republicans. Obama, Biden, and the overwhelming majority of Democrats in Congress voted FOR the 2008 Wall Street Bailout which was a Democratic measure introduced by Patrick Kennedy (D-RI). The majority of Republicans in Congress voted AGAINST the Wall Street Bailout.

Sure, there were detestable Republicans like Bush and McCain who supported the Wall Street Bailout, and we should do everything we can to purge Republicans like that from government. Any officer holder, Republican or Democrat, who voted for any of the bailouts or the stimulus needs to go. And if there exists a Democrat who voted against all of the bailouts and the stimulus, he or she is a hero and definitely deserves to stay.

Geniusofdespair said...

If you keep blaming one party over the other and get stuck there we will remain stuck, glued in place. Is that what you want. Let's move forward somehow and not let our leaders keep us in this holding pattern of hate and inaction. We are idiots to be manipulated last poster. Get beyond where you are in the blame game and stop stereotyping. Too bad the tea party wasn't really a has morphed into disgruntled, racist, haters from the Republican Party so there is no independent thought. Aren't you all sick of this fighting and aren't you all afraid someone who doesn't believe in evolution might be representing you?

Eric the Actor said...

So Geniusofdespair, you don't want us to blame one party over another? Then why don't you take Gimleteye to task for his recent article here titled "G.O.P.'s taking the nation down..." I have seen countless articles on this blog demonizing Republicans, but I have yet to see a single one criticizing Democrats.

George Orwell said...

In Oceania at the present day, Science, in the old sense, has almost ceased to exist. In Newspeak there is no word for 'Science.' The empirical method of thought, on which all the scientific achievements of the past were founded, is opposed to the most fundamental principles of Ingsoc.

Geniusofdespair said...

Eric the Actor said...

So Geniusofdespair, you don't want us to blame one party over another? Then why don't you take Gimleteye to task for his recent article here titled "G.O.P.'s taking the nation down..." I have seen countless articles on this blog demonizing Republicans, but I have yet to see a single one criticizing Democrats.

I said: I don't control Gimleteye nor to do I attack him. This is a blog written by two Democrats but I am personally tired of all the baseless attacks going on in the country and the GREAT DIVIDE in our government and people supporting candidates on one issue. I am still mainly a Democrat.

Here is an example of Republican think: I was with a Republican woman against healthcare reform. Hated Democrats for it. Her husband has been in a nursing home for two years for dementia. She isn't paying. I don't get it. She drinks at the trough -- for her it is okay, but for the rest: not so much. Selfish thinking. I am burnt out on it.